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[Special Effectsimprod

Description: 假如我们要编写一个称为fgprod的函数,该函数的功能是将两幅图像相乘,并输出图像的乘积、乘积的最大值与最小值以及一幅归一化的乘积图像。
Platform: | Size: 912 | Author: 十年砍柴 | Hits:

[Graph programchap3

Description: ch3_1_1:嵌套使用图像代数函数(§3.1.1) ch3_1_2:两幅图像相加(§3.1.2) ch3_1_3:图像与常数相加(§3.1.2) ch3_1_4:两幅图像相减(§3.1.3) ch3_1_5:两幅图像相乘(§3.1.4) ch3_1_6:图像除以常数(两幅图像相除)(§3.1.5) ch3_2_1:图像缩放(§3.2.2) ch3_2_2:图像旋转(§3.2.3) ch3_2_3:图像剪切(§3.2.4) ch3_2_4:生成和应用仿射变换(§3.2.5) ch3_2_5:findbounds函数的应用(§3.2.5) ch3_2_6:makeresampler函数的应用(§3.2.5) ch3_2_7:投影变换(§3.2.5) ch3_3_1:计算图像的局部标准差(§3.3.1) ch3_3_2:计算输入图像的3×3邻域像素值的最大值(§3.3.2) ch3_4_1:根据指定的坐标选择一个六边形区域(§3.4.1) ch3_4_2:按灰度分割图像中的目标(§3.4.1) ch3_4_3:函数poly2mask的调用格式(§3.4.1) ch3_4_4:对指定区域进行锐化滤波(§3.4.2) ch3_4_5:填充指定的区域(§3.4.3)
Platform: | Size: 3823 | Author: sherman1944 | Hits:

[2D Graphic图像相乘

Description: 将输入的两幅图像相乘
Platform: | Size: 2104 | Author: gtt509109 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimprod

Description: 假如我们要编写一个称为fgprod的函数,该函数的功能是将两幅图像相乘,并输出图像的乘积、乘积的最大值与最小值以及一幅归一化的乘积图像。-If we are to prepare a group called the fgprod function, which function is to multiply two images and output images of the product, the product of the maximum and minimum values, as well as a product of the normalized image.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 十年砍柴 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImagePaintingProgramBasedonHalftoning

Description: 本实验要求编写一个能够完成两幅图像之间的四种算术运算的通用程序,还要求对于两幅图像的乘法,所编写的乘法程序能够完成一幅图像乘以一个常数的功能。图像中的算术操作主要以像素为基础在两幅和多幅图像间进行。在四种算术操作中,减法和加法在图像增强处理中最有用,两幅图像相除可以看成是一幅图像的取反与另一幅图像相乘,图像与一个常数相乘以增加其平均灰度,图像的乘法主要用于处理更广泛的模板操作的增强处理。实验中编写的程序实现了图像之间的四种算术运算,也可以通过增强的图像的效果来体现这四种算术运算的不同效果。-err
Platform: | Size: 773120 | Author: jhm | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMultiMatrix

Description: 矩阵相乘,在计算图像算法上面非常有用,也是十分经典的算法 -Matrices in the calculation of the above algorithm is very useful image
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 田威 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTwoDimensionalFastFourierTransform

Description: 本实验要求开发一个2-D FFT程序包,使其可以应用于后续的几个实验。这个程序需要完成的功能是用因子(-1)^(x+y)乘以输入图像以实现滤波的中心变换,并还要求用一个实矩阵乘以一个复数矩阵通过调用两个图像的乘法程序来实现对应元素的相乘,同时计算反傅立叶变换,得到的结果乘以(-1)^(x+y)并取其实部最后计算频谱。实验中用到傅立叶变换的基本公式,通过实验我们可以更加深刻的理解频域滤波的基础。-The experiment calls for the development of a 2-D FFT package so that it can be applied to a number of follow-up experiment. This process needs to be done is to factor the function (-1) ^ (x+ y) multiplied by the input image to achieve the center of filter change, and also requires a real matrix multiplied by a complex matrix by calling the two images of the multiplication process to achieve multiplication of the corresponding elements, calculating the anti-Fourier transform at the same time, the result multiplied by (-1) ^ (x+ y) and check the final calculation of the Department of the spectrum in fact. Fourier transform experiment used the basic formula, we can experiment more profound understanding of the basis of frequency domain filtering.
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: jhm | Hits:


Description: 图像加减运算,包括图像和常数的加减图像的相乘和一些图像处理的MATLAB代码-Image addition and subtraction operations, including image and constant multiplication and some addition and subtraction images MATLAB image processing code
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: impoter117 | Hits:

[Special Effects2-DFFT

Description: 该实验的目的是开发一个 2-D FFT程序包。要求程序能完成下面的功能: (a) 用因子 (-1)x+y 乘以输入图像,以实现滤波的中心化变换; (b) 用一个实矩阵乘以一个复数矩阵,即用实矩阵中的元素同时乘以复数矩阵对应位置上的复数的实部与虚部。 可以通过调用两个图像的乘法程序来实现对应元素的相乘; (c) 计算反付立叶变换; (d) 结果乘以 (-1)x+y ,并取其实部; (e) 计算频谱。 -The purpose of this experiment is to develop a 2-D FFT package. Program to complete the following features: (a) The factor (-1) x+y multiplied by the input image to achieve the center of the transform of the filter (b) a real matrix is ​ ​ multiplied by a complex matrix, using the real matrix elements at the same time multiplied by the complex matrix corresponding to the position of the real part and imaginary part. By two images is called the multiplication process of multiplying the corresponding element (c) The calculation of the anti-Fourier transform (d) multiplying the result by (-1) x+y, and take the real part (e) The calculation of the spectrum.
Platform: | Size: 574464 | Author: 张亚丽 | Hits:

[Special Effectsfftzy

Description: 将两幅图像的相位和幅度交叉相乘,通过图像显示出来-The phase and amplitude of the two images of the cross-multiplied by the image displayed
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张溪桐 | Hits:

[Industry researchfuzabeijinggenzong

Description: 介绍了一种常用的Kim目标分割方法,并 针对其不足,对Kim方法进行了改进,将连续两帧的差分图像和背景差分图像直接相乘得到灰度图 像,然后对该灰度图像进行阈值分割来获取目标区域模板,再基于灰度加权图像模板匹配法实现目标 跟踪 -A common Kim target segmentation, and for its shortcomings, Kim method improvements, the two consecutive frames of the differential image and the background differential image is directly obtained by multiplying the gray-scale image, and then the threshold value of the gray-scale image, split to get the template of the target area, target tracking based on the gray weighted image template matching method to achieve
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 阴天 | Hits:

[Special Effectscode

Description: Matlab 常用图像处理,包括图像相除、相乘、灰度线性变换、图像增强、降噪-matlab Common image processing, including image division, multiplication, gray linear transformation, image enhancement, noise reduction
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 傅楚华 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimprod

Description: 编写一个将两幅 输入图像相乘的函数,并输出图像的乘积,成绩的最大值与最小值以及一幅归一化的乘积图像。-Preparation of a multiply the function of two input images and output images of the product, and the maximum and minimum score a normalized product images.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 贾薇 | Hits:

[Special Effectsapplymask

Description: 图形掩膜,提取感兴趣区,用预先制作的感兴趣区掩模与待处理图像相乘,得到感兴趣区图像,感兴趣区内图像值保持不变,而区外图像值都为0-Graphic mask, extracting regions of interest, ROIs with pre-made masks and images to be processed multiplied by the interest image, the region of interest image values ​ ​ remain unchanged, while the area outside the image values ​ ​ are 0
Platform: | Size: 3650560 | Author: mahua | Hits:


Description: 非常经典的矩阵相乘以及矩阵的Doolittle分解的程序,可用于数字图像处理- Doolittle decomposition process is very classical matrix multiplication and matrix can be used for digital image processing
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 刘晨光 | Hits:

[source in ebookopencl-book-samples-read-only

Description: 《OpenCL编程指南》源代码,书中提供了一系列经典的案例,如图像直方图、Sobel边界检测过滤器、并行实现Dijkstra单源最短路 径图算法、Bullet Physics SDK中的布模拟、用快速傅里叶变换模拟海洋、 光流、OpenCL与PyOpenCL结合使用,使用OpenCL完成矩阵相乘与稀疏矩阵矢 量乘法等-《OpenCL Programming Guide》source code
Platform: | Size: 1779712 | Author: 103yiran | Hits:

[Special EffectsDCT

Description: 基于DCT域的数字水印算法主要包括水印调制、水印嵌入和水印提取,首先在嵌入载体图像之前用Logistic混沌序列对水印进行调制,得到一个只有+1和-1随机序列的水印,同时将载体图像进行全局DCT变换,然后将水印图像嵌入人类视觉系统最重要的部分,即DCT最大的系数,DC(Direct Current)部分也包含在这最大的系数中,这部分的系数满足人类视觉特性,会使水印嵌入的性能更好。嵌入算法是将水印与这些系数进行相乘获得新的系数,再用新的系数来替换原来的系数,即获得嵌入水印后的离散余弦域的图像,然后对这个变换后的图像进行IDCT,就会得到需要的水印图像。-While the carrier image digital watermarking algorithm based on DCT domain include watermark modulation, watermark embedding and watermark extraction, the first of the watermark embedded in a carrier modulated image before using Logistic chaotic sequence, only+1 and-1 to get a random sequence of watermark, Global DCT transform, then the watermark image is embedded most important part of the human visual system, i.e. the largest DCT coefficients, DC (Direct Current) in this section also contains the largest coefficient, the coefficient of this part of the human visual characteristics to meet, make watermarks Embed better performance. The watermark embedding algorithm is with these coefficients are multiplied to obtain new coefficients, and then a new factor to replace the original coefficients, namely discrete cosine domain to obtain an image watermarked and then transformed the image of this conduct IDCT, on watermark image will be needed.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: kelly | Hits:

[Special Effectsqfalirier

Description: 测量时,要用到矩阵相乘,此程序就是介绍的实矩阵的相乘()
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: tfpx%26976 | Hits:

[Special Effects作业5

Description: 理解频域处理与空间域处理的等效关系与步骤,掌握频域相乘与空间域循环卷积之间的对等关系,理解DFT运算中补零的效果。(Understand the equivalent relationship and steps of frequency domain processing and space domain processing, understand the reciprocal relationship between frequency domain multiplication and space domain circular convolution, and understand the effect of zero padding in DFT operation.)
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 在云端 | Hits:

[Special Effectsfghws9

Description: 大数相乘,计算时间,josep问题,计算JC,分形图形()
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: gvoar | Hits:
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