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[Crack HackRC5-CTS

Description: RC5-CTS模式加密解密算法C++程序实现。 解压之后运行main.dsw.在VC++下面打开,执行之后根据显示首先输入密钥(随便输入不超过16字节的字符串),之后提示输入需要加密的plaintext文件,输入plaintext1.txt,这个文件在压缩包里已经存在,(注意一定要写清楚文件类型名,是个文本文件),然后根据提示输入加密文件名,可随便输入一个文件名,但是别忘记了类型名.txt,如ciphertext1.txt。因为不输入类型名将来无法打开。之后输入解密之后的文件名,可输入decrypted.txt 结束。 之后打开生成的ciphertext1.txt和decrypted.txt,还有原来的明文文件plaintext1.txt,可以看出decrypted.txt和plaintext1.txt内容一致。ciphertext1.txt由plaintext1.txt加密得到,而decrypted.txt由ciphertext1.txt解密得到-RC5 - CTS mode encryption and decryption algorithm C program. After running main.dsw decompression. The VC Below opened, after the implementation of the first to suggest that the importation of key (casual importing more than 16 byte string), followed by the need to import suggest encrypted plaintext documents, the importation of plaintext1.txt, this document compression bag already exists. (Note that certain types of documents to write clearly, is the text document), then prompted to input encrypted file name, could easily enter a file name, but not forget the type name. txt, as ciphertext1.txt. Because we do not import the type who could not open the future. After following the importation of declassified documents, and can import decrypted.txt end. After opening generated ciphertext1.tx
Platform: | Size: 10983 | Author: 郭佳 | Hits:

[Crack HackRSA_DEMO

Description: 一种利用公钥算法(又称为非对称算法)RSA制作注册码的方法。采用这种方法,不知道密钥的话时很难写出注册机来。实际上有部分软件已经使用了这类方法。RSA加密算法DEMO-use of a public key algorithm (also known as non-symmetric algorithm) production license RSA method. Using this method, I do not know the key words is difficult to write Fillmore. Actually part of the software have been using these methods. RSA encryption algorithm DEMO
Platform: | Size: 251595 | Author: linvage | Hits:

[Crack HackDelphi_JiaMi_JieMi

Description: 用Delphi写的一个简单的加密解密算法,具体为:输入一行字符串,从第n个字符开始,没间隔k个字符取出来,然后把剩下的字符加到取出来的后面,形成密文,然后再解密-with Delphi write a simple encryption and decryption algorithms, in particular : input string, n from the characters, not characters interval k taken out and then added to the remaining characters taken out behind the formation of ciphertext. then declassified
Platform: | Size: 346971 | Author: 小魏 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmain

Description: 基于灰度图像处理的LSB密写的实现算法,matlab编程实现
Platform: | Size: 10239 | Author: 马彦 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: 用C语言写的100行DES加密算法. DES算法具有极高安全性,到目前为止,除了用穷举搜索法对DES算法进行攻击外,还没有发现更有效的办法。而56位长的密钥的穷举空间为256,这意味着如果一台计算机的速度是每一秒种检测一百万个密钥,则它搜索完全部密钥就需要将近2285年的时间,可见,这是难以实现的,当然,随着科学技术的发展,当出现超高速计算机后,我们可考虑把DES密钥的长度再增长一些,以此来达到更高的保密程度。
Platform: | Size: 7733 | Author: JohnBill | Hits:

[Crack HackRSAtool

Description: 这学期刚学密码学,RSA算法相对简单,于是写了这个小软件.开发环境:VC++6.0。 RSA的安全性依赖于大数分解。公钥和私钥都是两个大素数。据猜测,从一个密钥和密文推断出明文的难度等同于分解两个大素数的积。 数据加密算法RSA的关键在于大素数的生成,本软件采取数组形式解决大素数的存储和运算问题,可生成超过1024位的十进制数的大素数,以应用于数据加密。 RSA的缺点主要有:产生密钥很麻烦,受到素数产生技术的限制,因而难以做到一次一密。分组长度太大,为保证安全性,n 至少也要 600 bits以上,使运算代价很高,尤其是速度较慢,较对称密码算法慢几个数量级;且随着大数分解技术的发展,这个长度还在增加,不利于数据格式的标准化。 对于明文是字母、数字、符号、汉字的各种组合都能正确加密解密
Platform: | Size: 435908 | Author: 宋芬 | Hits:


Description: mylsb.m is a very complete source of LSB Steganography Steganography and extraction, and are on the inside, I did not upload pictures, you only need to add a picture file on it, remember the image must be a grayscale image, if it is RGB, I converted the code is also very interesting inside Oh. weipingmian.m is a program to extract bit-plane images, pictures, you also need to load the last one is 8 * 8 DCT transformed image.
Platform: | Size: 1641 | Author: richardwn | Hits:

[Crack HackRC5-CTS

Description: RC5-CTS模式加密解密算法C++程序实现。 解压之后运行main.dsw.在VC++下面打开,执行之后根据显示首先输入密钥(随便输入不超过16字节的字符串),之后提示输入需要加密的plaintext文件,输入plaintext1.txt,这个文件在压缩包里已经存在,(注意一定要写清楚文件类型名,是个文本文件),然后根据提示输入加密文件名,可随便输入一个文件名,但是别忘记了类型名.txt,如ciphertext1.txt。因为不输入类型名将来无法打开。之后输入解密之后的文件名,可输入decrypted.txt 结束。 之后打开生成的ciphertext1.txt和decrypted.txt,还有原来的明文文件plaintext1.txt,可以看出decrypted.txt和plaintext1.txt内容一致。ciphertext1.txt由plaintext1.txt加密得到,而decrypted.txt由ciphertext1.txt解密得到-RC5- CTS mode encryption and decryption algorithm C program. After running main.dsw decompression. The VC Below opened, after the implementation of the first to suggest that the importation of key (casual importing more than 16 byte string), followed by the need to import suggest encrypted plaintext documents, the importation of plaintext1.txt, this document compression bag already exists. (Note that certain types of documents to write clearly, is the text document), then prompted to input encrypted file name, could easily enter a file name, but not forget the type name. txt, as ciphertext1.txt. Because we do not import the type who could not open the future. After following the importation of declassified documents, and can import decrypted.txt end. After opening generated ciphertext1.tx
Platform: | Size: 180224 | Author: 郭佳 | Hits:

[Crack HackRSA_DEMO

Description: 一种利用公钥算法(又称为非对称算法)RSA制作注册码的方法。采用这种方法,不知道密钥的话时很难写出注册机来。实际上有部分软件已经使用了这类方法。RSA加密算法DEMO-use of a public key algorithm (also known as non-symmetric algorithm) production license RSA method. Using this method, I do not know the key words is difficult to write Fillmore. Actually part of the software have been using these methods. RSA encryption algorithm DEMO
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: linvage | Hits:

[Special Effectsmain

Description: 基于灰度图像处理的LSB密写的实现算法,matlab编程实现-Based on gray-scale image processing of LSB Steganography algorithm, matlab Programming
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: 用C语言写的100行DES加密算法. DES算法具有极高安全性,到目前为止,除了用穷举搜索法对DES算法进行攻击外,还没有发现更有效的办法。而56位长的密钥的穷举空间为256,这意味着如果一台计算机的速度是每一秒种检测一百万个密钥,则它搜索完全部密钥就需要将近2285年的时间,可见,这是难以实现的,当然,随着科学技术的发展,当出现超高速计算机后,我们可考虑把DES密钥的长度再增长一些,以此来达到更高的保密程度。-Using C language to write 100 lines of the DES encryption algorithm. DES algorithm has high security, so far, except by exhaustive search attack on the DES algorithm, but also found no more effective way. And 56 long exhaustive key space for the 256, which means that if a computer s speed is detected every second of one million keys, it searches entirely on the needs of key Department of nearly 2285 time can be seen, it is difficult to realize, of course, with the development of science and technology, when the emergence of ultra-high-speed computer, we can consider the DES key length and then some growth in order to achieve higher levels of security.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: JohnBill | Hits:

[Crack HackRSAtool

Description: 这学期刚学密码学,RSA算法相对简单,于是写了这个小软件.开发环境:VC++6.0。 RSA的安全性依赖于大数分解。公钥和私钥都是两个大素数。据猜测,从一个密钥和密文推断出明文的难度等同于分解两个大素数的积。 数据加密算法RSA的关键在于大素数的生成,本软件采取数组形式解决大素数的存储和运算问题,可生成超过1024位的十进制数的大素数,以应用于数据加密。 RSA的缺点主要有:产生密钥很麻烦,受到素数产生技术的限制,因而难以做到一次一密。分组长度太大,为保证安全性,n 至少也要 600 bits以上,使运算代价很高,尤其是速度较慢,较对称密码算法慢几个数量级;且随着大数分解技术的发展,这个长度还在增加,不利于数据格式的标准化。 对于明文是字母、数字、符号、汉字的各种组合都能正确加密解密
Platform: | Size: 435200 | Author: 宋芬 | Hits:


Description: 基于JPEG图像的数字密写方法 F5算法的JAVA程序-JPEG digital images Steganography methods
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: bichaozhi | Hits:

