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[Other resourceD61538IC-SL

Description: C语言写的关于M61538双声道语音IC驱动,-C language to write on the M61538 IC-channel voice-driven,
Platform: | Size: 2558 | Author: 周悟强 | Hits:

[Windows Develop双声道

Description: encode pcm to adpcm .算法详细 支持双声道多文件操作-to encode PCM mode. Detailed Algorithm support for dual-channel multi-file operations
Platform: | Size: 18136 | Author: 招贸 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmssine

Description: 产生双声道音频信号!
Platform: | Size: 1419 | Author: 123 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developpga2311

Description: 数字对数电位器PGA2311的驱动程序,PGA2311是spi总线方式,可以级联使用,一般用于音量的数字调节,每片双声道
Platform: | Size: 1061 | Author: 徐同荣 | Hits:

[Audio programwav

Description: 绘制单声道和双声道的波形图,并赋有较为详细的注释!
Platform: | Size: 52231 | Author: StephenChen | Hits:

[Button controlWavePlayer

Description: (Wave)编写一个读显Wave文件的SDI程序,要求:实现文件过滤、播放声音、(按客户区大小)画出(全部)声音数据的波形曲线(对双声道音频,画两条曲线)。
Platform: | Size: 36861 | Author: 钟国英 | Hits:

[Multimedia programVOD_KtvPlayer_1.1

Description: 利用DirectShow实现了双声道平衡控件.
Platform: | Size: 89719 | Author: Z.T | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4VOD

Description: KTV点歌系统,内附双声道平衡源代码,供参考使用
Platform: | Size: 3107639 | Author: Z.T | Hits:

[Audio programAudioChannelSwitcher

Description: 切换音频声道的DShow插件,可以在Mono和stereo之间进行以下切换: mono->stereo 复制一份,变成双声道 stereo->mono 选择左声道、右声道或混音 stereo->stereo 复制左声道或右声道,去掉另一个声道的声音 VC6工程,需要DShow的include和lib编译
Platform: | Size: 1292844 | Author: doitfreely | Hits:


Description: data uint VolDate=0; data uchar i; Volume=87-Volume; VolDate=(uint)(Volume&0x7c); //装入衰减数; 双声道都有; VolDate=VolDate|(uint)((Volume&0x03)<1; } AVDAT=1; AVCLK=1; SD595_U18_PRO(); _nop_(); AVCLK=0; SD595_U18_PRO();
Platform: | Size: 7474 | Author: shaocheng | Hits:


Description: 介绍一阶差分传感器阵,双声道的语音增强
Platform: | Size: 557056 | Author: songzy41 | Hits:


Description: C语言写的关于M61538双声道语音IC驱动,-C language to write on the M61538 IC-channel voice-driven,
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 周悟强 | Hits:

[Windows Develop双声道

Description: encode pcm to adpcm .算法详细 支持双声道多文件操作-to encode PCM mode. Detailed Algorithm support for dual-channel multi-file operations
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 招贸 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmssine

Description: 产生双声道音频信号!-Have a dual-channel audio signal!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopVOD_KtvPlayer_1.1

Description: 利用DirectShow实现了双声道平衡控件.-Use DirectShow realize a dual-channel balance control.
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: Z.T | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4VOD

Description: KTV点歌系统,内附双声道平衡源代码,供参考使用-KTV VOD system, containing a dual-channel balanced source code, for reference use
Platform: | Size: 3107840 | Author: Z.T | Hits:

[LabView11.1.3 基于声卡的双声道模拟输入(LABVIEW8.2.1)

Description: 基于声卡的双声道模拟输入(LABVIEW8.2.1),实现声卡采集数据(Dual channel analog input based on sound card)
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 李古黑 | Hits:


Description: 一种声卡的双声道模拟输入对小程序,适应绝大多数声卡(A sound card's dual channel analog input to a small program, adapted to the vast majority of sound cards)
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 无所不能 | Hits:


Description: 控制双声道音量的远程序,用VB6。0写的。供交流。(A remote program for controlling the volume of a double channel)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: kcghz1 | Hits:


Description: 声卡的双声道模拟输出,信号的采集与存储,信号的功率(Power spectrum analysis based on labview and data acquisition card, sound card, two-channel analog output signal acquisition and storag)
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: timeqilu | Hits:
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