This is a pseudo-random number generator and its compilation of source code, the applicable comparison Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 6.75kb
Publisher : gcl
This is a relatively new pseudo-random number generator procedure is written in assembly language, good Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 1.46kb
Publisher : gcl
achieve a critical path algorithm. Given some point and fixed-point to the right path of duty between 2:00 seek the shortest path Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 2.33kb
Publisher : 罗春威
LED dynamic scanning. Using 74,164 as output data show that, I/O port reduced to two, but also to drive, is a small LED display system the best way Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 1.65kb
Publisher : 杨森
vc development of GIS and GPS, the first online GPS signal coordinates, track intervals, GIS maps to zoom, selection, etc. operation. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 405.03kb
Publisher : 崔立超
procedures for the realization of the algorithm and analysis more directly inserted, in order of ranking SHELL, Bubble Sort, rapid sequencing, simple choice, in order of ranking sculpture, merging Sorting Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 3.46kb
Publisher : 李南宁
the procedures used adjacency matrix of the plan is to achieve depth-first traversal of the plan breadth priority Ergodic Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 1.9kb
Publisher : 李南宁
from using language out to document procedures with the input data. Drawing II B-spline curves of expression : P (0,2) (t) = P0* G (0,2) (t)* G P1 (1,2) (t)* P2 G (2,2) (t ) 0lt; = TLT; = 1 Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 886byte
Publisher : 李南宁