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[Other resource随机信号功率谱分析

Description: 理解随机信号功率谱分析原理和方法。 (1) 生成信号,被淹没在在噪声中; (2) 试用周期图法估计信号的功率谱; (3) 选用不同窗,使用修正周期图法估计信号的功率谱; (4) 对一段语音信号,使用LD算法估计其功率谱; (5) 详细列出功率谱估计的步骤和原理。 -understanding of random signal power spectrum analysis principles and methods. (1) generate signals being drowned in the noise; (2) The probationary period plan estimates the signal power spectrum; (3), different windows, the use of map amendment cycle method to estimate the power spectrum signal; (4) a voice signal, the use of LD algorithm to estimate the gong spectrum; (5) a detailed breakdown of the power spectrum estimation steps and principle.
Platform: | Size: 37869 | Author: 殷开 | Hits:


Description: 介绍经典功率谱分析
Platform: | Size: 1833 | Author: zhanglan_03000007@126.com | Hits:


Description: 理解随机信号功率谱分析原理和方法。 (1) 生成信号,被淹没在在噪声中; (2) 试用周期图法估计信号的功率谱; (3) 选用不同窗,使用修正周期图法估计信号的功率谱; (4) 对一段语音信号,使用LD算法估计其功率谱; (5) 详细列出功率谱估计的步骤和原理。 -understanding of random signal power spectrum analysis principles and methods. (1) generate signals being drowned in the noise; (2) The probationary period plan estimates the signal power spectrum; (3), different windows, the use of map amendment cycle method to estimate the power spectrum signal; (4) a voice signal, the use of LD algorithm to estimate the gong spectrum; (5) a detailed breakdown of the power spectrum estimation steps and principle.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 殷开 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsburg

Description: 用Burg算法估计AR模型参数,进而实现功率谱估计. 形参说明: x——双精度实型一维数组,长度为n,存放随机序列。 n--整型变量,随机序列的长度。 p--整型变量,AR模型的阶数。 a--双精度实型一维数组,长度为(p十1)。存放AR模型的系数a(0),a(1),...,a(p)。 v--双精度实型指针,它指向预测误差功率,即AR模型激励白噪声的方差。 -with Burg algorithm estimates AR model parameters, thereby realizing the power spectrum estimation.- Participation : x-- double-precision real one-dimensional arrays, length n, storage random sequence. N-- integer variables, random sequence length. P-- integer variables, AR model of order. A-- double-precision real one-dimensional arrays, length (p 10). AR storage coefficient of a model (0), a (1 ),..., a (p). V-- double precision real-pointer, it forecast errors at power, AR model that inspired the white noise variance.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: lkz | Hits:


Description: 数字信号处理中功率谱的重要算法。代码中对比了经典谱估计直接法和间接法之间的关系-digital signal processing power spectrum in the algorithm. Code Comparison of classical spectrum estimated direct and indirect relations between the
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 丁慢 | Hits:


Description: 用matlab 语言实现功率谱估计算法,程序中有详细的说明-using Matlab language power spectrum estimation algorithm, the process is described in detail in
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: XIAOJSJ | Hits:

[assembly languageyulewalk

Description: DSP 实现基于BURG算法的功率谱估计-BURG DSP algorithm based on the power spectrum estimation
Platform: | Size: 304128 | Author: weajan | Hits:

[assembly languagepowerpu

Description: 功率谱图子程序源码.经过实验,和大量阅读资料最好得到最好的一种算法.-power spectra subroutine source. Through experiments, and a large number of reading material should preferably be the best algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 李晨 | Hits:


Description: 功能: 功率谱分析 算法参考文献:黄嘉佑,《气象时间序列分析》-functions : power spectral analysis algorithm References : Geophysics, "meteorological time series analysis"
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 邱军 | Hits:


Description: 各种功率谱估计算法!包括AR谱估计,BURG算法,YULE-WALK方程-various power spectrum estimation algorithm! Including AR spectral estimation, BURG algorithm, YULE-WALK equation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: da niu | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineSPECTRUM_LMS

