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Description: 利用哈夫曼编码进行信息通讯可以大大提高信道利用率,缩短信息传输时间,降低传输成本。但是,这要求在发送端通过一个编码系统对待传数据预先编码,在接收端将传来的数据进行译码(复原)。对于双工信道(即可以双向传输信息的信道),每端都需要一个完整的编/译码系统。试为这样的信息收发站写一个哈夫曼码的编译码系统 基本要求: 1.接收原始数据:从终端读入字符集大小n,n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树 2.编码:利用已建好的哈夫曼树,对文件中的正文进行编码 3.译码:利用已建好的哈夫曼树将代码进行译码. ...
Platform: | Size: 6934 | Author: jianshengzhijian@126.com | Hits:

[Data structs简单哈夫曼编/译码器

Description: 一个简单的哈夫曼编/译码器。能从文件读入n个字符和m个权值,建立哈夫曼树,并将它保存。能利用已建好的哈夫曼树对文件进行编码。能利用已建好的哈夫曼树将文件中的代码进行译码。
Platform: | Size: 17949 | Author: wsxdrv | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了哈夫曼树
Platform: | Size: 1751 | Author: 614616898@qq.com | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithms霍夫曼树编码

Description: 哈夫曼树编码代码-Huffman code tree coding
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 小小 | Hits:

[Windows Develop构造哈夫曼树

Description: 源代码\构造哈夫曼树-source \ tectonic Huffman tree
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: 里几 | Hits:

[Data structs哈夫曼树

Description: 数据结构哈夫曼树-Huffman tree data structure
Platform: | Size: 237568 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 哈夫曼树的实现.-Huffman tree is realized.
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: 哈哈 | Hits:


Description: 使用动态哈夫曼树实现哈夫曼编码译码-use dynamic Huffman Tree Huffman Coding
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王云云 | Hits:

[Data structs哈夫曼算法

Description: c语言编写的哈夫曼程序,运行通过的!根据输入构建哈夫曼树.-prepared by Huffman, the running through! According to the importation of construction Huffman tree.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zbing0203 | Hits:


Description: 本程序实现哈夫曼树的建立,是数据结构编程的其中一个内容,使用C语言篇写-the Huffman tree procedures to achieve the establishment of the data structure of a programming content, the language used to write C
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 木兰 | Hits:

[Windows Develop哈夫曼树编码

Description: 哈夫曼树编码,利用哈夫曼树算法实现对数据的压缩-Compress data by Huffman coding
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 何为 | Hits:


Description: 来有人提出了一种动态的哈夫曼编码方法。动态哈夫曼编码使用一棵动态变化的哈夫曼树,对第t+1个字符的编码是根据原始数据中前t个字符得到的哈夫曼树来进行的,编码和解码使用相同的初始哈夫曼树,每处理完一个字符,编码和解码使用相同的方法修改哈夫曼树,所以-was raised to a dynamic Huffman coding method. Dynamic Huffman coding using a dynamic changes in the Huffman tree for the first t a character encoding is based on the original data before t characters in the Huffman tree for the encoding and decoding using the same initial Huffman tree, each dealing with a character encoding and decoding using the same side Law Revision Huffman tree.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: wzh | Hits:


Description: [基本要求] 一个完整的系统应具有以下功能: (1)I:初始化(Initialization)。从终端读入字符集大小n,以及n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树,并将它存于文件hfmTree中。 (2)E:编码(Encoding)。利用已建好的哈夫曼树(如不在内存,则从文件hfmTree中读入),对文件ToBeTran中的正文进行编码,然后将结果存入文件CodeFile中。 (3)D:译码(Decoding)。利用已建好的哈夫曼树将文件CodeFile中的代码进行译码,结果存入文件TextFile中。 (4)P:印代码文件(Print)。将文件CodeFile以紧凑格式显示在终端上,每行50个代码。同时将此字符形式的编码文件写入文件CodePrin中。 (5)T:印哈夫曼树(Tree printing)。将已在内存中的哈夫曼树以直观的方式(树或凹入表形式)显示在终端上,同时将此字符形式的哈夫曼树写入文件TreePrint中。 [测试数据] (1)利用下面这道题中的数据调试程序。 某系统在通信联络中只可能出现八种字符,其概率分别为0.25,0.29,0.07,0.08,0.14,0.23,0.03,0.11,试设计哈夫曼编码。 (2)用下表给出的字符集和频度的实际统计数据建立哈夫曼树,并实现以下报文的编码和译码:“THIS PROGRAM IS MY FAVORITE”。-[basic requirements] a complete system should have the following functions : (a) I : initialization (Initialization). Reading from the terminal into the HKSCS size n, and n n characters and the right value, the establishment of Huffman tree. it will be stored in documents hfmTree China. (2) E : coding (Encoding). Use has completed the Huffman tree (if not memory, from hfmTree document reads), the document ToBeTran the encoded text, and then the results were CodeFile posting documents. (3) D : Decoding (Decoding). The use of the completed document will Huffman tree CodeFile the code decoding, results were deposited documents TextFile. (4) P : India source document (Print). CodeFile of documents to compact format in the end, every line 50 code. While this form of characters encoded files int
Platform: | Size: 1013760 | Author: 吕夏琴 | Hits:


Description: 根据哈夫曼算法创建的哈夫曼树,求树中每个外部结点的编码-under Huffman algorithm to create the Huffman tree for each tree node external coding
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 陈烈城 | Hits:


Description: 利用C语言构建哈夫曼树 能够模拟哈夫曼树的构建过程,对理解有帮助-C language Construction Huffman tree to simulate the Huffman tree building process, help to understand
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 郭郭 | Hits:

[Data structs哈夫曼树

Description: 哈夫曼树,又叫最优二叉树,指的是对于一组具有确定权值的叶子结点的具有最小带权路径长度的二叉树。(The haffman tree, also known as the optimal binary tree, refers to a binary tree with a minimum path length for a set of leaf nodes with determinate weights.)
Platform: | Size: 430080 | Author: 啊哈S | Hits:

[Data structs哈夫曼树编码

Description: 哈夫曼树的实现,辛苦辛苦辛苦可惜,资产支持支持支持(ha fu m a n shu d e s h i x i an)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 搞错了 | Hits:

[Data structs哈夫曼树和编码include

Description: 学习了解哈夫曼树和编码,更好到学算法与数据结构(Learn Huffman tree and coding, better to learn algorithm and data structure)
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 御千尘 | Hits:

[Data structs哈夫曼树

Description: 主要实现:创建一颗哈夫曼树,并输出每个节点的哈夫曼编码。(The main achievement is to create a Huffman tree and output Huffman coding for each node.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 晴栀菀歌° | Hits:


Description: 这是一份霍夫曼树的代码,代码被分成一个一个的块,需要的小伙伴可以看一看。(This is a code of Hoffman tree. The code is divided into one block, and the small partners need to have a look.)
Platform: | Size: 240640 | Author: 吕二丫 | Hits:
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