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Description: 精品中挑选出来的最好的WIN32API参考手册
Platform: | Size: 352251 | Author: whjunesky | Hits:

[Software Engineering即用即查Linux命令行实例参考手册代码;多级反馈队列调度算法;多功能聊天软件的设计与开发

Description: 即用即查Linux命令行实例参考手册代码;多级反馈队列调度算法;多功能聊天软件的设计与开发.
Platform: | Size: 324935 | Author: laobing0010 | Hits:

[BooksMS VC++ 6.0 MFC类库参考手册二

Description: MS VC++ 6.0 MFC类库参考手册二-MFC 6.0 Reference Manual 2
Platform: | Size: 4322304 | Author: 李喆 | Hits:


Description: linux_C库函数参考手册-linux_C library function reference manual
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 何显胜 | Hits:

[BooksMicrosoft Visual C++ 6.0 MFC库参考手册

Description: MFC库参考手册-MFC Library Reference Manual
Platform: | Size: 4217856 | Author: 内德维德 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL 参考手册

Description: OpenGL 参考手册-OpenGL Reference Manual
Platform: | Size: 2777088 | Author: 姜春鑫 | Hits:


Description: VC60中文版类库参考手册,绝好的资料,。请用特定的阅读器阅读-VC60 Chinese version of library reference manual, excellent information. Requests for specific readers read
Platform: | Size: 11678720 | Author: 孙鹏程 | Hits:

[BooksMS VC++ 6.0 MFC类库参考手册1

Description: MS VC++ 6.0 MFC类库参考手册1,仓库中有MS VC++ 6.0 MFC类库参考手册2,没有找到1,就把2传上来了,不知道是不是配套。但可以看看。-MFC a reference manual, a warehouse MS VC 6.0 reference manual MFC 2 and did not find one, put onto two-and not know it is not matching. But can look at.
Platform: | Size: 7549952 | Author: 王喆 | Hits:

[OtherC语言参考手册 第5版

Description: 在强调正确性、可移植性和可维护性的基础上,对C语言的具体细节、运行库以及C语言编程风格做了完整、准确的描述。本书涵盖了传统C语言、C89、C95、C99等所有C语言版本的实现,同时讨论了C++与C语言兼容的部分。全书自上而下介绍了C语言的词法结构、预处理器、声明、类型表达式、语句、函数和运行库,是所有C语言编程人员必备的参考书。 这本畅销的权威参考手册对C语言的基本概念和运行库提供了完整的描述,同时还强调了以正确性、可移植性和可维护性为根本出发点的良好的C语言编程风格,被国外众多高校广泛采用为教材或教学参考书,本书描述了C语言各个版本的所有细节,是C语言编程人员和实现者惟一必备的参考手册。最新的第5版经过修订和更新,融入了最新C语言标准ISO IEC 9899:1999的完整描述,包括强大的语言扩展和新的函数库。-emphasizing accuracy, portability and maintainability, based on the C language specific details of the runtime and C language programming style to do a complete and accurate description. The book covers the traditional language C, C89, High, 12-23 all C language version of the achievement, while discussing the C language and C compatible parts. The book introduced the top-down C language lexical structure, a pre-processor that statement, the type expression, the statement, function and operation of libraries, all C programmers the necessary reference books. This popular authoritative reference manual for the C language and basic concepts of operation for a complete description, but also emphasized the correctness, portability and maintainability as a fundamental starting point for the good
Platform: | Size: 6482944 | Author: 晓宁 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL 参考手册

Description: OpenGL 参考手册的第3版,对OpenGL的函数进行了详细而简洁的说明,是程序员利用OpenGL进行程序开发的不可缺少的工具书。-OpenGL Reference Manual Release 3, the function of OpenGL for a thorough and concise descriptions of the use of OpenGL programmers to develop procedures for the indispensable tool.
Platform: | Size: 2783232 | Author: 刘浪者 | Hits:


Description: MFC 类库参考手册中文版,Windows开发必备手册(MFC class library reference manual)
Platform: | Size: 1443840 | Author: CharlesTan | Hits:


Description: vb语言参考手册,查询方便,简单易懂,如有错误,联系作者(VB language reference manual, convenient inquiries, simple and understandable, if any errors, contact the author)
Platform: | Size: 3106816 | Author: 库里30 | Hits:

[OtherJava中文参考手册 官方出版

Description: Java中文参考手册 Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0(Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0)
Platform: | Size: 5799936 | Author: 望云 | Hits:


Description: MySQL 是一种关联数据库管理系统,关联数据库将数据保存在不同的表中,而不是将所有数据放在一个大仓库内,这样就增加了速度并提高了灵活性。MySQL 所使用的 SQL 语言是用于访问数据库的最常用标准化语言。 这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册。 原始参考手册为英文版,与英文版参考手册相比,本翻译版可能不是最新的。(MySQL is an association database management system that keeps data in different tables instead of putting all the data in a large warehouse, increasing speed and flexibility. The SQL language used by MySQL is the most commonly used standardized language for accessing databases. This is the translation of the MySQL reference manual. For the MySQL reference manual. The original reference manual is in English, and this translation may not be the latest in comparison with the English reference manual.)
Platform: | Size: 4615168 | Author: LiaoCJ | Hits:


Description: 这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册。 原始参考手册为英文版,与英文版参考手册相比,本翻译版可能不是最新的。(This is the translation of the MySQL reference manual, about the MySQL reference manual. The original reference manual is in English, and this translation may not be the latest in comparison with the English reference manual.)
Platform: | Size: 4615168 | Author: wlwllwlw | Hits:


Description: STM3210x中文参考手册,stm3210X芯片学习用(STM3210x Chinese reference manual, stm3210X learning to use)
Platform: | Size: 3374080 | Author: yurgu | Hits:

[OtherHTML5 参考手册

Description: HTML5 参考手册,这是一个非常详细的介绍,入门级参考资料(This specification defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features are introduced to help Web application authors, new elements are introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention has been given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.)
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: paducn | Hits:

[OtherSTM32 M0参考手册中文版

Description: 经典STM32 M0参考手册中文版,学习比较有用。(Classic STM32 M0 reference manual Chinese version, learning more useful.)
Platform: | Size: 20038656 | Author: 技术人生 | Hits:


Description: MFC类库参考手册,CCCCCCCCCC(MFC class library reference manual)
Platform: | Size: 1497088 | Author: hufu | Hits:


Description: STM8S中文参考手册,官方翻译中文版。(STM8S Chinese Reference Manual)
Platform: | Size: 3805184 | Author: 一个小石 | Hits:
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