[Special EffectsJiyitexingLSB

Description: LSB密写技术是目前一种应用最为广泛的数据隐藏技术。本文通过对LSB密写算法的分析,指出了对载体图像进行LSB密写会引起图像统计特性改变的原因,并在此基础上提出了一种基于记忆特性的LSB密写算法。该算法记录下载体已经进行密写部分的统计特性,如果被嵌入的秘密比特与原始像素值的最低位相同,就不作改动 否则就根据该统计特性进行增1或减1的调整 在接收方,提取信息时只需要将载体图像的最低比特位提取、解密即可恢复秘密信息。该算法具有较高的隐蔽性,能够有效地抵抗统计分析方法。-Steganography is an important part of Information Hiding. This paper analyses LSB Steganography arithmetic, points out the reason for the change of picture’s statistical characteristic after using LSB Steganography arithmetic. This arithmetic records the statistical characteristic of the part of picture writing secret information. If the secret byte is equal to the host pixel’s last byte, then do nothing. Otherwise, the host pixel’s last byte will be changed from i to i+1 or from i to i-1 accord...
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: boe | Hits:

[Graph programSteganographic_Encoding

Description:  密写编码技术以占用较多的载体数据为代价来减少对载体数据的修改量,从而降低信息隐藏引起的失 真. 本文首先将密写编码方法的构造转化为一个数据的稀疏表示问题,然后提出密写编码构造算法. 利用该构造算法 可得到一系列密写编码方法,并进一步研究密写编码的组合形式,在不同占用率条件下获得了良好的编码性能,优于 矩阵密写编码和游动密写编码.-Steganographic Encoding Ba sed on Sparse Repre sentation
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: LFZ | Hits:

[Special Effectssix

Description: 六个代码分别是小波变换用于水印密写,离散余弦变换应用于水印密写和空域算法水印算法-Six codes are used for watermark Steganography wavelet transform, discrete cosine transform used in secret writing and airspace watermark Watermarking Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 张楠 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImagesteganography

Description: 一种基于低位图像密写的算法,实现信息的隐蔽传输-Low Image Steganography Based on the algorithm, the information hidden transfer
Platform: | Size: 180224 | Author: 杜平 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSSteganographt

Description:  密写编码技术以占用较多的载体数据为代价来减少对载体数据的修改量,从而降低信息隐藏引起的失真. 本文首先将密写编码方法的构造转化为一个数据的稀疏表示问题,然后提出出密写编码构造算法. 利用该构造算法可得到一系列密写编码方法,并进一步研究密写编码的组合形式,在不同占用率条件下获得了良好的编码性能,优于矩阵密写编码和游动密写编码. -Steganography to occupy more vector data to reduce the cost of the modifications of the vector data, thereby reducing the information hiding distortion caused by coding techniques. Firstly, the structure of steganography encoding method into a data sparse problem, and then proposed steganography encoding construct the algorithm using the construction algorithm available steganography encoding method, and further study of the combination of steganography encoding in the occupancy rate under the conditions of a good coding performance is better than the encoding matrix steganography and swimming steganography encoding.
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: 谨防 | Hits:

[Graph program5

Description: 基于图像复杂度的隐写方法研究 为了提供较大的隐写容量和保持良好的载密图像质量,依据人眼对纹 理、边界和黑暗区域变化敏感性弱的视觉特点,结合小波变换提出了一种图像复杂度描述方法,将图像小块分为纹理、边界、黑暗和平滑四个不同类别,利用模函数 设计隐写算法,在不同区域嵌入不同量的信息.实验结果表明,新的复杂度描述方法能准确区分不同类型的小块,隐写算法在提高嵌入容量的同时保持了较好的视觉 质量. -Study steganographic method based on image complexity in order to provide greater capacity and maintain good steganography stego image quality, according to the human eye textures, borders and change the sensitivity of dark areas weak visual features, combined with a wavelet transform is proposed described method of image complexity, the image is divided into small pieces texture, borders, dark and smooth four different categories, use the function module design steganography, embedding different amounts of information in different areas. the experimental results show that the new complexity described method can accurately distinguish between different types of pieces, steganography to improve the embedding capacity while maintaining good visual quality.
Platform: | Size: 402432 | Author: fangsm | Hits:

[Special EffectsJsteg

Description: 基于DCT的jsteg图像隐写及分析算法,MATLAB实现。 JSteg的算法主要思想是将秘密消息嵌入在量化后的DCT系数的最低比特位上,但对原始值为O、1的DCT系数不进行嵌入。提取秘密消息时,只需将载密图像中不等于0、l的量化DcT系数的LSB取出即可。(The main idea of the JSteg algorithm is to embed secret messages in the lowest bit of the quantized DCT coefficients, but the DCT coefficients of the original values are O and 1 are not embedded. When extracting secret messages, only the LSB of the quantized DCT coefficients not equal to 0 and l in the encrypted image can be taken out.)
Platform: | Size: 812032 | Author: 人气呆毛选手 | Hits:
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