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[Other resourcejava-qhmideleschooldaxue

Description: 清华大学Java课程.讲解JAVA语法,Java语言的发展及相关技术的介绍,Java技术和平台在网络计算及电子商务中的应用介绍;   ■ Java语言的基础知识:Java语言的主要特点,设计思想,Java虚拟机,垃圾回收机制,安全性的保证机制;   ■ Java语言的基本语法规范,包括标识符、关键字、数据类型、表达式和流控制,程序基本结构;   ■ 面向对象技术的基本特点,Java语言的面向对象特性,类和对象的概念,封装性、继承性、多态性,Java语言的特殊属性;Java程序的例外处理机制和方法;   ■ Java语言的输入/输出处理机制和方法,常用的输入/输出方法,输入/输出处理的应用;   ■ Java语言的图形用户界面设计:AWT界面设计的基本方法,常用的组件类库,图形用户界面的事件处理模型和方法,JFC介绍,Swing图形界面设计;   ■ Java Applet程序设计,Applet程序的特点,运行机制,与浏览器的集成,安全机制的使用;   ■ 多线程程序设计,进程和线程的联系和区别,多线程程序设计的一般方法,线程的生命周期,线程状态的控制,多线程的互斥和同步;   ■ Java语言的网络编程技术和应用,Socket程序设计,Client/Server程序设计;
Platform: | Size: 5587136 | Author: fengzheng1920 | Hits:

[Windows Developstasus1-counting

Description: 连1状态计数器与输出控制电路的功能有两个:一个是对状态比较器输出的连1状态进行计数,当计数器的计数量达到设置值是,计数器输出为1,并控制“并行输入与状态控制”电路,使各并行输出位置“0”。这样,状态比较起的各输入位皆为“0”,则其输出为“0”,表示状态已同步;若状态不同步,则连“1”计数器的输出始终为“0”。 连“1”计数器的另一个功能是:当其输出为1时,才使误码计数其进行计数。若在整个系统已同步后,出现了状态失步,则通过图中的误码统计与门限检测电路的输出状态控制连1计数器。en端的信号来自状态并行比较器的输出;clr来自误码统计与门限检测的输出信号;clk为时钟信号;outp为连1计数输出。当连1个数达到设定的个数时输出为1;并送给并行输入与状态控制器,使其输出置0,以实现同步保护控制。
Platform: | Size: 252853 | Author: youyou | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: hello_cy | Hits:

[Windows KernelDelphi动态链接库线程同步器


{  单元名称: ThreadSyncHelper                       }
{  功    能: 让DLL或ActiveX控件中封装的线程对象     }
{            能正常使用Synchronize方法              }
{  注    释: 弥补Delphi的封装缺陷;Delphi专用       }
{            Delphi6/2009测试通过                   }

Platform: | Size: 8091 | Author: starsite | Hits:


Description: 光伏并网发电系统是光伏系统发展的趋势。根据光伏并网发电系统的特点,设计了一套额定功率为500W的光伏并网逆变器,该并网逆变器能实现最大功率跟踪和反孤岛效应控制功能,控制部分采用基于TMS320F240型DSP的电流跟踪控制策略,实现了与网压同步的正弦电流输出。
Platform: | Size: 249076 | Author: qiuaihua5599@163.com | Hits:

[Other systemsH-MVIP与 ST-BUS双向通信解决方案

Description: 为满足高密度多厂商集成协议(H-MVIP)和串行电信总线(ST-BUS)在通信领域中的应用需求,提出两者之间的双向通信解决方案。 采用状态机结合硬件描述语言的设计方式,在现场可编程门阵列上实现整个方案,包括同步、接收、缓存、总线生成与转换、监测等模块。 实验结果证明了该方案的可行性。
Platform: | Size: 78527 | Author: yfy871216@sina.cn | Hits:

