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[Windows Develop西恩软件机房管理

Description: 功能非常齐全的一个机房管理系统,针对学校机房的特点,实现了强大的上机安排功能、课程表一次性录入,数据库导入导出功能、自动识别多个收费安排的功能、交费管理与系统分离等数十项强大而实用的功能。采用非接触式的ID卡为终端输入,不易被人仿造冒充,方便、安全、快捷。-very functional subset of a Computer Lab Management System, targeted school room at the characteristics and realizing a powerful functional arrangements on the plane, a one-time curriculum logging, database import export capabilities, automatic identification of a number of functions of the charges, management fees and system separation dozens powerful and practical function . The use of non-contact ID cards for terminal input, not pretending to be fake, convenient and safe, fast.
Platform: | Size: 27068533 | Author: 张强 | Hits:

[Other resource学校管理系统1

Description: 学校管理系统 V1.0 正式企业版是一款面向中小型企业、个体私营企业,旨在实现企业管理信息化的企业管理软件。本系统采用管理员等级制管理,将管理人员分为高级、中级、普通三个等级,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。 系统功能包括:学员管理、职工管理、信息查询、帐号管理、系统管理、统计分析等。-School Management System V1.0 formal Enterprise Edition is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, individual and private enterprises, aimed at achieving enterprise management of enterprise information management software. The system administrator using hierarchical management, management staff will be divided into senior, intermediate, common grade 3, have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : management trainees, staff management, information inquiries, account management, system management, statistical analysis.
Platform: | Size: 517024 | Author: nyxz | Hits:


Description: 本文描述了用JSP技术实现动态航空公司与学校信息化交流软件平台的开发概述、技术特征、应用原理及方法,充分突出了JSP技术的优越性。介绍了整个网站的运行流程,数据库的结构及网站的页面组成。论述了各个模块的具体功能实现、关键技术的使用,以及与其他方法的综合应用。 整个系统采用“自上而下地总体规划,自下而上地应用开发”的策略开发。通过分析目前的某些公司和学校在沟通方面存在的弊端,创建了一套行之有效的公司和学校进行信息交流的方案。 公司和学校进行信息交流平台的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析、业务流程分析等;系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计及代码设计;系统实现部分说明了几个主要模块的算法。 本系统界面友好,操作简单,比较实用。 关键字:信息化交流,WEB技术,JSP应用
Platform: | Size: 366049 | Author: ys.asan@163.com | Hits:


Description: 学校管理系统,学习中编译的
Platform: | Size: 1653607 | Author: yinjian_1 | Hits:

[Education soft system智能学校网站管理系统

Description: 专业的网站管理系统,为学校量身定做,适合各种层次的学校,精美的各种网页风格,让您轻轻松松的建造出功能强大的学校网站,快速的让学校进入信息化教育的高速公路。 学校建立网站,也就宣传自己,互联网连着你我他,让外界知道自己的存在。
Platform: | Size: 4889139 | Author: 13469635@qq.com | Hits:

[Education soft system漂亮的中小学通用网站模板

Description: 很漂亮的中小学通用网站模板。 专业的网站管理系统,为学校量身定做,适合各种层次的学校,精美的各种网页风格,让您轻轻松松的建造出功能强大的学校网站,快速的让学校进入信息化教育的高速公路。 学校建立网站,也就宣传自己,互联网连着你我他,让外界知道自己的存在。
Platform: | Size: 5060933 | Author: 13469635@qq.com | Hits:

[Education soft system学校管理系统1

Description: 学校管理系统 V1.0 正式企业版是一款面向中小型企业、个体私营企业,旨在实现企业管理信息化的企业管理软件。本系统采用管理员等级制管理,将管理人员分为高级、中级、普通三个等级,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。 系统功能包括:学员管理、职工管理、信息查询、帐号管理、系统管理、统计分析等。-School Management System V1.0 formal Enterprise Edition is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, individual and private enterprises, aimed at achieving enterprise management of enterprise information management software. The system administrator using hierarchical management, management staff will be divided into senior, intermediate, common grade 3, have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : management trainees, staff management, information inquiries, account management, system management, statistical analysis.
Platform: | Size: 517120 | Author: nyxz | Hits:

[Software Engineering案例1

Description: 软件工程案例分析 包括需求分析,可行性分析等-case analysis software engineering, including requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, etc.
Platform: | Size: 337920 | Author: 唐亚明 | Hits:

