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Description: 一个visual c++写的后门演示程序,可供学习之用 。-a visual c + + to write the back door demo program for learning. Hehe
Platform: | Size: 122534 | Author: 我是谁 | Hits:


Description: 一个网络后门程序。演示了通过Http通道的功能穿透安全级别非常高的防火墙,甚至硬件防火墙。
Platform: | Size: 10193 | Author: fzj | Hits:


Description: 后门演示
Platform: | Size: 19153 | Author: summerrose2009 | Hits:


Description: 一个visual c++写的后门演示程序,可供学习之用 。-a visual c++ to write the back door demo program for learning. Hehe
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: 我是谁 | Hits:


Description: 一个网络后门程序。演示了通过Http通道的功能穿透安全级别非常高的防火墙,甚至硬件防火墙。
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: fzj | Hits:

[WEB Codewwqy

Description: 网维专用-企业专用网站程序 绿色版,无错 演示地址:http://admin.asp99.cn/07/index.asp 去掉了后台功能限制,去掉了所有的加密代码,去掉了多余的垃圾代码以及原程序中的后门。 后台地址: /admin 管理用户名和密码:admin/admin -Network maintenance special-purpose- enterprise special-purpose website procedure green color print, correct demonstration address: http://admin.asp99.cn/07/index.asp has removed the backstage function limit, has removed all encryption code, has removed in the unnecessary trash code as well as the original procedure back door.
Platform: | Size: 2573312 | Author: 大概 | Hits:

[OS program22

Description: 写ShellCode的时候写的~C版本代码~~没用就丢出来了~ CODE: /* 1k(程序体积1kb) 反向连接,零管道后门 By Anskya 说明: 不用我多说了吧..黑客一般都会使用的后门程序.. 这里只是简单的演示一下..没有添加进程隐藏功能 程序可以在Win9x,Win2k,WinXP,Win2k3上使用 程序体积只有1k(FSG压缩一下会更小) 测试: 本地开启NetCat等工具,监听80端口,会返回一个Shell -shell
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: du8899 | Hits:


Description: 114啦模板仿最新360网址导航,版面清晰简洁。 演示地址360.115le.com 安装方法 1.上传网站安装程序到空间,空间需支持PHP,MYSQL数据库20M 即可。 2.访问网网址执行安装,按照提示填入mysql数据库信息。 3.安装时默认设置后台管理 用户:admin 密码:123456 (以防安装出错建议默认安装,然后登陆后台修 改密码) 4.网站页面全后台操控,方便简单。安装后即可生成静态页面。 5.由于个别板块显示设置,请进入后台数据管理,导入数据备份文件即可,安装全部结束。 6.重装时请复制install文件夹和index.html文件至根目录执行重装。此版本改动较大不可以用114la的install文件夹进行重装会造成不可预料结果 7.请自己修改源码中的广告,如果不清楚的可以联系我! 8.本源码绝对没有如何回来,如果出现后门有可能经过他人修改过的,请各人自己辨别,出现这样的问题,请你不要使用!后果自己承担! 9.114啦补丁更新内容: 开启模板引擎安全选项,禁止<{php}>标签,消除自定义模板允许输入php代码的安全隐患;修复站点提交模块的跨站脚本漏洞 10.本站源码只用于研究学习之用。 115导航网QQ交流群:57830239
Platform: | Size: 2155520 | Author: 杨杰 | Hits:


Description: 此次免杀的目标是:卡巴的最新反病毒数据库 + 启用实时监控 的前提下,我们点一下我们鸽子服务端,一直到测试主机上线成功,这期间卡巴不会作出发现病毒或后门程序的报警! 先我们看下我的卡巴的数据库!哎呀,不好意思,这是昨天晚上23点的数据库,我刚才起来忘记更新了,那我们就用这个数据库来演示了,抱歉! -The goal is to avoid killing: Kabbah' s latest anti-virus database+ enable real-time monitoring of the premise, we tap our pigeons server, has been successful on-line to the test host, it will not make that Kabbah during a virus or backdoor alarm program! Kabbah before we see next to my database! Oops, sorry, it is 23 o' clock last night the database, I have forgotten to update, and then we use this database to demonstrate, sorry!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: libai | Hits:


Description: 本程序采用asp.net 2.0进行开发,全自动应用最新淘客api,自动采集信息,无需手工更新,全站基本免维护,坐等收钱。(只需要第一次配置一下基本信息即可,无需替换,无后门)。 以下提供的演示地址和参考地址链接均需复制后粘贴在浏览器地址栏打开。 本程序演示地址:http://www.taodz.com 免费下载地址:http://www.taodz.com/TaodzTopApi.rar -This procedure uses asp.net 2.0 to develop, scouring off automatic application of the latest api, automatic collection of information, without having to manually update all the basic maintenance station, waiting for money. (Only need basic information about the first configuration can be, without having to replace, no back door.) Demo provided below links and references are required to copy and paste the address in the browser address bar to open. This program demonstrates Address: http://www.taodz.com Free Download: http://www.taodz.com/TaodzTopApi.rar
Platform: | Size: 1885184 | Author: | Hits:

[Web ServerdaomeiWish2012

Description: 倒霉网许愿墙v2012版是倒霉网2012.9.23最新的官方许愿程序。是供倒霉的人许愿,或者节日许愿用的php完美程序,由倒霉网(www.daomei.net.cn)开发美化。2012版主要特点css重写,美工更好,用户体验更佳。官方演示地址:http://www.daomei.net.cn/wish/。本程序安装快捷,无任何后门,无广告。如有任何疑问请发邮件到service@daomei.net.cn寻求帮助!-Unlucky net Wishing Wall the v2012 version is unlucky network 2012.9.23 latest official Wishing program. For hapless vow, or festival Wishing php perfect program, beautification by the hapless Network (www.daomei.net.cn) developed. The 2012 version of the main features of css rewrite better art, better user experience. Official Demo: http://www.daomei.net.cn/wish/. The installation fast, no back door, no ads. If you have any questions, please send an email to service@daomei.net.cn for help!
Platform: | Size: 1200128 | Author: 倒霉网 | Hits:


Description: 白老大小说小偷程序PHP版,演示站:www.qidianxiaoshuowang.com 无需数据库,一健生成网站,使用空间小,速度稳定快, 稳定安全,注意的是后台路劲请自行更改。 自带10个规则,11个模版,免费使用到底! 无后门,安全。-The white boss novels thief program PHP version, demo stations: www.qidianxiaoshuowang.com no database, a Kin generate website, the use of space is small, stable and fast speed, stability and security, the background Road King make changes. Comes with 10 rules, 11 templates, free to use in the end! No back door, security.
Platform: | Size: 22456320 | Author: 杨柳 | Hits:


Description: 一简单的VB系统后门程序示例 这是一个简单的VB系统后门程序示例,运行程序后将预留一个可连接的远程端口,等待对方连接,为了演示方便,本程序以窗口形式运行,但是如果在实际 运用中,是不可能让用户看到窗口的,也就是所谓的后门,高手莫笑,本人才学浅薄,望高人指点。-A simple VB system backdoors This is a simple example of the VB system backdoors example, run the program will set aside a remote port that can be connected, waiting for the other connections, to demonstrate the convenience, the program runs as a window, but if practice, it is impossible to allow users to see the window, which is called the back door, master Mo laugh, learn the shallow talent, hope expert advice.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 胡卫星 | Hits:

[Browser Clientgfqxwgfwzaspcx

Description: 本程序ASP二次开发,高仿全讯网官网www.8168123.com源码程序。 干净无后门,倾情奉献! 修正了用户收藏BUG 2013.02.02 修正了测速功能 2013.01.12 后台目录ADMIN 用户名admin 密码:8168123 演示: http://www.8168123.com-The second development program ASP, high imitation Baidu official website www.8168123.com source programs. Clean, no back door, Decent! Fixed a user s favorite BUG 2013.02.02 Fixed speed function 2013.01.12 Back catalog ADMIN User Name admin Password: 8168123 Demonstration: http://www.8168123.com
Platform: | Size: 5809152 | Author: | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net