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Description: 这是同学信息资料管理系统的设计,包括设计说明!-This is a classmates information manager design including design specification.
Platform: | Size: 1012591 | Author: 阿满 | Hits:

[Education soft system高校工资管理系统

Description: 高校工资管理系统,课程设计,用C++编写 void outIformation();//提示主菜单信息函数 void outIformation2();//输出子菜单(添加职员信息)选项函数 void outIformation3();//输出子菜单(查询职员信息)选项函数 void outIformation4();//输出子菜单(删除职员信息)选项函数 void outIformation()//输出主菜单选项函数 { cout<<"\n\n\n"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t *****************欢迎使用"; cout<<"*****************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t **********高校工资管理系统"; cout<<"**********"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t 1.添加职员信息 "<<endl; cout<<"\t\t 2.删除职员信息 "<<endl; cout<<"\t\t 3.查询职员的工资 "<<endl; cout<<"\t\t 4.保存职工信息 "<<endl; cout<<"\t\t 5.退出 "<<endl; cout<<"\t\t 请您选择(1-5):"; }
Platform: | Size: 199168 | Author: leiyongmy@163.com | Hits:


Description: 1)用户管理:包括教师和学生信息的管理(新增、删除、修改、查询); 2)试题类型管理:包括选择题、填空题、简答题及应用题等; 3)试题管理:教师可以向系统中新增、删除和修改各类试题; 3)组卷功能:系统能根据试题库完成自动组卷功能;
Platform: | Size: 820327 | Author: hxrsir@126.com | Hits:

[Windows DevelopC语言平时成绩管理系统

Description: 此程序用C++编写的一个平时成绩管理系统,也可以作为一个学生信息的管理系统,源码!
Platform: | Size: 2854394 | Author: 1020783934@qq.com | Hits:

[Education soft system学生信息管理系统1

Description: 学生信息的管理是学校经常遇到的问题。学生数量的积聚增加和学生认识制度的改革,在校学生的认识在不断增加,而学生管理人员则相对减少。加上我国大学基层学生管理工作的头绪多,内容杂,管理细,要求高,传统管理办法已基本不适应新形势的要求。如在校生的学籍、课程成绩、学费的缴纳与否、学生所在班级等,稍有不慎就会出现错误。同时学生成绩的手工登录与查询,是一项非常繁重而枯燥的劳动;学生缴费与否也不可出粗心大意,一个字的差别可能造成经济上的大损失;每年课程的变化都需要重新规划,耗费许多人才和物力,而且会因人的情绪烦躁而出现失误。面对如此庞大的信息量,应用学生信息管理系统来提高学生管理方面工作的效率,通过这样的系统,可以做到信息的规范管理 ,科学统计和快速查询,从而减少管理方面的工作量。-student information management schools is frequently encountered problems. The accumulation of the number of students increases and students to understand the reform of the school's growing awareness of the students and staff to be relatively reduced. Coupled with our grassroots University student management of path, as miscellaneous, management detailed and demanding, the traditional management approach has been basically incompatible with the new situation demands. If the school codes, curriculum results, or the payment of tuition fees, students lie classes, there will be a slight misstep wrong. While student performance logged by hand and inquiries, is a very arduous and boring work; Students can not pay out or inadvertence, a word of the possible differences on the economic loss; E
Platform: | Size: 1912832 | Author: 廖书前 | Hits:

[Database system同学信息资料管理系统

Description: 这是同学信息资料管理系统的设计,包括设计说明!-This is a classmates information manager design including design specification.
Platform: | Size: 1012736 | Author: 阿满 | Hits:

[GUI Develop学生信息管理系统(VB)

Description: 本人做了一个简单的学生信息管理系统,和大家共同学习学习。-I do a simple student information management system, and everyone should learn from.
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 天籁雨声 | Hits:


Description: (一) 设计目的: 掌握计算机管理信息系统设计的一般方法,主要包括系统分析、系统设计的组织和实施。 关系型数据库管理系统的编程技术,并能独立完成一般小系统的程序设计、调试运行等工作。 培养把所学知识运用到具体对象,并能求出解决方案的能力。 (二) 总体设计: 1).需求分析 运用关系型数据库管理系统,编程实现本图书馆管理信息系统 要求能够对图书资料进行管理,如登记新书,删除不存在的书目,对已经变更的图书信息进行修改, 还可以根据多种条件从数据库中查询书目的详细信息。 -(1) design purpose : mastering computer management information system design in general, including systems analysis, system design and implementation. Relational database management systems programming techniques and the independence to finish usually small system design, commissioning, operation, and so on. Foster themselves by the use of knowledge to specific targets, and sought solutions capabilities. (2) Design : 1). Demand analysis using relational database management system the programming library management information systems requirements to be able to manage information on books, such as the registration book. do not delete the programs, the library has changed the information changes also under various conditions, from the bibliographic database for detailed information.
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: 李岩 | Hits:


Description: 友声信息管理系统,使用C#+asp.net实现对信息的管理,可以用来学习学习-sound information management system, using C# Asp. Net realization of the management of information can be used to learn from
Platform: | Size: 3079168 | Author: 蒋锋 | Hits:

[Windows Develop进销信息管理系统

Description: 本人开发的管理系统. 用户号:1 用户名:骆中容 密码:123 1.使用本系统,首先将DATA文件夹下的jxcbook_Data数据附加到数据库. 2.本系统具有一定的移值性,附加数据库后就可以直接使用应用程序进入管理了.-development of the management system. Users : a user name : Luo capacitance Password : 123 1. The use of the system will first DATA folder under the jxcbook_Data additional data to the database. 2. This system has a certain value of the shift, additional database can be directly after Application procedures used by management to enter.
Platform: | Size: 1423360 | Author: 贺龙 | Hits:

[Education soft system图书管理系统

Description: 对于图书管理系统这样的管理系统,必须要满足使用方便、操作灵活和安全性好等需求。本系统主要实现了以下功能: ?采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、操作灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。 ?系统可以进行图书信息、仓库信息、柜台信息和供应商信息等信息的管理功能。 ?可以对图书的定价、库存和销售等信息进行管理。 ?提供入库查询和销售查询。 ?提供对查询结果的报表打印。 ?系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。 ?系统运行稳定、安全可靠。(library management system)
Platform: | Size: 6094848 | Author: 曹光磊cgl | Hits:


Description: 学生管理系统源代码(JAVA开发),实现学生信息的管理。(Student_Management_System.java)
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: dmp1035 | Hits:


Description: 实现学生信息的管理,可以查询在校学生的相关信息(To achieve student information management, you can query the students in the relevant information)
Platform: | Size: 280576 | Author: 吧啦啦 | Hits:


Description: 基于eclipse+mysql的图书馆管理系统,可以实现读者的注册、借阅与归还,管理员对图书信息以及读者信息的管理(Based on eclipse+mysql library management system, can realize the reader's registration, borrowing and return, the administrator of the library information and reader information management)
Platform: | Size: 2910208 | Author: happiness2017 | Hits:


Description: 用C++实现酒店客人信息的管理,包括增添,删除,记录,修改,保存等一系列功能。(Use C++ to manage hotel guests' information, including a series of functions such as adding, deleting, recording, modifying, and saving.)
Platform: | Size: 497664 | Author: ydycsu | Hits:

[Database systemSQL数据库图书管理系统(完整代码)