Description: 1、文件夹中包含了经典功率谱估计和自适应均衡算法两个实验的所有程序。 2、R.m、LMS.m、LMSmain.m为自适应均衡算法的程序: R.m用来计算输入信号的自相关矩阵及其特征值; LMS.m为时域LMS算法,用统计的方法仿真得出不同信道参数和不同步长下的学习曲线; LMSmain.m为实验主程序,按照实验要求中的具体数据得到实验结果和曲线。 3、functionx.m、fzhouqitu.m、spectrum.m、bt.m、bart_lett.m、welch.m、SPECTRUMmain.m为经典谱估计的程序: functionx.m产生需要进行谱估计的函数; fzhouqitu.m用来计算信号周期图的函数; spectrum.m是用周期图法进行谱估计的函数 bt.m是用BT图法进行谱估计的函数 bart_lett.m是用BARTLETT法进行谱估计的函数 welch.m是用WELCH法进行谱估计的函数 SPECTRUMmain.m是主程序,按照实验要求中的具体数据得到实验结果和曲线。 -a document folder contains the classic power spectrum estimation and adaptive equalization algorithm for the two experiments all the procedures. 2, R.m, LMS.m, LMSmain.m adaptive equalization algorithm for the procedure : R.m used to calculate the input signal and the correlation matrix eigenvalue; LMS.m too LMS algorithm, use statistical simulation method come to a different channel parameters and the synchronous learning curve; LMSmain.m main program for the experiment, according to the experimental requirements of the specific data and the curve of the experimental results. 3, functionx.m, fzhouqitu.m, spectrum.m. bt.m, bart_lett.m, welch.m. SPECTRUMmain.m classical spectrum estimation procedures : functionx.m have a need for spectrum estimation function; fzhouqitu.m used to calculate t
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用MATLAB编写的一个多频正弦信号的AR模型功率谱估计程序 用的是LEVISION算法 阶数判定使用的是最优算法 并与库函数进行对比-MATLAB prepared a multi-frequency sinusoidal signals in the AR model power spectrum estimation procedures using the electron ISION algorithm order determined using the optimal algorithm and with the contrast function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wang jian | Hits:


Description: 用来产生均匀分布或高斯分布的伪随机数 (近似白噪声),它们可具有不同的均值和方差。用REMEZ算法求交错点组。用Cholesky分解求ARMA模型的参数并作谱估计。求MA模型的参数 并估计功率谱。 用最小方差法估计序列 的功率谱。-used to produce uniform or Gaussian distribution of the pseudo-random number (similar to white noise). They may have a different mean and variance. Application of Remez algorithm used for staggered Point Group. Cholesky decomposition used for ARMA model and the parameters estimated for the spectrum. MA for the model parameters and the estimated power spectrum. With MVM sequence of the estimated power spectrum.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: zhoujianfang | Hits:


Description: matlab仿真心电信号功率谱分析,采用两种普估计算法-matlab simulation of ECG power spectrum analysis, estimation algorithm uses two types of S
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: 王瑞卿 | Hits:


Description: 《数字信号处理技术的算法分析与应用》本书按照确定性信号、随机信号和时变信号的分析逐步展开,内容包括信号采样技术、数字滤波技术、傅里叶变换和应用、功率谱估计、多采样率信号处理、短时傅里叶变换和小波变换等。
Platform: | Size: 13868032 | Author: cuiyu | Hits:


Description: AR模型参数确定后计算出功率谱, 用Levision_Durbin 算法-AR model parameters were calculated to determine the power spectrum, using Levision_Durbin algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 严敏 | Hits:


Description: 近代信号处理中周期图法功率谱估计的MATLAB源码,简单但经典的算法。-Modern Signal Processing periodogram power spectral estimate of MATLAB source code, simple but classic algorithms.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 项慧慧 | Hits:


Description: 最大熵法实现功率谱估计,内附算法实例及数据结果。-Maximum entropy power spectrum estimation method, containing the results of algorithm and data examples.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: single | Hits:

[DSP programDsp_c

Description: dsp算法40例,包括fft、滤波器、谱运算等 1. 将模拟滤波器转变为数字滤波器。 2. 由得到幅频响应 。 3. 用Burg算法求AR模型的参数。 4. 由AR模型参数得到功率谱。 5. 用Levinson算法求解Yule-Walker方程以得到 阶AR模型的参数 。 6. 实现双线性Z变换。 7. 设计巴特沃斯模拟低通滤波器,求出转移函数 。 8. 设计切比雪夫I型模拟低通滤波器,求出转移函数 。 9. 直接由定义求 点复序列 的DFT 。 10.利用经典的Cooley-Tukey基2算法求复序列 的DFT 。 -dsp algorithms 40 cases, including the fft, filter, spectrum operations, etc. 1. Analog filters into digital filters. 2. Amplitude-frequency response by obtained. 3. Burg algorithm for AR model with the parameters of demand. 4. AR model parameters obtained from the power spectrum. 5. Levinson algorithm using Yule-Walker equations to get the first-order AR model parameters. 6. The bilinear Z transform to achieve. 7. Design of Butterworth analog low-pass filter, find the transfer function. 8. Design of Chebyshev-I analog low-pass filter, find the transfer function. 9. Directly from the definition of point complex sequence of DFT. 10. The use of the classic Cooley-Tukey radix-2 algorithm is seeking re-sequence of DFT. .......
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: jack | Hits:


Description: Winger-Ville分布和短时三维功率谱阵,相关matlab算法及代码(Winger Ville distribution and short-time three-dimensional power spectrum array)
Platform: | Size: 2461696 | Author: hanrymg | Hits:
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