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  • Category : RichEdit
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  • Update : 2012-11-26
  • Size : 38kb
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Recently, you can edit the contents of text, pictures, formulas, tables, hyperlinks, etc., save the database (DB4O), and open it directly in memory. The first thing that comes to mind is of course dotNet's RichTextBox, but it's not good for these formats, especially upper and lower indices. Then there is Microsoft's Office Framer Control, which has no problems, but it needs to run the word process, which is too large, especially when opening multiple documents. Finally, the Flowdocment of WPF is considered, although it does not directly support the formula, but can directly convert the related content to the image form, and does not change the display style. Using the WPF's richTextBox, you can copy the contents of word and save it directly. Document is saved form also will pay attention to at the same time, should be kept for XamlPackage, this is a compressed format, with the relevant data of the flow document preservation, so it's easy, no relationship or images, multimedia data source connection. Of course, XamlPackage only holds Section nodes. Document in the database with a byte [] said, open the document from the database, you can use the byte [] instantiation MemoryStream and loaded directly to the corresponding display control flow document, but you need to use the temporary files when they saved to the database dump. The corresponding code is shown below (c #) :
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