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[Windows DevelopWaveFieldNumericalSimulation(StaggeredGrid)

Description: TotalWES.m是主干程序,而DCoef和FCTforAW是里面调用的函数。TotalWES只要实现交错网格有限差分波场数值模拟,其中的FCTforAW是用来消除数值频散的。这些是实现弹性波波场模拟的程序,其它两个文件是实现声波波场模拟的程序
Platform: | Size: 5570 | Author: Simone | Hits:


Description: 波动方程交错网格有限差分正演模拟
Platform: | Size: 7861837 | Author: lidianlai | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsstaggered_Modeling

Description: 交错网格有限差分波场模拟,时间空间精度可变
Platform: | Size: 1460 | Author: include_19@126.com | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWaveFieldNumericalSimulation(StaggeredGrid)

Description: TotalWES.m是主干程序,而DCoef和FCTforAW是里面调用的函数。TotalWES只要实现交错网格有限差分波场数值模拟,其中的FCTforAW是用来消除数值频散的。这些是实现弹性波波场模拟的程序,其它两个文件是实现声波波场模拟的程序-TotalWES.m is the backbone of the procedure, and DCoef and FCTforAW is inside a function call. As long as the realization of TotalWES staggered grid finite difference numerical simulation of wave field, which FCTforAW is used to eliminate the numerical dispersion. These are the realization of elastic wave field simulation procedures, the other two documents are to achieve the sound the ball field simulation procedures
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Simone | Hits:


Description: 双相介质的交错网格有限差分波场模拟与AVO属性分析程序,包含了不同精度的交错网格程序,特征值分析法边界吸收条件,双相介质的弹性参数计算程序,以及AVO属性计算分析程序-Two-phase media of the staggered-grid finite-difference wave field simulation and AVO attribute analysis program, including the different precision staggered grid procedure, characteristic absorption of the boundary value analysis conditions, two-phase media of the elastic parameters calculation procedures, as well as calculation of AVO attribute analysis program
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: wangrongdong | Hits:


Description: 一维交错网格有限差分程序, 用fortran 90 编写-1-D finite difference code
Platform: | Size: 3990528 | Author: 贲嘉铭 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsWaveFieldNumericalSimulation(StaggeredGrid)

Description: 双相介质的交错网格有限差分波场模拟包含了不同精度的交错网格程序--Two-phase media of the staggered-grid finite-difference wave field simulation
Platform: | Size: 403456 | Author: wanghong | Hits:


Description: 交错网格有限差分正演程序,matlab语言,适合于刚入门做地震波正演的新手-seismic wave modeling
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李国平 | Hits:


Description: 交错网格声波方程交错网格有限差分地震波场计算波场正演模拟。 -The CalCulation of the SeismiC Wave一 fieldwith Staggered-grid Finite difference Sheme
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 明白 | Hits:


Description: 旋转交错网格无匹配层有限差分,应力计算速度部分-Rotated staggered grid finite difference without matching layer, the stress part of the calculation speed
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李文星 | Hits:


Description: 地震 交错网格 有限差分 正演模拟 地球物理初级程序编写必看-seismic staggered-grid finite-difference simulating
Platform: | Size: 1851392 | Author: linjun | Hits:


Description: 利用位移-速度-应力交错网格有限差分方法进行一维粘弹性介质地震波场生成和模拟,对于做波场模拟的同学有很好的参考价值,更详细的介绍见英文描述。-The Fortran95 Computer Code for Finite-Difference Numerical Generation and Simulation of a 1D Seismic Wavefield in a 1D Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Medium Using the Displacement-Velocity-Stress Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Scheme The program 1DFD_DVS performs FD computations according to the displacement-velocity-stress staggered-grid FD scheme for a 1D wavefield in a 1D heterogeneous viscoelastic medium. Two other programs, • program MODEL_PREP_1D, • program SOURTF, perform the model and source-time function preparation as input data for the computational program 1DFD_DVS. The medium can be bounded from one side (in the programs it is the upper horizontal plane z=0) by either of the following boundaries: • free surface (traction-free condition), • plane of symmetry, • rigid boundary, • nonreflecting boundary (several types). The medium can be bounded from the other side (the bottom horizontal plane z=z_max>0 ) by
Platform: | Size: 3296256 | Author: skyey | Hits:


Description: 粘弹性波动方程,采样交错网格有限差分法,希望对大家有帮助!-the numerical simulation of viscoelastic wave.
Platform: | Size: 3340288 | Author: 张飒 | Hits:


Description: 地球物理交错网格有限差分波场数值模拟及边界处理PML-Geophysical finite difference wave field numerical simulation with PML boundary
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programFD-

Description: 地球物理交错网格有限差分波场数值模拟及边界处理PML-Geophysical finite difference wave field numerical simulation with PML boundary
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: sifrompow | Hits:


Description: 高阶交错网格有限差分正演模拟 地震正演模拟 PML边界条件-Forward modeling
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jan | Hits:


Description: 交错网格声波方程正演模拟,交错网格有限差分地震波场计算,二维的声波正演,利用空间10阶,时间2阶。-The CalCulation of the SeismiC Wave一 fieldwith Staggered-grid Finite difference Sheme
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 乌克兰 | Hits:


Description: 交错网格声波方程正演模拟,PML吸收边界,比较适合刚刚接触的学者。交错网格有限差分地震波场计算,二维的声波正演,利用空间10阶,时间2阶。-The CalCulation of the SeismiC Wave一 fieldwith Staggered-grid Finite difference Sheme
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 乌克兰 | Hits:


Description: 很简单的交错网格有限差分正演程序,程序通俗易懂,非常适合初学者学习-Staggered grid finite difference
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 曾勇坚 | Hits:


Description: 面波数值模拟,交错网格法高阶有限差分数值模拟算法(Surface wave numerical simulation)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: plustard | Hits:
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