[OS Develop操作系统进程管理

Description: 本次程序的题目为:进程管理——支持多个进程并发运行的简单的进程管理模拟系统,对本实验的分析要求是:⑴系统中的同步机构采用信号量上的P、V操作的机制;⑵控制机构包括阻塞和唤醒操作;⑶时间片中断处理程序处理模拟的时间片中断;⑷进程调度程序负责为各进程分配处理机;⑸根据用户的需求来创建n个进程(n为即满足用户需求,又不超出系统可容的最大进程数),各进程互斥地访问使用临界资源 S1、S2;⑹使用动态优先数(如:随阻塞次数的增加而减小优先数,以提高其优先权);⑺进程结束后应能够撤消;⑻进程间能实现“发送”和“接收”两个消息缓冲通信操作;⑼系统在运行过程中随机打印出各进程的状态变换过程、系统的调度过程及公共变量的变化情况,在一个进程运行完毕,进入完成状态后,可以将该进程撤消,也可以动态的创建另一个新的进程。-the procedures on the topic of : process management-- to support multiple concurrent processes running a simple process management simulation system for the analysis of the experimental requirements are : 1 system of institutions using synchronous signals on the amount of P, V operation of the mechanism; 2 control agencies, including obstruction and awaken operation ; 3-time interrupt handling procedures-time simulation of interruption; 4 process scheduler is responsible for the allocation process processors; together according to the user's needs to create process n (n that meet user needs, without exceeding the system can accommodate the largest number of processes), the process of mutual Stating visit to the use of critical resources S1, S2; building a Dynamic priority number (eg :
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 赵利君 | Hits:

[Windows Developmxd1

Description: 系统的同步机构采用信号量上的p、v操作的机制;控制机构包括阻塞和唤醒操作;时间片中断处理程序处理模拟的时间片中断;进程调度程序负责为各进程分配处理机。系统设计3个并发进程,它们之间有如下同步关系:3个进程需要互斥使用临界资源s2,进程1和进程2又需要互斥使用临界资源s1。系统在运行过程中随即打印各进程的状态变换过程,系统的调度过程及公共变量的变化情况。-system synchronization signal used agencies on the volume of p, v operation of the mechanism; Control agencies, including obstruction and awaken operation; Time Slice interrupt handling procedures-time simulation of interruption; The process scheduler is responsible for the allocation process processor. System design three concurrent process, and they are as follows synchronization : three processes require the use of critical resources contradict s2, a process and the need to process two mutually exclusive use of critical resources s1. System in the course of operation of the printing process was the transformation process of the state, the activation process variables and the public of the changes.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李乐宁 | Hits:


Description: 清华大学Java课程.讲解JAVA语法,Java语言的发展及相关技术的介绍,Java技术和平台在网络计算及电子商务中的应用介绍;   ■ Java语言的基础知识:Java语言的主要特点,设计思想,Java虚拟机,垃圾回收机制,安全性的保证机制;   ■ Java语言的基本语法规范,包括标识符、关键字、数据类型、表达式和流控制,程序基本结构;   ■ 面向对象技术的基本特点,Java语言的面向对象特性,类和对象的概念,封装性、继承性、多态性,Java语言的特殊属性;Java程序的例外处理机制和方法;   ■ Java语言的输入/输出处理机制和方法,常用的输入/输出方法,输入/输出处理的应用;   ■ Java语言的图形用户界面设计:AWT界面设计的基本方法,常用的组件类库,图形用户界面的事件处理模型和方法,JFC介绍,Swing图形界面设计;   ■ Java Applet程序设计,Applet程序的特点,运行机制,与浏览器的集成,安全机制的使用;   ■ 多线程程序设计,进程和线程的联系和区别,多线程程序设计的一般方法,线程的生命周期,线程状态的控制,多线程的互斥和同步;   ■ Java语言的网络编程技术和应用,Socket程序设计,Client/Server程序设计; -err
Platform: | Size: 5586944 | Author: fengzheng1920 | Hits:


Description: 线程的同步   虽然多线程能给我们带来好处,但是也有不少问题需要解决。例如,对于像磁盘驱动器这样独占性系统资源,由于线程可以执行进程的任何代码段,且线程的运行是由系统调度自动完成的,具有一定的不确定性,因此就有可能出现两个线程同时对磁盘驱动器进行操作,从而出现操作错误;又例如,对于银行系统的计算机来说,可能使用一个线程来更新其用户数据库,而用另外一个线程来读取数据库以响应储户的需要,极有可能读数据库的线程读取的是未完全更新的数据库,因为可能在读的时候只有一部分数据被更新过。-thread synchronization Although multithreading can bring us benefits, but there a lso many problems to be solved. For example, as disk drives such exclusivity system resources and can thread the process of implementation of any code, and the thread running by the scheduling system automatically and to a certain extent the uncertainty, So, then there could be two threads while the disk drives operate, which have operational errors; For example, For the computer banking system, may use a thread to update users of its database, and use another thread to read a database to respond to the needs of depositors, Reading is very likely to read threads database is not fully update the database, Reading may be because the time was only part of the updated data.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 苏艳芳 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringeatting

Description: 哲学家进餐问题是荷兰学者Dijkstra 提出的经典问题之一,它是一个信号量机制问题的应用,在操作系统文化史上具有非常重要的地位。对该问题的剖析有助于学生深刻地理解计算机系统中的资源共享、进程同步、死锁等问题,并能熟练地应用信号量来解决生活中的控制流程,即将生活中的控制流程用形式化的方式表达出来。 假设有5个哲学家,他们花费一生中的时光思考和吃饭。这些哲学家共用一个圆桌,每个哲学家都有一把椅子。在桌子中央是一碗通心面,在桌子上放着5只筷子。(如图所示)当一个哲学家思考时,他与其他同事不交互。时而,哲学家会感到饥饿,并试图拿起与他相近的两只筷子(他与邻近左、右之间的筷子)。一个哲学家一次只能拿起一只筷子。显然,他不能从其他哲学家手里拿走筷子。当一个饥饿的哲学家同时有两只筷子时,他就不能不用释放他的筷子而自己吃了。当吃完后,他会放下两只筷子,并再次开始思考。 规定奇数号哲学家先拿他左边的筷子,然后再去拿右边的筷子;而偶数号哲学家则相反。按此规定,将是1、 2号哲学家竞争1号筷子;3、4号哲学家竞争3号筷子。即五位哲学家都先竞争奇数号筷子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号筷子,最后总会有一位哲学家能获得两只筷子而进餐。 -dining philosophers problem is the Netherlands scholars Dijkstra's one of the classic, It is a signal to the mechanism of application, the operating system in the history of culture has a very important position. Analysis of the problem to help students understand deeply the computer system resource sharing, process synchronization, and other issues Deadlock, skilled and can be applied to solve the signal volume life of the control flow, about the life of the control flow with the formal expression. Assuming a five philosophers, they spend a lifetime of thought and time to eat. These philosophers sharing a round-table, each have a chair philosopher. The table is a bowl of the Central Link hearts, placed on the table five chopsticks. (As shown) as a philosopher to think that he and othe
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: nicmaters | Hits:

[Software Engineeringzhexuejiaeatting

Description: 哲学家进餐问题是荷兰学者Dijkstra 提出的经典问题之一,它是一个信号量机制问题的应用,在操作系统文化史上具有非常重要的地位。对该问题的剖析有助于学生深刻地理解计算机系统中的资源共享、进程同步、死锁等问题,并能熟练地应用信号量来解决生活中的控制流程,即将生活中的控制流程用形式化的方式表达出来。 假设有5个哲学家,他们花费一生中的时光思考和吃饭。这些哲学家共用一个圆桌,每个哲学家都有一把椅子。在桌子中央是一碗通心面,在桌子上放着5只筷子。(如图所示)当一个哲学家思考时,他与其他同事不交互。时而,哲学家会感到饥饿,并试图拿起与他相近的两只筷子(他与邻近左、右之间的筷子)。一个哲学家一次只能拿起一只筷子。显然,他不能从其他哲学家手里拿走筷子。当一个饥饿的哲学家同时有两只筷子时,他就不能不用释放他的筷子而自己吃了。当吃完后,他会放下两只筷子,并再次开始思考。 规定奇数号哲学家先拿他左边的筷子,然后再去拿右边的筷子;而偶数号哲学家则相反。按此规定,将是1、 2号哲学家竞争1号筷子;3、4号哲学家竞争3号筷子。即五位哲学家都先竞争奇数号筷子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号筷子,最后总会有一位哲学家能获得两只筷子而进餐。 -dining philosophers problem is the Netherlands scholars Dijkstra's one of the classic, It is a signal to the mechanism of application, the operating system in the history of culture has a very important position. Analysis of the problem to help students understand deeply the computer system resource sharing, process synchronization, and other issues Deadlock, skilled and can be applied to solve the signal volume life of the control flow, about the life of the control flow with the formal expression. Assuming a five philosophers, they spend a lifetime of thought and time to eat. These philosophers sharing a round-table, each have a chair philosopher. The table is a bowl of the Central Link hearts, placed on the table five chopsticks. (As shown) as a philosopher to think that he and othe
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: nicmaters | Hits:

[Windows Developstasus1-counting

Description: 连1状态计数器与输出控制电路的功能有两个:一个是对状态比较器输出的连1状态进行计数,当计数器的计数量达到设置值是,计数器输出为1,并控制“并行输入与状态控制”电路,使各并行输出位置“0”。这样,状态比较起的各输入位皆为“0”,则其输出为“0”,表示状态已同步;若状态不同步,则连“1”计数器的输出始终为“0”。 连“1”计数器的另一个功能是:当其输出为1时,才使误码计数其进行计数。若在整个系统已同步后,出现了状态失步,则通过图中的误码统计与门限检测电路的输出状态控制连1计数器。en端的信号来自状态并行比较器的输出;clr来自误码统计与门限检测的输出信号;clk为时钟信号;outp为连1计数输出。当连1个数达到设定的个数时输出为1;并送给并行输入与状态控制器,使其输出置0,以实现同步保护控制。
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: youyou | Hits:

