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Description: 客服程序和普通的客服程序一样,是在网站上潜入代码,客户访问时无需安装任何插件,即可实现在线对话和咨询功能.所有功能如下 1,网页对话 网站访客无需下载和安装任何插件及客户端软件,只需轻轻点击,即可与网站客服进行实时在线交流。 2,主动对话 网站客服可以向网站访客主动进行对话,其中包括发出对话邀请和直接对话两种方式,使客服人员有主动发掘客户的机会。 3,常用语预设 网站客服可以根据自己公司的特定需求预先设定常见问题应答内容,以节省响应时间。 4,对话转接 网站客服之间可灵活转接对话,实现类似集团电话的效果,以提高接待效率 5,访客来源追踪 网站客服可实时查看网站当前访客数量、来源位置及所在页面。 6,流量统计 网站客服可实时查看网站的各种流量统计信息。 7,文件传送 在对话过程中,后台客服人员和访客可以相互传送文件。8,发送图片 后台客服人员可以直接进行图片发送, 9,历史记录查询 网站客服可在线查询历史对话纪录,支持各种复杂条件的高级查询。 10,数据分析 系统可对访客信息进行归类、整理和分析。 11,客服分组在访客端相关页面嵌入相关分组访客在不同的页面访问时就有相对应的客服服务。如此贴心的设计在提高客服的工作效率的同时,当然也会提高访客的满意。 后台帐号:admin 密码:test
Platform: | Size: 7701111 | Author: icnhk@yeah.net | Hits:


Description: 多用户版的在线客服系统,ACCESS数据库,ASP编写,可以自己再开发
Platform: | Size: 7736266 | Author: dorpnet@163.com | Hits:

[WEB Codeclass

Description: 非常难得的百度问吧程序,问答网站程序可另外运用于客服系统、教程、帮助站-Baidu is very rare you ask procedures, Q
Platform: | Size: 305152 | Author: 黄智雄 | Hits:

[WEB Codetaixun

Description: 超级适合代理建设企业站点的企业源码,超方面实用!程序说明: 1.特色:简繁中文切换、产品展示系统、新闻发布系统、会员管理系统、留言本计数器、网站信息统计、强大后台操作 功能等; 2.页面包括:首页、企业介绍、滚动公告通知发布系统、企业新闻系统、产品展示系统、企业案例发布展示系 统、企业招聘信息发布系统、信息资源下载系统、在线定单系统、在线客服系统、在线留言本系统、网站调查投票系统、友情连接系统、会员 短信与邮件发送系统、网站数据备份与恢复系统、联系方式、营销网络、操作简单的强大后台管理系统等。 管理地址:A_Login.asp 后台用户名:admin 密码:admin-err
Platform: | Size: 2577408 | Author: 海鸥明锐 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDaila

Description: 企业电话客服系统,vs2005,c#-Enterprise call system, vs2005, c#
Platform: | Size: 618496 | Author: jiang | Hits:


Description: 很好用的开源客服系统,下载解压后即可使用,绿色版的,不需要安装-service
Platform: | Size: 786432 | Author: nadmin | Hits:


Description: 仿53KF免费客服系统,一般用于网站的访客问答-53KF free system like customer service, general questions and answers for site visitors
Platform: | Size: 16073728 | Author: nameone | Hits:

[WEB Codeclient

Description: 客服系统,可以嵌入到各个类型的网站,方便会员沟通。-client service system
Platform: | Size: 7642112 | Author: 陈静 | Hits:


Description: myChatRoom是用java实现的一个一对多聊天室,适用于在线客服系统,这里采用的是ajax技术,服务器端和客户端不断刷新页面来更新消息,里面对客户和客服的非正常离线做了判断,界面参考了51客服,仅作参考,不要传播-myChatRoom is to achieve a one-to-many java chat rooms for online customer service system, here is the use of ajax technology, server-side and client constantly refresh the page to update the information, which customers and customer service for non-normally done off-line judge, the interface 51 with reference to customer service, only for reference, do not spread
Platform: | Size: 6540288 | Author: jiangxin | Hits:


Description: java做的网站在线客服系统,功能强大,简单易用-java web site to do online customer service system, a powerful, easy-to-use
Platform: | Size: 6297600 | Author: songyf | Hits:

[WEB Codekf

Description: 网络客服系统源码,包含前台客服调用方式-Internet customer service system, source code, including the front desk customer service call way! !
Platform: | Size: 7701504 | Author: come1234 | Hits:


Description: 一个自己开发的chat server,用户分为两类:客户和坐席,适用于在线客服系统。-A self-developed chat server, users are divided into two categories: clients and agent, suitable for on-line customer service systems.
Platform: | Size: 11427840 | Author: qiuxianfa | Hits:


