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[Windows Kernel学生管理系统

Description: 利用vc和access开发的学生管理系统 可以用来做毕业设计或者课程设计
Platform: | Size: 960161 | Author: shandongluzi | Hits:

[SQL Server学生管理系统


VB 学生管理系统源代码,有详尽的学生学籍、班级、就业情况等信息的操作

Platform: | Size: 108546 | Author: tzwsoho | Hits:


Description: 一个完整的学生管理系统,有界面,功能想尽。可以做为毕业设计。
Platform: | Size: 139088 | Author: caoyingseso@126.com | Hits:


Description: 简单的asp.net程序 实现学生管理系统
Platform: | Size: 70388 | Author: xy309428529 | Hits:


Description: C#学生管理系统(vs05+SQL05带SQL数据库)
Platform: | Size: 1928092 | Author: windyoung89@126.com | Hits:


Description: 自己用VB写的学生管理系统,数据库是Access。对于学生管理的日常需求都能满足。自己学习VB开发时写的系统。
Platform: | Size: 1357160 | Author: xunixyoung | Hits:

[Education soft system软件工程(学生管理系统)

Description: 学生管理系统 用vb开发 .rar-student management system used vb development. Rar
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 郑斌 | Hits:

[Education soft system简易学生管理系统c语言版

Description: 简易学生管理系统c语言版-student management system simple language version of c
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 华仔 | Hits:

[Education soft system学生管理系统代码

Description: 该系统为学生管理系统,提供给大家一快学习-the system for student management system, provides us a quick study
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 恋之枫景 | Hits:

[Education soft system基于文件的学生管理系统

Description: 基于文件的学生管理系统.-file-based student management system.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:

[Education soft system学生管理系统原代码

Description: 关于学生管理系统的原代码-student management system on the original code
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: | Hits:

[Education soft system学生管理系统源码

Description: 一套不错的学生管理系统-a good student management system
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 边照亮 | Hits:

[Education soft system一个用vf做的学生管理系统

Description: 这是一个vf做的学生管理系统!-This is a vf do student management system.
Platform: | Size: 753664 | Author: 王虬 | Hits:


Description: 一个用JAVA编写的学生管理系统,适合初学者,用来了解java的基本语法。-with Java to prepare a student management system, suitable for beginners to understand the basic syntax java.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 叮咛 | Hits:

[Education soft system学生管理系统V1.0版

Description: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 该程序由2001计算机信息管理系应田丰开发 本程序学历文凭考试相关流程编写,无任何抄袭代码和盗版之嫌,大家可下载随意修改 苦儿声明: 本程序是老苦自己辛苦写成的,希望大家能给个面子保留著作权信息,:) 这个是第一个版本,有些地方没有考虑到,请大家在试用后给些意见,我好继续编写改进版 苦儿QQ:3431788 7551860 MSN:kuer_cn@msn.com Email:simonying@163.com 电话:0571-63413694 移动电话:13083973989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 对了,输入时的验证大家自己改一下吧,反正都是JS写的,网上多的是,这个版本赶时间的,所以我 美工也是随便做了一下,一些验证之类的还没有加上,等全部成形了我会再上传一个完全版,:) 浙江新世纪经贸专修学院学生管理系统V1.0版 开发说明书 本程序基于本学院实际学生管理运作情况编写,完全自主开发,仅限浙江新世纪经贸专修学院内部使用,如有使用需求,请先征得作者同意。 目 录 第一章:系统说明 第二章:程序功能 第三章:程序流程图---------------------------------------------- the program by 2001 the computer information management system should Tianfeng development of the procedures related to academic diploma examinations the preparation process, no copying code and suspected piracy, we can download free revision followed a statement : This procedure is old suffer hard written, I hope, we can give face-to retain the copyright information :) This is the first version, in some places not considered, we tested to these views, I am prepared to continue to improve the version of crazy QQ : 3431788 7551860 MSN : kuer_cn@msn.com Email : simonying@163.com Beach has-63413694 Mobile : 13083973989------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rig
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: 辛红 | Hits:

[Education soft system学院学生管理系统

Description: 学院学生管理系统实习报告,其中包括了源程序代码,有利于初学者的参考-college students internship report management system, including source code, a reference to beginners
Platform: | Size: 327680 | Author: 孤鴻影 | Hits:


Description: 一款不错的用C#编辑的学生管理系统! 可以帮你实现系统的学生管理-one good C# Editor's student management system. I can help you achieve the Student Management System
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: 万博 | Hits:

[Education soft system最好的学生管理系统

Description: 学生管理系统,这是一套完整的代码,它包括了一个软件开发过程中,从设计到实现的所有文档,资源以及完整源代码。也许许多人不清楚怎么以一个软件工程的思想去完成软件开发,这就是我发布所有源代码的目的。软件=文档+程序,这是许多人都知道的;履行这个思想,便是本套程序的开发守则。但由于这个课程设计的时间太短,才2周,有些地方做得比较马虎,或出现某些错误;但对大多数学习VB的朋友,还是有许多借鉴的地方的。运行前请参照 “运行说明书.txt” 文件 -student management system, which is a complete code, which includes a software development process, from design to the realization of all documents, resources and integrity of the source code. Perhaps many people do not know how to a software engineering ideas to complete software development, and this is all I have source code for the purpose. =+ Software documentation procedures, which is what many people are aware of; To fulfill this idea is, the set of procedures for the development of the Code. However, due to the design of the course was too short, only two weeks, something is not done more careless, or to some mistake; But for the majority of learning VB friends, or from the many places. Please refer to the pre-operational "Operation brochures. Txt "file
Platform: | Size: 529408 | Author: 小二 | Hits:


Description: 一款用C++实现的简单学生管理系统,请站长大人看看是否合格啊-new C++ simple student management system, head of qualified adults to see if ah
Platform: | Size: 869376 | Author: 刘威 | Hits:

[Education soft system学生管理系统完整源代码

Description: 比较完整的学生管理系统源码,可以用作学生毕业设计或系统设计的最佳参考-students complete source code management system can be used by graduate students or design the best system design reference
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 陈林翔 | Hits:
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