[WEB CodefullShowMusic

Description: 【 主要功能 】=============== 1、音乐二级分类; 2、在线音乐播放; 3、歌词同步显示; 4、音乐下载 5、点歌系统; 6、音乐联播; 7、用户随机收听音乐; 8、验证码功能; 9、JS首页调用; 10、与Discuz整合; 11、用户评论管理; 12、网站公告管理-[Main Function] =============== 1, Music 2 classification 2, online music player 3, synchronous lyrics display 4, 5 music downloads, VOD system 6, Music Network 7, users were listening to music 8, Verification Code functionality 9, JS Call Home 10, with Discuz integration 11, the user comment management 12, Bulletin management site
Platform: | Size: 677888 | Author: 怎么没 | Hits:

[Industry research333

Description: 针对位同步问题,提出了一种基于基函数分解的开环位定时估计算法。该算法首先利用基函数分解的结果进行相关运算,将本地参考信号波形和接收信号波形的定时偏差缩小到T/4以内;再根据相关运算提供的角度信息进行精确的位同步估计。该算法不需要提取载波相位信息,复杂度较低。仿真结果表明该算法具有较好的估计精度-For bit synchronization, a basis function-based decomposition of the open-loop-bit timing estimation algorithm. The algorithm-based function decomposition of the first to use the results of operations related to the local reference signal received signal waveform and waveform timing deviation reduced to T/4 or less another operator in accordance with the relevant provision of accurate information-bit synchronous estimated. The algorithm does not require extraction of carrier phase information, low complexity. The simulation results show that the algorithm has better estimation accuracy
Platform: | Size: 429056 | Author: luoluo | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsavi

Description: 视频的压缩算法。本例子暂时只实现了静态的视频压缩功能。如果想实现实时的语音、视频通信,而且语音视频要同步;如果想保存成avi动画,还得啃那些cap打头的函数们。-Video compression algorithms. This example implements only the static moment of video compression. If you want to achieve real-time voice, video communications, and voice and video to be synchronized If you want to save as avi animations, have to bite that starts with a function of their cap.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: xdchen | Hits:


Description: 用matlab(simulink)编写的SVPWM实现模块,实现对永磁同步电机的控制(Matlab (Simulink) written in SVPWM implementation module, the realization of permanent magnet synchronous motor control)
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: whu123212 | Hits:

[Program doc同步

Description: 关于OFDM的信道同步的各种中外文献,研究通信的时候下载了,很有用,现在分享给大家。(On the LTE and OFDM channel estimation of various foreign literature, research on the download of communication, very useful, and now share to you.)
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 泡芙的味道 | Hits:

[Energy industry同步发电机励磁系统波特图

Description: 模拟同步发电机在不同励磁系统及其参数条件下,励磁参数与无功输出之间的关系(The relationship between excitation parameters and reactive power output of analog synchronous generator under different excitation systems and their parameters)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tigershdl | Hits:


Description: 绝对是论坛里面最优秀的pmsm_DTC仿真了 1.按照文件中的参考文献一步一个脚印搭建的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制模型,参数也经过本人一步一步调试过了,控制效果非常好,波形非常好。 2.参考文献也在文件中,良心之作。 模块也非常清晰,房子模块化非常分明,一个模块实现一个功能,非常适合你拿去做毕业设计,也非常适合新手学习。 3.采用dq轴的磁链模型,避免了积分器的使用,因此解决了磁链估算值中直流量的积分问题。该模型绝对正确,可完美在上面构造无传感器仿真,基于卡尔曼的等等,以及预测控制仿真,占空比直接转矩等等都可以完美构建。(It's absolutely the best pmsm_DTC simulation in the forum, otherwise the other is the plagiarism, or the waveform is not right, or the part of the magnetic chain is forced to be reduced by 2, which is very inappropriate. 1., a direct torque control model of permanent magnet synchronous motor is built based on references and references. The parameters are also debugged by myself step by step. The control effect is very good, and the waveform is very good. The 2. reference is also in the document, the masterpiece of conscience. Module is also very clear, modular house is very clear, a module to achieve a function, it is very suitable for you to do graduate design, is also very suitable for beginners to learn. The 3. flux model of DQ axis, to avoid the use of so as to solve the integrator, flux estimation value of integral straight flow. The model is absolutely right, and it is perfect i)
Platform: | Size: 270336 | Author: 菜菜踩踩踩 | Hits:
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