Description: 网站客服系统商业封装RMB1000网站客服系统商业封装RMB1-Web Customer Service System Business Package RMB1000
Platform: | Size: 7108608 | Author: xiaolai | Hits:

[assembly languagekfdVB

Description: 很不错的在线客服系统,客服端VB源代码,希望大家喜欢.-Very good online customer service system, client-VB Source
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: pang | Hits:


Description: 企业电话客服系统 系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 对用户输入的数据,进行严格的数据检验,尽可能的避免人为错误。 客户在拨打企业电话客服时,系统会自动接收、识别并记录来电的主叫号码并显示相应的客户信息。 客户电话打入时系统自动播放已设定好的欢迎词。 用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。 外线电话转接到座席电话功能,使来电者可以根据系统提示,转入人工服务,与座席人员直接进行交流。 座席电话转接到座席电话功能。-Business telephone customer service system System is the way human-computer interaction, interface, beautiful and friendly, and information query flexible and convenient, safe and reliable data storage. User input data, testing data strictly as possible to avoid human error. Business telephone customer service customer call time will automatically receive, identify and record the caller s Caller ID and displays the corresponding customer information. Customer phone into play automatically when the system has set a good welcome.
Platform: | Size: 619520 | Author: GUMP | Hits:


Description: 在线客服系统,C#与flash服务器的信息交互,识别访客在线离线,聊天,展示产品信息,为访客播放图片,视频等。-Online Customer Service System, C# and the flash server information exchange, identification of visitors online offline, chat, display product information for visitors to play pictures and video.
Platform: | Size: 365568 | Author: nm | Hits:

[WEB Codewebshell

Description: 鼎祥多用户在线客服系统是一款企业级的网站实时交流系统,网站访客只需点击网页中的对话图标,无需安装或者下载任何软件,就能直接和网站客服人员进行即时交流。鼎祥多用户在线客服系统将为企业发掘更多的潜在客户,降低运行成本,提高工作效率,提升客户满意度,是企业进行在线咨询、在线营销、在线客服的有力工具。 修改数据库路径:inc.asp 管理员登陆口:http://你的域名/admin/login.asp 默认管理员账号:admin 密码admin 首页自行修改对应文件-Ding Xiang multi-user online customer service system is an enterprise-class real-time communication system sites, web site visitors simply click on the icon in the dialogue, without having to install or download any software, you can direct and real-time exchange of customer service site. Ding Xiang multi-user online customer service system for enterprises and to identify more potential customers, reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, is an online business, online marketing, online customer service a powerful tool. Modify the database path: inc.asp administrator login port: http:// to your domain/admin/login.asp default administrator account: admin password admin page modify the corresponding file
Platform: | Size: 8432640 | Author: gg126 | Hits:


Description: 很不错的客服系统源码,绝对无错版,经过测试,完全可以用!-good,good,!!!!,wang shang zhao le hen jiu hou ,xiu xiu fu de !
Platform: | Size: 7895040 | Author: xzy2758 | Hits:

[WEB Codekfan

Description: 在线客服系统是一款企业级的网站实时交流系统,网站访客只需点击网页中的对话图标,无需安装或者下载任何软件,就能直接和网站客服人员进行即时交流。多用户在线客服系统将为企业发掘更多的潜在客户,降低运行成本,提高工作效率,提升客户满意度,是企业进行在线咨询、在线营销、在线客服的有力工具 -Online Customer Service System is an enterprise-class real-time communication system sites, web site visitors simply click on the icon in the dialogue, without having to install or download any software, you can direct and web customer service personnel in real time exchanges. Multi-user online customer service system for companies to explore more potential customers, reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, is an online business consulting, online marketing, online customer service a powerful tool
Platform: | Size: 5964800 | Author: zhangdl | Hits:

[WEB Codesofthy629I

Description: 在线客服系统是一款企业级的网站实时交流系统,网站访客只需点击网页中的对话图标,无需安装或者下载任何软件,就能直接和网站客服人员进行即时交流。多用户在线客服系统将为企业发掘更多的潜在客户,降低运行成本,提高工作效率,提升客户满意度,是企业进行在线咨询、在线营销、在线客服的有力工具-Online Customer Service System is an enterprise-class real-time communication system sites, web site visitors simply click on the icon in the dialogue, without having to install or download any software, you can direct and web customer service personnel in real time exchanges. Multi-user online customer service system for companies to explore more potential customers, reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, is an online business consulting, online marketing, online customer service a powerful tool
Platform: | Size: 5962752 | Author: 冲天一笑 | Hits:
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