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[Graph programwalsh变换

Description: 该程序实现了对一幅图象进行Walsh变换。首先定义了一个imagewnd类, 该类可用于位图的创建、显示;WALh函数为快速沃尔什-哈达玛变换,f为时域值,F为变换域值,power为2的幂数,Walsh1函数为二维变换;在该函数中取出了一幅位图的所有像素,用来进行变换.具体算法过于专业,我就不细说了。-the realization of an image Walsh transform. First imagewnd definition of a category, such can be used for the bitmap is created, displayed; WALh function for the rapid Walsh-Hadamard transform, too-valued f, F value of the transform domain, power and the power to two the number Walsh1 function of two-dimensional transform; function in the removal of a bitmap of all pixels, used for transformation. specific algorithm is too professional, I will not elaborate on this.
Platform: | Size: 103110 | Author: none | Hits:

[Other resource数据结构配套光盘

Description: 《数据结构》配书光盘 内容包括:线性表,栈和队列,串,数组与广义表,树,图,查找,排序等所以算法。 该光盘中配有《数据结构》一书中的所有算法、每一个算法的 C 程序(后缀为 .cpp 的文件)及可执行文件(后缀为 .exe 的文件)。-"data structure" assigned CD include : linear table, stack and queue, strings, arrays and broad scale tree, map, search, sort, etc. So algorithm. The CD-ROM equipped with a "data structure," a book of all the algorithm, the algorithm for each one C (suffix. Cpp files) and the executable file (wayward. Exe files).
Platform: | Size: 2725011 | Author: mars | Hits:

[Special Effects灰度变换算法实现

Description: 本程序实现图象处理中的灰度变换的所有算法!-the program image processing Gray Transform algorithm for all!
Platform: | Size: 365172 | Author: 林华 | Hits:


Description: 清华殷人昆版数据结构(c++版),图的所有算法调试成功。-Qinghua Yin Dynasty Queensland version data structure (c version), graph algorithms debug all success.
Platform: | Size: 38238 | Author: 李海涛 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 656002 | Author: Lorna_1 | Hits:

[Windows Developvisual c++数字图像处理典型算法及实现一书的所有源码,是图像处理入门的极好教程--图象处理

Description: visual c++数字图像处理典型算法及实现一书的所有源码,是图像处理入门的极好教程--图象处理,对图像处理新手有很大帮助
Platform: | Size: 8386090 | Author: 15067423194@163.com | Hits:

[Graph Drawing画图系统

Description: 我的程序是用C语言编的一个画图软件,满足以下几点: 用某种方法实现圆的生成算法。 实现橡皮筋直线、圆、矩形。 实现多边形裁剪。 实现基本几何变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 实现Bezier曲线或B样条曲线。 最终呈现的结果是一个小型的交互式图形系统,用界面把所有功能串连起来。-the procedures I used the C language is part of a drawing software to meet the following points : the use of a certain method of generating algorithm round. Achieving rubber-band linear, circular and rectangular. Achieving polygon clipping. To achieve basic geometry transformation (translation, rotation, zoom). Achieving Bezier curve or B-spline curves. The final results show is a small interactive graphics system, with all the functional interface to link up.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李玮玮 | Hits:

[Data structs数据结构配套光盘

Description: 《数据结构》配书光盘 内容包括:线性表,栈和队列,串,数组与广义表,树,图,查找,排序等所以算法。 该光盘中配有《数据结构》一书中的所有算法、每一个算法的 C 程序(后缀为 .cpp 的文件)及可执行文件(后缀为 .exe 的文件)。-"data structure" assigned CD include : linear table, stack and queue, strings, arrays and broad scale tree, map, search, sort, etc. So algorithm. The CD-ROM equipped with a "data structure," a book of all the algorithm, the algorithm for each one C (suffix. Cpp files) and the executable file (wayward. Exe files).
Platform: | Size: 2952192 | Author: mars | Hits:

[Special Effects灰度变换算法实现

Description: 本程序实现图象处理中的灰度变换的所有算法!-the program image processing Gray Transform algorithm for all!
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: 林华 | Hits:

[Data structs图论算法库 C++ 语言实现

Description: 图论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 图论算法库,包括以下算法: 单源最短路径 Dijkstra 算法 单源最短路径 Bellman-Ford 算法 最小生成树 Prim 算法 每对节点间最短路径 Flod-Warshall 算法 语言 C++ 编译平台 VisualAge C++ 4.0 作者 starfish (starfish.h@china.com) 备注 程序用C++语言编写,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下调试通过。压缩包内的Graph.h文件包含所有的库函数,其调用接口见程序内注释。其他的文件是用来测试算法的测试程序,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下编译运行。 该算法是我为参加ACM/ICPC竞赛而准备的资料,由于竞赛的对编程速度要求较高,所以为了将代码写的短一点,为了便于调试,代码的写的并不是最优的。 虽然该代码在VisualAge C++ 4.0下写成,但是很容易将其移植到MS Visual C++上。 -graph algorithm for C language code content graph algorithm library, including the following algorithm : single-source shortest path algorithm Dijkstra single source shortest path Bellman-Ford algorithm youngest generation Prim algorithm for each tree node on the shortest path between Flod- Warshall ALGOL C compiler platform Vi sualAge author starfish 4.0 C (starfish.h @ china.c om) Remarks procedures using C language, the VisualAge C 4.0 debugging through. The compressed file contains all Graph.h the library, the procedure call interface, see the Notes. Other documents algorithm is used to test the test procedures in VisualAge C compiler running under 4.0. The algorithm is for me to participate in ACM/Illinois prepared to contest the information, because the competition for high speed
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 罗鹏魁 | Hits:

[Data structspointtopointDijkstraAlgrithms

Description: 具有图形化界面的一个路由模拟程序。路由算法为Dijkstra算法。具有求出图中任意节点间所有最短路径以及最短路径子图的功能。这是一个点对点(S-T)Dijkstra算法的改进。用于求两点间的所有最短路径。-graphical interface with the simulation of a routing procedures. Routing algorithm Dijkstra algorithm. With map obtained arbitrary nodes all the shortest paths and shortest path graph of the function. This is a peer-to-peer (S-T) Dijkstra algorithm improvements. Seeking 2:00 for all the shortest path.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 阎一 | Hits:


Description: 清华殷人昆版数据结构(c++版),图的所有算法调试成功。-Qinghua Yin Dynasty Queensland version data structure (c version), graph algorithms debug all success.
Platform: | Size: 606208 | Author: 李海涛 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImageProcessing

Description: 供大家学习用的图象处理程序,含盖了《数字图象处理》中所包含的所有图象处理算法,初学者入门非常不错(注意,是VC编写的,不是MATLAB的)-For everyone to learn to use the image processing procedures, covering a
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: 少凡 | Hits:

[Data structstu_de_bian_li

Description: 图的邻接矩阵和遍历 一.问题描述 构造一图,用邻接矩阵实现该图的深度优先遍历或广度优先遍历。 二.实验目的 1.掌握图的基本概念和邻接矩阵的存储结构。 2.掌握邻接矩阵存储结构的算法实现。 3.掌握图在邻接矩阵存储结构上遍历算法的实现。 三.实验要求 1.确定图的顶点个数和边的个数,建立邻接矩阵,实现深度优先遍历或广度优先遍历,再在主函数中调用它们。 2.深度优先遍历思想: (1)访问顶点v (2)从v的未被访问的邻接点中选取一个顶点w,从w出发进行深度优先遍历; (3)重复上述两步,直至图中所有和v有路径相通的顶点都被访问到。
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jjf | Hits:

[Data structsFloydalgorithm

Description: 用佛洛依德算法求有向带权图的所有顶点之间的最短路径-Freud algorithm used to bring order to have the right to map all of the shortest path between vertex
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王沙沙 | Hits:

[Data structsGraph

Description: 完全由C语言实现的图的相关操作,就是清华大学 数据结构书里的图的所有算法的实现-Solely by the C language implementation of related plans to operate, that is, Tsinghua University, the data structure of the book' s map of the implementation of all algorithms
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectsgraph

Description: 有关图的所有算法,很棒的,对你会有很大帮助-afaegfesagfawefawegseagergesagsergsadgsergeag
Platform: | Size: 2936832 | Author: myaccount | Hits:


Description: 求通过回溯算法遍历图中所有的路径求得a到b的最短距离(Seeking through backtracking algorithm traversal of all the paths in the path to obtain the shortest distance from A to B)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lhbren | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsfloyd算法

Description: floyd算法检测图的最短路径(包含最短路径值和最短路径经过的所有节点)(Floyd algorithm to detect the shortest path of graph)
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: fernadofrewe | Hits:


Description: QM算法是用来最小化卡诺图的一个算法,其大概思路是,对蕴含项中1的个数进行分组,只有1的个数相差为1的蕴含项才可能相邻,所以可以通过循环来穷举出所有的主蕴含项。(The QM algorithm is an algorithm used to minimize the Kano map. The idea is that the number of 1 of the implying items is grouped and only 1 of the implication items with a difference of 1 may be adjacent, so that all the main implication items can be given out through the cycle.)
Platform: | Size: 133120 | Author: liwins | Hits:
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