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Description: 行==列==对角线 ◎ 魔幻矩阵
Platform: | Size: 5787 | Author: | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsmimp

Description: 求解对角线元素很小的矩阵的逆矩阵,避免一般求逆的溢出问题,用Fortran编写-small diagonal elements of the matrix inverse matrix inversion generally avoid the overflow problems, Fortran prepared
Platform: | Size: 1069 | Author: 杨天笑 | Hits:

[Windows Develop求解三对角线方程组的追赶法

Description: 求解三对角线方程组的追赶法,其代码由C语言编译,主要用于方程组未知参数的求解-Crout Reduction for Tridiagonal Linear Systems which applis Crout Reduction to solve a given tridiagonal linear system , in C
Platform: | Size: 1015 | Author: 邹璇 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopC语言实现追赶法

Description: C语言实现追赶法 可方便三对角线矩阵的运算-C language to catch up with the law will facilitate the three diagonal matrix arithmetic
Platform: | Size: 1007 | Author: 李白长 | Hits:

[GUI Developn后问题

Description: 在 n 行 n 列的国际象棋棋盘上,最多可布n个皇后。 若两个皇后位于同一行、同一列、同一对角线上,则称为它们为互相攻击。 n皇后问题是指找到这 n 个皇后的互不攻击的布局。 n 行 n 列的棋盘上,主次对角线各有2n-1条。-n n trip out of the international chess board, the maximum n Queen's cloth. If two at the same Queen's visit, the same series on the same diagonal, as they attack each other. N Queen's problem is found n the Queen not to attack each other's layout. N n trip out on the chessboard, and secondary diagonal each 2n-1.
Platform: | Size: 1384 | Author: 刘二 | Hits:

[Other resourcemagic_1

Description: 魔方的算法,即每行每列和对角线上的数值和相等,算法值得研究研究-Magic Square algorithm, which means that every line and every out on the diagonal and the same numerical algorithm worth studies
Platform: | Size: 793 | Author: 吴伟 | Hits:


Description: 求四阶的素数幻方。即在一个4X4 的矩阵中,每一个格填 入一个数字,使每一行、每一列和两条对角线上的4 个数字所组成的四位数,均为可逆素数。 -for four bands in several magic squares. In a 4x4 matrix, each one filled a digital grid so that each line, each diagonal out and two on the four figures of the four-digit, are reversible primes.
Platform: | Size: 3623 | Author: 姚紫欣 | Hits:

[Special EffectsC++(Circle)

Description: 算法实现题1-2 平面几何问题 .问题描述: 试用C++ 的类来定义表示简单平面几何对象的抽象数据类型Geometry 。 (1) 用浮点数定义2 个几何量m1 和m2;m2 的缺省值为0.0。 (2) 实现2 个构造函数:允许用1 个参数或2 个参数声明几何对象。用1 个参数r 声明 的几何对象为半径为r 的圆;用2 个参数r1 和r2 声明的几何对象为r1′r2 的矩形。所声明 的几何对象的中心在原点。 (3) 定义计算几何对象的面积,周长和对角线长度的成员函数。 (4) 对于给定的实数r,先声明一个半径为r 的圆c1;然后声明一个c1 的外切矩形s, 接着再声明s 的外接圆c2。 (5) 输出(4) 中几何对象的面积,周长和对角线长度。 .编程任务: 给定实数r,计算几何对象c1,s 和c2 的面积,周长和对角线长度。 .数据输入: 由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有1 个实数r,表示圆c1 的半径。 .结果输出: 将计算出的几何对象c1,s 和c2 的面积,周长和对角线长度分别输出到文件output.txt 。 文件的第1 行是计算得到的圆c1 的面积和周长;第2 行是矩形s 的面积,周长和对角线长 度;第3 行是圆c2 的面积和周长。-algorithm that 1-2 plane geometry problem. Problem description : probationary category C to the definition simple plane geometry objects to the abstract data type Geometry. (1) The definition of a float with two geometric m1 and m2; M2, the default value of 0.0. (2) to achieve two Constructors : permits the use of a parameter or two parameters statement geometric objects. Using a parameter r statement geometric objects to a radius of the circle r; With two parameters r1 and r2 statement to the geometric objects r1'r2 rectangular. Statement by the geometric objects in the center of origin. (3) calculate the geometric definition of the target area, perimeter and length of the diagonal members function. (4) For a given set of real r, first declare a radius of the circle r c1; Then a state
Platform: | Size: 66427 | Author: stzxxxstz | Hits:


