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常用画图函数及其例子 数据图视化能使人们用视觉器官直接感受到数据的许多内在本质 。因此,数据可视化是人们研究科学、认识世界所不可缺少的手段。MATLAB不仅数值计算方面是一个优秀的科技应用软件, 在数据可视化方面也具有上佳表现。 -common drawing functions and data plans, as examples of people will use visual data organ directly felt in many inner essence. Therefore, data visualization is people study science, understanding of the world are indispensable tools. MATLAB is not only numerical calculation is an excellent application of technology in software and data visualization also have good performance.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17.05kb Publisher : 牛召平

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 281.16kb Publisher : jingmin

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.28kb Publisher : Michael

Update : 2010-11-24 Size : 766.82kb Publisher : zhangyb

常用画图函数及其例子 数据图视化能使人们用视觉器官直接感受到数据的许多内在本质 。因此,数据可视化是人们研究科学、认识世界所不可缺少的手段。MATLAB不仅数值计算方面是一个优秀的科技应用软件, 在数据可视化方面也具有上佳表现。 -common drawing functions and data plans, as examples of people will use visual data organ directly felt in many inner essence. Therefore, data visualization is people study science, understanding of the world are indispensable tools. MATLAB is not only numerical calculation is an excellent application of technology in software and data visualization also have good performance.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 17kb Publisher : 牛召平

一种基于图像的植物器官重建,论文,pdf格式。-An image-based reconstruction of plant organs, papers, pdf format.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 281kb Publisher : jingmin

Snake是提取物体精确轮廓常用的算法,自Kass于1987年提出以来,已广泛应用于数字图像分析和计算机视觉领域。由于SNAKE模型具有良好的提取和跟踪特定区域内目标轮廓的能力,因此非常适合于医学图像如CT和MR图像的处理,以获得特定器官及组织的轮廓。Matlab编写。-Snake is the precise object contour extraction algorithms commonly used, since Kass in 1987 proposed, it has been widely used in digital image analysis and computer vision fields. SNAKE model as a result of good extraction and tracking a specific target region contour, and therefore very suitable for medical images such as CT and MR images of the treatment in order to obtain a specific outline of organs and tissues. Matlab prepared.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher :

基于L系统模拟植物的专业书籍,主要是针对用L系统模拟植物器官,对于描述植物枝叶和果实的算法做出了非常详细的分析。-System Simulation Based on L plants specialized books, mainly for system simulation with L plants organs, for the description of plant branches and leaves and fruits of the algorithm to make a very detailed analysis.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15.37mb Publisher : 刘佳

DL : 0
数字钟是一个将“时”“分”“秒”显示于人的视觉器官的计时装置。它的计时周期为24小时;显示满刻度为23时59分59秒,另外具备校时功能和报时功能。因此,一个基本的数字钟电路主要由“时”“分”“秒”计数器校时电路组成。将标准秒信号送入“秒计数器”,“秒计数器”采用60进制计数器,每累加60秒发送一个“分脉冲”信号,该信号将被送到“时计数器”。“时计数器”采用24进制计数器,可实现对一天24小时的累计。译码显示电路将“时”“分”“秒”计数器的输出状态六段显示译码器译码。通过六位LED七段显示器显示出来。校时电路器是用来对“时”“分”“秒”显示数字进行校时调整的。 在同一CPLD芯片口集成如下电路模块: -err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 李苏铭

体外反搏[Externaleounterpulsati。n]系统是一种由应用计算机控制的、无创伤的机、电、气辅助循环装置〔,,。该装置通过包裹在患者下肢和臀部的密封气囊,以特定模式对肢体加压,从而改变正常血液流场分布,保证在肢体、臀部受压引起血液返流回主动脉瓣处时,正好是主动脉瓣关闭的瞬间,并充分利用心脏舒张期的整个时间,使施加于血管的压力保持足够长,最大限度提高舒张压,保证反搏血流以最充分的时间向缺血器官进行灌注,而又不加重心脏的负荷。另一方面,反搏排气时间的确定保证在下一个心脏收缩期之前解除对血管的压迫, 使收缩压降至最低,最大限度地减轻心脏射血期阻力,从而达到最佳的反搏效应, 增加心脏、脑、肾等重要脏器的舒张期血液灌流,促进缺血组织器官侧支循环的建立,达到治疗的效果.-Enhanced external counterpulsation[EECP] is a noninvasive method of assisting the circulation, which enhances diastolic augmentation and systolic unloading by means of a pressurized air cuff around the patient’s legs that is maintained at approximately 300mmHg during diastole.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19.01mb Publisher : 刘畅

数据可视化即绘图功能是matlab的一大特色。 人们往往很难直接从一大堆数据中体会到它的含义,用数据画出图形用视觉器官直接感受到数据的许多内在本质。 matlab可以给出数据的二维、三维乃至四维图形表现,通过对图形线型、立面、色彩、渲染、光线、视觉等的控制可把数据的特性表现得淋漓尽致。-failed to translate
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 389kb Publisher : 刘婷婷

