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克里金法 克里金法是一种在许多领域都很有用的地质统计格网化方法。克里金法试图那样表示隐含在你的数据中的趋势,例如,高点会是沿一个脊连接,而不是被牛眼形等值线所孤立。克里金法中包含了几个因子:变化图模型,漂移类型 和矿块效应。-MODULE Kriging CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION kriging interpolation OUTBOARD ./kriging INPUT data field (none) Input data INPUT grid_range vector list (default) range of grid result INPUT resolution vector (none) result resolution INPUT Variogram model string "exponential" 1:"spherical",2:"exponential" INPUT range scalar (none) range value INPUT nugget scalar (none) nugget effect INPUT sill scalar (none) sill value OUTPUT grid_data field result of kriging value OUTPUT grid_error field result of error variance value
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 117kb Publisher : zhaoyang

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kriging插值程序克里金(Kriging)插值法又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。-kriging kriging interpolation procedure (Kriging) interpolation, also known as spatial autocovariance best interpolation, which is based on the South African mining engineer D. G. Krige named an optimal interpolation. Kriging is widely used in groundwater modeling, soil mapping and other fields, is a useful geostatistical grid method.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12kb Publisher : heqiang

地质统计中的因子协克里金插值,Spatial variables in the geosciences often display different patterns of variability at different spatial scales. When these variables are cross-correlated, the magnitude of the cross-correlation may differ at the different scales of spatial variability. This scale-dependent spatial variability and cross-correlation can be investigated by geostatistical factor analysis,-a computer program for factorial cokriging
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 107kb Publisher : 施小清

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克里金(Kriging)插值法又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。它首先考虑的是空间属性在空间位置上的变异分布.-Kringing smooth
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 116kb Publisher : superpeng007

克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。它首先考虑的是空间属性在空间位置上的变异分布.确定对一个待插点值有影响的距离范围,然后用此范围内的采样点来估计待插点的属性值。该方法在数学上可对所研究的对象提供一种最佳线性无偏估计(某点处的确定值)的方法。它是考虑了信息样品的形状、大小及与待估计块段相互间的空间位置等几何特征以及品位的空间结构之后,为达到线性、无偏和最小估计方差的估计,而对每一个样品赋与一定的系数,最后 进行加权平均来估计块段品位的方法。-Kriging is a technique that provides the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator of the unknown fields (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978 Kitanidis, 1997). It is a local estimator that can provide the interpolation and extrapolation of the originally sparsely sampled data that are assumed to be reasonably characterized by the Intrinsic Statistical Model (ISM). An ISM does not require the quantity of interest to be stationary, i.e. its mean and standard deviation are independent of position, but rather that its covariance function depends on the separation of two data points
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 516kb Publisher : fanjc

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MATLAB克里金(Kriging)插值法又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。- MATLAB kriging (Kriging) interpolation method, also known as spatial autocorrelation covariance optimal interpolation method, which is based on the South African mining engineer D. G. Krige named for an optimal interpolation. Kriging widely used in groundwater modeling, soil mapping, is geostatistical gridding method useful.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : wcy

克里金(Kriging)插值法,又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。(Krikin (Kriging) interpolation method, also called spatial covariance best interpolation method, is an optimal interpolation method named by South African mining engineer D.G.Krige. Kriging method widely used in groundwater simulation, soil mapping and other fields, is a very useful geostatistical gridding methods)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : candor0702

used in gek interpolate
Update : 2020-05-08 Size : 42.29kb Publisher :
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