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Description: 本资源是通过VC++6.0来编写的,彩色图像灰度化,灰度比例化,灰度线性化,灰度截断,灰度线性取反,直方图均衡化,直方图规定化,灰度局部统计等功能模块。
Platform: | Size: 3836165 | Author: chanyaowu | Hits:


Description: 这个程序使用来实现图片灰度化处理的
Platform: | Size: 2807 | Author: yangliu | Hits:

[Graph program灰度化

Description: 对BMP图像进行灰度变换-BMP images to gray scale transformation
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: 高强 | Hits:

[Special EffectsDynInteColorConvToGray

Description: 真彩色图像灰度化:动态智能转换原函数. 同时具有灰度化和边缘提取功能.-true color images Gray : Dynamic Intelligent Converters original function. Gray also has the edge and retrieval capabilities.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 阿汪 | Hits:

[Special EffectsRegColorConvToGray

Description: 真彩色图像灰度化:常规灰度转换原函数. 用于图像的预处理.-true color image gray : gray-scale conversion of conventional original function. For image preprocessing.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 阿汪 | Hits:

[Special EffectsInteColorConvToGray

Description: 真彩色图像灰度化:智能灰度化转换原函数. 对真彩色图像具有较好的灰度化效果.-true color images Gray : smart gray conversion original function. True color images with better intensity of the effect.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 阿汪 | Hits:

[Special EffectsRegistrationMarkLocate

Description: 车牌定位源码,包括图像灰度化,锐化,二值化,数字定位。-source positioning plates, including gray-scale images, sharpening, binary, digital positioning.
Platform: | Size: 758784 | Author: long | Hits:

[Special EffectsCImage29

Description: 这是一有彩色图像灰度化,二值化, 图像增强,图像分割的源码-This is a gray color images, binary, image enhancement, image segmentation of the FOSS
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: tanzetao | Hits:


Description: 将彩色图像灰度化,使在处理过程中数据处理简单化-gray color image, so that in the course of handling the data processing simplistic
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: wangyun | Hits:


Description: imagegrey图像灰度化的三种常见算法-imagegrey image of three common algorithms
Platform: | Size: 1532928 | Author: wkfm | Hits:

[Special EffectsAutoThreshold

Description: 程序实现图像灰度化,设置动态阈值图像增强-Program image, and set the dynamic threshold image enhancement
Platform: | Size: 1058816 | Author: weihualin | Hits:

[Special Effectsbitmapprocessing

Description: 图像灰度化是许多数字图像处理的初始和基础工作, 本文对灰度化的基本原理作了简要阐述, 同时分别介 绍了8 位和24 位彩色位图灰度化的具体方法, 并给了实现详细代码。-Image of many digital image processing of the initial and basic work, this article on the gray scale of the basic principles are briefly described, at the same time introduced the 8-bit and 24-bit grayscale bitmap color of the specific methods, and to to achieve the detailed code.
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: gfh | Hits:

[Special Effectszftjh

Description: zftjh:直方图均衡图像灰度化、均衡直方图、图像对比度增强,图像预处理-zftjh: histogram equalization of image gray-scale, balanced histogram, image contrast enhancement, image preprocessing
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: sasa | Hits:

[Special Effectstuxiangfenge

Description: 图像预处理 图像灰度化、高斯平滑、均衡直方图、图像对比度增强-Image Pre-processing of image gray-scale, Gaussian smoothing, balanced histogram, image contrast enhancement
Platform: | Size: 921600 | Author: sasa | Hits:


Description: 一个C#图像处理程序!能够将图像灰度化。并实现图像的分割与合并!-A C# Image processing program! Able to image-based. And to realize image segmentation with the merger!
Platform: | Size: 331776 | Author: geoshion | Hits:

[Special Effectshongxibaoshumutongji

Description: 实现彩色图像灰度化,实现去噪和二值化,最终为了检测红细胞数目-shi xian hong xi bao shu mu jian ce
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 赵学梅 | Hits:

[Multimedia Develophuiduhuatuxiang

Description: 实现彩色图像灰度化的效果.在RGB模型中,如果R=G=B时,则彩色表示一种灰度颜色,其中R=G=B的值叫灰度值,因此,灰度图像每个像素只需一个字节存放灰度值(又称强度值、亮度值),灰度范围为0-255。-color image
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: chenkang | Hits:

[Graph program1

Description: 数字图像处理,图像灰度化,256颜色转化为灰度图像-Digital image processing, images of gray-scale, 256 color images into gray-scale
Platform: | Size: 2935808 | Author: wangzhongmei | Hits:

[GIS program200911081312

Description: 图像的灰度化、二值化和反色是些较简单的图像像素处理过程,我在《GDI+ 在Delphi程序的应用 -- ColorMatrix与图像灰度化》和《GDI+ 在Delphi程序的应用 -- 图像二值化》-procedure ImageDynamTwoValues(Data: TImageData SubSize: Integer) var Sub: TImageData GrayData: TGrayStatData x, y: Integer begin if SubSize <= 0 then begin ImageGrayStat(Data, GrayData, True) ImageTwoValues(Data, GrayData.Average) Exit end y := 0 while y < Data.Height do begin x := 0 while x < Data.Width do begin Sub := GetSubImageData(Data, x, y, SubSize, SubSize) ImageGrayStat(Sub, GrayData, True) ImageTwoValues(Sub, GrayData.Average) Inc(x, SubSize) end Inc(y, SubSize) end end 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/maozefa/archive/2007/11/29/1908031.aspx
Platform: | Size: 182272 | Author: liyb | Hits:

[Special Effects灰度化程序

Description: 利用opencv2.4.8和vs2013进行图像灰度化处理的源代码(Using opencv2.4.8 and vs2013 grayscale image processing source code)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 让一切随风 | Hits:
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