The OpenSource P2P Network is a filesharing network made up of free open source clients only. Patches, mods and code will be available here. It s a true P2P sharing network with no greed or 3rd parties involved!- 开源P2P网络是一种文件共享网络组成的自由开放源码的客户只。补丁,多器官功能障碍综合征和代码将可在这里。这是一个真正的P2P共享网络,没有贪婪或第三方参与!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 234kb Publisher : 张侯

DL : 1
一款前所未有的人体系统解剖3D互动软件,3dBody提供了两套全三维的男女人体模型, 涵盖了人体所有系统和器官,您可以在模型中实时3D交互,给您一个一步步解剖人体的机会,并可以随时大幅面保存当前图像。 -3D interactive person body image, including male and female.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21.84mb Publisher : 曾生

该源码是VC6.0环境下运行MFC图形化界面程序。主要功能是完成人脸定位,还包括人眼,口,鼻子等器官的定位。适合于人工智能,图像处理,模式识别相关研究人员参考。-The source is running VC6.0 environment MFC graphical interface program. Main function is to complete the face positioning, but also the human eye, mouth, nose, such as the positioning of the organ. Suitable for artificial intelligence, image processing, pattern recognition research reference.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 459kb Publisher : wang

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c8051f320的AD转换器官方测试程序-AD test program for the c8051f320
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : 李笑雨

Weka的贝叶斯分类器官方使用指南,PDF格式,48页,版本为3.5.8(兼容更新的3.6+版本)-Weka Bayes classifier official User Guide, PDF format, 48 pages, version 3.5.8 (compatible with an updated version)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 600kb Publisher : dengyue

目的 利用 CT、 MR等获得的图像 ,重构出器官、 骨骼或组织的三维形体 ,帮助医生诊断、 治疗或制订手术方案。方法hear2Warp 算法通过将三维数据场的投影分解为错切变换( shear ) 和变形变换(warp)两步来实现三维重建 ,显著减少了计算量。先对体数据进行错切变换 ,然后在错切空间根据阈值法获取三维表面 ,根据光照模型得到三维表面的亮度 ,最后通过变形变换得到最终的结果图像。-The purpose of the use of CT, MR and other available images, reconstruct organs, bone or tissue of the three-dimensional shape, helping physicians diagnose, treat, or development of surgery. Methods hear2Warp algorithm the projection of three-dimensional data field is decomposed into shear transformation (shear) and deformation of transformation (warp) two-step to achieve the three-dimensional reconstruction, significantly reducing the computational complexity. The first body of data on the shear transformation, and then in the wrong tangent space under the threshold value method to obtain three-dimensional surface, obtained under the illumination model three-dimensional surface brightness, the final adoption of a final result of deformation of the image transformation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 294kb Publisher : liaozw

DL : 0
提出了一种多姿态知识模型, 并以之从人脸器官梯度图中获得候选脸的大小、位置、姿态类别和眼、嘴重心坐标, 然后 按姿态类别将候选脸与对应的模板进行匹配确认人脸. 该人脸检测算法集人脸检测、姿态估计和眼、嘴定位于一体, 具有检测速 度快的特点, 适于多姿态多人脸场合的人脸检测. 该算法只利用了图像的灰度信息, 因此对灰度图像和彩色图像的人脸检测均 适用.-Proposes a multi-gesture knowledge model, and to the organs of the gradient map from the human face to get the candidate face size, location, posture, type and eyes, mouth center coordinates, and then press the gesture categories will face a candidate to match with the corresponding template to confirm face. The set of face detection algorithms face detection, pose estimation, and eyes and mouth position in one, with detection of the characteristics of speed, suitable for Multi-pose face of occasions more than face detection. The algorithm uses only images grayscale information, so the grayscale images and color images of face detection apply.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 469kb Publisher : 天使

基于CT切片的matlab分割程序,可以很好的分割CT切片图中的器官-Segmentation based on CT slices matlab program that can split a good map of the organ slice CT
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : Carnegie

基于FPGA的数字电子钟设计,系统总程序由分频模块、“时分秒”计数器模块、数据选择模块、报时模块、动态扫描显示和译码模块组成。得到一个将“时”、“分”、“秒”显示于人的视觉器官的计时装置。它的计时周期为24小时,显示满刻度为23时59分59秒,另外有校时、校分和整点报时功能,并通过数码管驱动电路显示计时结果。-FPGA-based design of digital electronic clock, the system program by the total frequency module, " the minutes and seconds" counter module, data selection module, timer module, dynamic scanning display and decoding module. Get a will " ," and " division" and " seconds" display on the human visual organ of the timing device. It' s time for the 24-hour period, indicating full scale as 23:59:59, and another school, the school hours and the whole hour, and through digital tube display driver circuit timing results.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 62kb Publisher : sunnan
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