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Description: 双线性插值法实现图像平移
Platform: | Size: 4933828 | Author: 516727691@qq.com | Hits:

[Special EffectsGeoTrans

Description: 数字图像处理中,灰度图像的放大、缩小,平移和旋转功能实现的源代码,分别采用最近邻插值法和双线性插值方式实现。-Digital image processing, the gray-scale image to enlarge, narrow, pan and rotate functions of the source code, respectively, using nearest neighbor interpolation and bilinear interpolation way.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: caonimabitoo | Hits:

[Special Effectspic_transport

Description: 利用临近点法,双线性法,双立方法等插值算法,实现了图像的平移、缩放和旋转功能-Using near-point, bilinear and bicubic interpolation algorithm to realize image translation, scaling and rotation
Platform: | Size: 253952 | Author: winxp | Hits:

[Special Effectsgeometry-operations

Description: 实现图像的镜像变换、拉伸、平移、旋转、缩放功能,双线性插值法-Achieve the mirror image transform, stretching, translation, rotation, scaling, bilinear interpolation
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: 周轶凡 | Hits:

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