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Description: 基于内容的图像检索方面的一些相关问题和方法。本文中给出了一系列图像视觉特征的提取、表达和索引方法。
Platform: | Size: 456612 | Author: doris_tintin@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:

[Graph program1

Description: 状是含有高层语义信息的视觉特征,在基于内容的图像检索及图像识别中具有重要的应用价值。有很多种描述子可以描述图像的形状特征,傅立叶描述子可以把二维的图像轮廓信息简化成一维问题进行处理,应用非常广泛。然而自然图像的形状特征通常是杂乱的,有噪声的,提出了一种图像预处理方法,得到净化的形状图像,通过实验研究傅立叶描述子算法提取形状特征的效果。-Abstract Shape is a visual feature which contains intrinsic high-level semantics, and has a great application value in CBIR(Content-Based Image Retrieval) and IR(Image Recognition). There are many descriptors for shape feature. Fourier descriptor predigests 2-demensional image information to 1-demensional signal and be used widely. In fact, the shape of natural image is often messy and noisy. So, this paper proposes a preprocessing method which can clean the noisy shape image, and then researches and analyses the shape feature extraction with Fourier descriptor method with an experiment. Keywords Shape, Fourier Descriptor, Feature Extraction, CBIR(Content-Based Image R
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 倪晓雷 | Hits:


Description: 多媒体技术的发展和视觉信息的飞速膨胀迫切需要对视觉信息资源的有效管理和检索。由此,基于内容的图像和视频检索技术得到了越来越多的重视,成为了多媒体信息检索和图像处理领域中的重要研究方向。CBIR技术将对大规模图像信息的管理和访问提供有力支持。 本文这种介绍了内容图像检索的灰度特征实现方法,具有理论意义和实际应用价值。针对基于内容图像检索技术进行了研究,介绍了其研究现状和关键技术,讨论了其技术瓶颈和发展趋势。共生矩阵法,是对图像的所有像元进行统计调查,以便描述其灰度分布的一种方法。分析了这种基于广义图像灰度共生矩阵的图像检索方法,该方法首先将原图像作平滑处理得到平滑图像,然后将原图像和平滑图像组合得到广义图像灰度共生矩阵,提取该矩阵的统计特征量,最后将该统计量组成归一化向量用以检索。 实验结果表明,本方法的效果要优于单纯的灰度共生矩阵法。在对相似图像检索时,该算法与基于共生矩阵的经典算法相当,在面临同一图像大小显著改变或发生旋转的情况下,该算法明显优于经典算法。相比较而言,该算法提高了检索的有效性。 -The development of multimedia technology and the expansion of visual information,which cries for the effective management and retrieval methods of visual information. Thus, the image and video searching technology based on content is gaining more and more attention to become a multimedia information retrieval and image processing in the field of important research direction. The technology of CBIR provides effective supports for the management and access of extensive image information. This paper introduced the content of the image retrieval method characteristics of gray, with theoretical and practical value. This paper does an extensive and in-depth study of technology based on content image retrieval to, presenting their research status and key technologies, discussing its development trends and technological bottlenecks. Co-occurrence matrix of all the pixel image survey has been conducted in order to describe a method of distribution of gray. This paper analyses this broad-based
Platform: | Size: 570368 | Author: qichao | Hits:

[Graph program37724099hsvfeature1

Description: 基于视觉特征的图像特征提取,在HSV颜色空间提取彩色纹理特征-Based on the visual characteristics of image feature extraction, in the HSV color space, color texture feature extraction
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jiajia | Hits:

[Special Effectsfun_pcnn

Description: 基于PCNN的特征提取,PCNN用于特征提取时,具体平移、旋转、尺度、扭曲等不变性,这正是许多年来基于内容的图像检索系统追求的目标,同时PCNN用于特征提取时,有很好的抗噪性。而且PCNN直接来自于哺乳动物视觉皮层神经的研究,具有提取图像形状,纹理,边缘的属性。用PCNN能很好地对图像进行签名,将二维的图像的特征提取成一维矢量签名。-Feature extraction of specified object is an important preprocessing stage in machine vision systems. In this paper, we present a novel hybrid feature extraction method using PCNN (Pulse Coupled Neural Network) and shape information. First, we use PCNN firing map train to formulate object’s time signature, then we use roundness of each firing map to formulate object’s shape information vector, the final feature matrix we got is combined time signature and roundness. We take correlations as our judge criteria in our experiments. It has been proved that the algorithm is not sensitivity with the rotation, scaling and translation of the object and is a useful method for target recognition applications.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wangxiaofei | Hits:

[Special Effectsimproved-MSER-algorithm-

Description: 本文在比较多种仿射不变性区域的基础上,选取最大稳定极值区域(MSER)对图像内容进行分割和提取,并通过构造仿射不变量的方法,对提取出来的区域进行规整化,进而从规整化的区域中提取SIFT描述子,然后根据匹配目标的需要进行特征的组合、变换,以形成易于匹配、稳定性好的特征向量,从而把图像匹配问题转化为特征的匹配问题 通过改进的K均值算法对特征向量进行聚类,聚类中心作为图像的视觉关键词:利用视觉关键词的思想,把文本检索技术领域的方法移植到图像检索应用上;并研究视觉关键词之间的空间约束关系。-Most relevant between images often exist perspective, dimension, rotating change and fuzzy, partial sheltering and complex background general affine transformation, and in many image processing and application needs a stable and can in different image can repeat detection feature to eliminate the influence of these changes, so it has good stability and repeatable degrees and can match the local invariant features become sex research hotspot.
Platform: | Size: 463872 | Author: 陈利华 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage-retrieval-technology-research

Description: 基于内容的图像检索技术的关键在于特征提取,是利用图像的颜色、形状、纹理、轮廓、对象的空间关系等客观独立的存在于图像中的基本视觉特征作为图像的索引,计算查询图像和目标图像的相似距离,按相似度匹配进行检索。综合国内外研究现状,可将基于内容的图像检索技术分为如下几种类型:基于颜色特征的检索、基于纹理特征的检索、基于形状及区域的检索、基于空间约束关系的检索。-Based on comparing various affine invariant regional basis, selection of image stabilization exremum area biggest content segmentation and extraction. It has the affine invariants, the neighboring territory, stability and multi-scale characteristics, but also because of regional only by grey value of decision, so the size relations is not sensitive illumination change. In images all the pixel, then through sorting for barrel separated binary tree forest-- set the extreme area all obtained images and construct component tree, finally through the biggest stable delay-independent conditions MSER area is MSER, obtain the area without rules boundary shape of its, in order to facilitate to quantification description, using covariance matrix region neat optimization, made the final output of extreme value for the oval areas regional.
Platform: | Size: 2584576 | Author: 陈利华 | Hits:

[assembly languagezhifangtujiansuo

Description: 基于内容的图像检索(Content-based Image Retrieval,简称CBIR)技术被提出。这一技术的出现提高了图像检索的准确性,它通过提取图像本身的内在客观特征如颜色、纹理、形状、布局等关系,并比较这些视觉特征间的相似性,自动搜索出符合用户要求的图像。-Content-based image retrieval (Content-based Image Retrieval, referred to as CBIR) techniques have been proposed. The emergence of this technology to improve the accuracy of the image retrieval, intrinsic objective characteristics by extracting an image itself such as color, texture, shape, layout relations, and compare the similarity between the visual characteristics, automatically searched out in accordance with the user requirements images.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 周佳森 | Hits:

[Special EffectsCBIR-system

Description: 随着计算机科技的发展,图像检索的应用也越来越成熟,根据检索性质可分为两类:基于文本的图像检索和基于内容的图像检索。本论文通过研究基于内容的图像检索中的几个核心算法,用于聚类分析的K-means算法,通过haar小波变换来提取图像底层视觉特征,以及使用F-范数理论来进行相似性度量,来设计一个离线的图像检索系统。(With the development of computer technology, the application of image retrieval is more and more mature. According to the nature of retrieval, they can be divided into two categories: text based image retrieval and content based image retrieval. This paper studies the core algorithm in content based image retrieval, K-means algorithm for clustering analysis, through Haar wavelet transform to extract image visual features, and using F- norm theory to similarity measure, image retrieval system to design an offline.)
Platform: | Size: 3736576 | Author: 笨笨熊笨笨 | Hits:

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