Description: 功能要求: ?实现图书信息、类别、出版社等信息的管理; ?实现读者信息、借阅证信息的管理; ?实现图书的借阅、续借、归还管理; ?实现超期罚款管理、收款管理; ?创建触发器,分别实现借书和还书时自动更新图书信息的在册数量; ?创建视图查询各种图书的书号、书名、总数和在册数; ?创建存储过程查询指定读者借阅图书的情况; ?建立数据库相关表之间的参照完整性约束。(Functional requirements: To manage the information of books, categories and publishing houses; Management of readers' information and loan card information. L books to borrow, renew, return management; To realize overdue fine management and receivables management; Create triggers to automatically update the number of books in books and books. - create view query books ISBN, title, and in the total number of copies; Create stored procedure queries that specify readers to borrow books; Establish reference integrity constraints between database related tables.)
Platform: | Size: 579584 | Author: 八千米深蓝 | Hits:


Description: 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行。本系统结合公司实际的人事管理制度,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的Java技术作为开发工具而开发出来的网络版人事管理系统。 整个系统从符合操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用、安全的要求出发,完成人事管理的全过程,包括员工档案信息的管理,员工工资信息的管理以及员工的请假记录的管理。经过实际使用证明,本文所设计的人事管理系统可以满足公司人事管理方面的需要。 关键词: 信息管理、人事管理、JavaBeans(With the rapid development of computer technology and the popularity of computers in business management, it is imperative to use computers to achieve personnel management in enterprises. This system combines the actual personnel management system of the company, through the actual demand analysis, the use of powerful Java technology as a development tool developed by the network version of the personnel management system. The whole system has completed the whole process of personnel management from the requirements of easy operation, friendly interface, flexible, practical and safe. It includes the management of employee file information, the management of employee's salary information and the management of employee's leave record. The actual use proves that the personnel management system designed in this paper can meet the needs of personnel management in the company. Key words: information management, personnel management, JavaBeans.)
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: 阿飞119 | Hits:

[Database system学生管理系统

Description: 通用学生信息管理系统,基本要求如下:?1.?创建相应的成员变量保存学生基本信息? 2.?创建相应属性和索引以实现对成员变量访问的封装?3.?创建相应的方法以实现对学生基本信息的管理 4.?创建相应的方法以实现对学生成绩的管理?5.?构造函数和析构函数? 6.?派生小学生、中学生、大学生等子类? 7.?运用继承、多态、重载、覆盖、接口、抽象类、代理、事件等(General student information management system, the basic requirements are as follows: 1.. Create corresponding attributes and indexes to implement the encapsulation of access to member variables to create a method to create a method to manage students' basic information in order to create a method for the management of students' basic information in order to realize the management of students' performance and to achieve the management of the students' performance and the destructor of the 3.. 6.. Derivative pupils, middle school students and college students. 7.. Inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, coverage, interfaces, abstract classes, agents, events, etc.)
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 星月·阳光 | Hits:

[Database system图书管理系统

Description: 功能为有关图书信息的管理,关于图书管理系统数据库附加的说明 1、首先保证计算机上已经成功安装SQL Server 2005。 2、将数据库文件附加到数据库中。 3、如果当前计算机装有多个SQL Server 2005实例,请在BookManageSystem目录下打开app.config程序文件,将程序数据库连接字符串localhost改为localhost\你的数据库实例名。如果仅有一个实例,就不用修改了。 4、编译运行即可。(Function for the management of library information, library management system database attached instructions. 1, first of all, ensure that SQL Server 2005 has been installed successfully on the computer. 2. Append the database file to the database. 3. If the current computer has multiple SQL Server 2005 instances, open the app.config program file in the BookManageSystem directory, change the program database connection string localhost to localhost\ your database instance name. If there is only one instance, there is no need to modify it. 4, compile and run)
Platform: | Size: 2318336 | Author: 初白 | Hits:

[Windows Develop学生信息管理系统C++

Description: VC++6.0控制台程序,实现学生信息的管理,对学生信息进行增加、修改、查询、删除操作。(VC++ 6.0 console program to achieve the management of student information, add, modify, query and delete student information.)
Platform: | Size: 316416 | Author: 万能111 | Hits:
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