[Education soft system中学学生学籍管理系统设计报告

Description: 本系统为一个小型的学生信息管理系统,所耗费的资源非常的小,学校的电脑无论是硬件还是软件都能够满足条件,因此,本系统在运行上是可行的。-the system for a small student information management system, the cost of resources is very small, regardless of the school's computer hardware or software to meet the conditions and, therefore, the system in operation is feasible.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: li | Hits:

[Database system学分管理系统

Description: 是我应我们学校学工部做的软件,其主要是解决想我们学校这样的条件--各个办公室之间还没有建立联网,而且学校分为两个校区(又不在一个城市).   因此,学工部每年的学分登记工作都很麻烦.每学年初,学工部要把当年发布的学分评测规定发到各系,学年末又要把从系里面提交的学分表收齐,然后手工登记,非常的麻烦.有时是系里面的学分报表太乱,有些资料丢失,要么是,系里面把各年的学分评测规定弄混,经常搞的他们一头雾水,于是为他们就请我做这个系统.   这个系统的工作流程是,每个学年初,学工部输入当年的学分评定规定,然后到处成为学分评测数据,然后Copy给各个系,各个系在每个学年中,输入新的专业,年级,班级和新生的资料,然后登记学分评测的纪录和考试的成绩.当学年末到了,各系把党学年的数据导成数据库,然后copy给学工部,学工部就可以用电脑纪录所有的学分纪录. -should I do our school among a software, it is our resolve to schools such conditions-- every office has not yet been established between the network and the school is divided into two campuses (not in a city). Therefore, each of the credit among a registration work very troublesome. Every beginning of the school year, among a year should release the credit evaluation of the provisions of the various faculties, should also learn from the end line inside the table collected credits, and then manual registration, very troublesome. Sometimes there is too much of the credit chaos statements, some of the information lost, or is that the inclusion of the line inside the credits Evaluating requirements confused, often that of their loss, so they asked me to do on the system. the workflow system
Platform: | Size: 1967104 | Author: mxd | Hits:

[Windows Develop西恩软件机房管理

Description: 功能非常齐全的一个机房管理系统,针对学校机房的特点,实现了强大的上机安排功能、课程表一次性录入,数据库导入导出功能、自动识别多个收费安排的功能、交费管理与系统分离等数十项强大而实用的功能。采用非接触式的ID卡为终端输入,不易被人仿造冒充,方便、安全、快捷。-very functional subset of a Computer Lab Management System, targeted school room at the characteristics and realizing a powerful functional arrangements on the plane, a one-time curriculum logging, database import export capabilities, automatic identification of a number of functions of the charges, management fees and system separation dozens powerful and practical function . The use of non-contact ID cards for terminal input, not pretending to be fake, convenient and safe, fast.
Platform: | Size: 27068416 | Author: 张强 | Hits:

[Software Engineering学校教材购销系统需求分析报告书

Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: wj | Hits:

[Software Engineering考试成绩分析系统设计

Description: 学校学生成绩分析系统软件设计文档,里面详细写明的软件的功能和客户需求的统计报表的样式。-school student performance analysis system software design documents, they set out in clear detail the function of the software and the needs of the customers statistical styles.
Platform: | Size: 1991680 | Author: 张庆岩 | Hits:


Description: 这是我自己编的一个学校管理系统,用的是.NET平台。c++的源码。说明在里面。做得不好,站长不要怪哦。(我是一个大一的软件工程的学生,以后会进步的)-This is Part I of a school management system, using yes.NET platform. C source code. Note inside. Well done, oh station not to blame. (I was a freshman in software engineering students, the future will progress)
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: kepeng | Hits:


Description: 一个在软件开发中的,动画实例,当初为了研究学校的上网管理软件EYOU而找到的源码,很有帮助.看看吧.-one in software development, animation examples, The criteria for the study on the Internet management software EYOU to find the source and helpful. let's see it.
Platform: | Size: 2395136 | Author: 倒霉熊 | Hits:

[WEB Codexiaoxue

Description: 功能介绍: 1、本软件专为小学而设计,为校园介绍、校园新闻、教育教学、学生天地、品德教育等几个栏目。其中论坛是专为家长与学校、学生与教师的交流而设计的。具有很强的实用性。 2、本软件功能强大,操作简单。可以发布首页图片新闻、普通新闻、图片新闻、小游戏等,还可以更改学校名称、地址、电话等。对于发布的新闻,可以审核,待审的新闻在后台可以看到,前台(访问者)却看不到。修改新闻时,可以更改文字的字体、大小、颜色,还可以在文章中插入新闻图片。 3、为了便于不同管理者的管理,本软件支持多级管理,录入员只能发布新闻,没有审核新闻的权限,版主没有发布图片新闻,没有管理用户的权限,管理员拥有最高权限。 4、计数器是为了方便管理者了解网站的访问量,最大访问量,今天和昨天访问量等问题。 5、知心姐姐信箱和回音壁,两者结合使用,可以帮助德育教师发现学生中存在的问题,及早解决学生们的心理问题,防止心理疾病的发生。-functional presentations : one, the software specifically designed for primary schools to the campus, the campus news, teaching students earth, Moral education, and several other columns. Forum, which is designed for parents and schools, students and teachers exchange of design. Very practical. 2, the software is a powerful, simple operation. Home can be released to news, general news, pictures, small game, but also change the name of the school, address, telephone. The publication of the news, can be audited, pending news in the background, we can see that the future (visitors) do not see. Changes to the press, can change the text font, size, color, but also in the article insertion of news photos. 3, in order to facilitate the management of different managers, the software supports multi
Platform: | Size: 4598784 | Author: kevin | Hits:

[Education soft systemstudent_sql

Description: 该学生管理信息系统主要包括有学生档案管理、学生学籍管理、学生成绩管理等内容;面对大量的学生数据、报表,手工处理方式已经很难跟上现代化的步伐。随着计算机技术及网络通讯技术的飞速发展,许多学校已经有了较好的计算机应用甚至网络硬件建设基础。因此为提高学校管理工作的现代化、科学化水平,保证信息处理的即时化、准确化,开发一套对学生学籍进行管理的软件是极其重要的。-the student management information system includes student records management, student record management, Student performance management; Faced with a great deal of student data, statements, manual processing method has been difficult to keep up with the pace of modernization. With computer technology and network communications technology developing rapidly, Many schools already have better computer application or network hardware foundation for the building. Thus, to improve the management of school modernization and scientific level, and ensure the immediate processing of information, accurate, developing a pair of the Student management software is extremely important.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: yb | Hits:

[Software Engineeringhitruanjiantixijiegou

Description: 这是我们学校软件体系结构老师讲课的总结,其中软件体系结构风格部分很详细-This is our software architecture school teacher lecturing a summary, including software architecture style, some very detailed
Platform: | Size: 372736 | Author: 苏醒 | Hits:

[Other轻燕学校人事管理系统 v6.0

Description: 本系统参考了各类学校管理软件的精华,溶入了各自的优点并采纳众多在学校工作的朋友的宝贵建议,真正地从用户的需求出发,设计理念极为人性化。具有很强的通用性与实用性,现已广泛应用于各级各类学校,也可用于企事业单位或社会团体。\(The essence of all kinds of school management system software, and valuable suggestions into their respective advantages and adopt many work in the school friends, starting from the real needs of users, the design concept is very user-friendly. Has a strong versatility and practicality, has now been widely used in schools at all levels, can also be used for enterprises or institutions or social organizations. The main functions are as follows: 1, powerful, complete project, rich in content and practical, fully suited to all levels of schools, especially primary and secondary school staff information management! 2, the main modules are: basic information, educational information, titles, evaluation, appointment information, preparation, personnel agency, annual assessment, learning experience, work experience, teaching and research, reward and punishment information, family members, announcements and so on)
Platform: | Size: 1245184 | Author: chuan87 | Hits:

[Remote Control远程控制软件

Description: 星子行是远程控制软件!它主要用来管理计算机,学校机房,网吧等 它是一个完全免费的软件,操作简单方便,功能独特,不同一般远程. 客户端升级为可视端和隐藏端两种方式,方便使用,可以直接使用软 宇快讯主动和服务端通信,同时还可以设置密码退出保护.它是由VB 开发的一个软件.推荐局域网使用,速度快!实现共享效果好!它采用 反向连接技术自动上线,有很多功能!(Xingzi line is a remote control software. It is mainly used to manage computers, school rooms, Internet cafes, etc. It is a completely free software, which is simple and convenient to operate, unique in function and different in general distance. The client is upgraded to two ways: visual and hidden ends, which is easy to use and can be used directly. Yu express is actively communicating with the server, and at the same time, it can set password exit protection. It is VB. A software developed. It is recommended to use LAN quickly and achieve good sharing effect. Reverse connection technology automatically on-line, there are a lot of functions!)
Platform: | Size: 3536896 | Author: ...花一样 | Hits:
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