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[OtherC语言书 p129 6.8题 有一分数列

Description: 求一分数列的和 #include #include void main() { float e=0; int a,b,i=0; a=2;b=1; while(i<20) { e=e+a/b; a=a+b; b=a-b; i++; } printf("前20项之和为%f\n",e); }
Platform: | Size: 188 | Author: xiaoyidexiaoxin | Hits:


Description: 涡格法的程序,计算结果可靠,和空气动力学书上的例子结果一致
Platform: | Size: 73216 | Author: ygni.good@163.com | Hits:


Description: 超级短线王,从别人手上买回来的,单子非常多,很暴利哦
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: valoman | Hits:


Description: 仿真实现无线传感器网络定位算法-MATLAB源代码
Platform: | Size: 45163 | Author: 1067971307@qq.com | Hits:

[Otherband structure plot VASP

Description: This small program can be used to extract the data from the VASP calculations and plot the band structure.
Platform: | Size: 1852 | Author: 463585126@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 双线MACD&三线KDJ.rar,共振利器
Platform: | Size: 5299 | Author: harry_chen | Hits:


Description: 修改后的叶氏医学影像报告系统,非常适合基层医院使用
Platform: | Size: 104072 | Author: 330321801@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 西门子 通讯板cp243-1快速入门(含视频)
Platform: | Size: 1635821 | Author: summyflyer | Hits:


Description: win系统美化,可是是电脑更加高仿Mac系统
Platform: | Size: 76244 | Author: HxkHxk1 | Hits:


Description: 利用opencv可以对视频选取特定的某一帧
Platform: | Size: 663 | Author: 841914025@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 基于DS18B20的温度传感器,word格式。有详细的西路过程和程序源代码
Platform: | Size: 1146885 | Author: 735809899@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 在开发嵌入式产品过程中,经常会用到数据的点阵,但是很多点阵需要字库芯片,本源码可以不依赖专门字库芯片,随心所欲提取点阵数据
Platform: | Size: 4562 | Author: 582704878@qq.com | Hits:
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