Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Use DataList to build a message board in this book. When this part of the CD is to be used, it is necessary to set up the environment properly, otherwise it will be difficult to debug properly or even to open. For example, copy the first example from the CD to f:\cs directory, and then right-click on the first file and select the web share. Set an alias is first3 (alias and catalog here are random, but once set order is to determine the) that is equivalent to establish a virtual host environment is http://localhost/first3/WebForm1.aspx. The file environment Settings for first. Csproj. Webinfo in the fisrt folder have not changed. The author of this book is the environment < Web URLPath = "http://localhost/first/first.csproj" / & gt; In this case, you won't be able to open the c # project project because your environment (alias) is under the first3 folder, so be sure to change its setting to < Web URLPath = "http://localhost/first3/first.csproj" / & gt; Click on the first c # project to set up success.
The above is to set the first alias to "first3" and, of course, you can keep the first alias unchanged. The file environment Settings for first. Csproj. Webinfo in the fisrt folder need not be changed. The reason why we have to have a name is to be afraid that the reader's machine will have a first in it, so it's going to be an alias.