Description: 程序总结3:牛顿迭代|牛顿下山|秦九韶|三对角线追赶法|系统|弦割法|雅克比迭代|综合测评-procedures : Newton iteration | Newton down | Qinjiushao | 3 diagonal chasing France | System | Strings cutting France | Jacques than iterative | Comprehensive Assessment
Platform: | Size: 4879 | Author: 周琳 | Hits:

[Other resourceqiujie

Description: 【问题描述】已知线性方程组AX=B,求解该方程组。参考算法: 消去法:将列向量B加到矩阵A的最后一列,构成增广矩阵AB。对AB进行下列三种初等变换,使原矩阵A的部分的主对角线上的元素均为1,其余元素均为0,则原列向量B的部分即为X的值: 1. 将矩阵的一行乘以一个不为0的数 2. 将矩阵的一行加上另一行的倍数 3. 交换矩阵中两行的位置 - [ Question description ] known system of linear equations AX=B, solves this system of equations. Reference algorithm: 娑堝幓娉? Will arrange in order vector B to add to matrix A last the row, constitution augmentation matrix AB. Carries on the following three kind of elemetary operations to AB, causes original matrix A in the part principal diagonal element is 1, other elements are 0, then the original row vector B part is X value: 1. a matrix line while take as 0 several 2. adds on a matrix line in another line of multiples 3. exchanges matrices two lines of positions
Platform: | Size: 6550 | Author: chao | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms16

Description: 追赶法解三对角线方程组-chased three diagonal Solving equations
Platform: | Size: 1279 | Author: 陶小兵 | Hits:


Description: 幻方即1至n*n自然数排成的每行、每列、每条对角线数字之和均相等的方阵。这是一个流行的解法。 含源文件及说明-that is a magic square to n * n natural numbers line up every trip, every out, and each diagonal figures and have the same matrix. This is a popular method. Sources with papers and notes
Platform: | Size: 11141 | Author: 包包 | Hits:

[Game ProgramTicTacToeApp

Description: TicTacToe是一个人机对战的棋类游戏,规则是谁先将三个棋子排成对角线就算赢。-TicTacToe is a man-machine chess players in the game, the rules are the first to line up to three pieces diagonal even win.
Platform: | Size: 13625 | Author: webb | Hits:


Description: 人脸识别对角线PCA、LDA(DiaPCA、DiaLDA)和最大间隔准则(MMC)代码,MATLAB写的。-PCA, LDA (DiaPCA. DiaLDA) and the maximum spacing criteria (MMC) code, written in MATLAB.
Platform: | Size: 2339 | Author: 申中华 | Hits:

[Other resource25_GONG

Description: 列句25宫的所有组合。 每行,每列,和对角线 数字和为25。-sentence of 25 out of all the combinations Palace. Each line, each and diagonal figures and 25.
Platform: | Size: 1196 | Author: yegts | Hits:

[Other resourcearea00

Description: 以两点为对角线的矩形面积的计算,很实用-to 2:00 for the diagonal of the rectangular area, a very practical! !
Platform: | Size: 828 | Author: 陈波 | Hits:


Description: Delphi 代码,给出显示屏对角线尺寸,显示屏比例,计算高度和宽度
Platform: | Size: 4687 | Author: shuyong@sina.com | Hits:

[Windows Develop求解三对角线方程组的追赶法

Description: 求解三对角线方程组的追赶法,其代码由C语言编译,主要用于方程组未知参数的求解-Crout Reduction for Tridiagonal Linear Systems which applis Crout Reduction to solve a given tridiagonal linear system , in C
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 邹璇 | Hits:


Description: C循环语句和数组的应用,实现N阶矩阵求对角线及四边和(The application of C cyclic statement and array to implement the diagonal line and four sides of the N order matrix)
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: mouse119 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeDiagonal and edge

Description: B正在做一个关于图像理解方面的研究,她的目标是识别图像中的轮廓。当前阶段,她希望能够识别正方形。图像用一个矩阵表示,矩阵的每个元素对应于图像中的一个像素点,值为0或1,0表示背景,1表示前景。需要寻找的正方形必须满足线宽为单像素,且大小至少为2x2。她希望你能帮她找出图像中满足如下条件的两类正方形的个数: 正方形的边与矩阵边缘平行; 正方形的边与矩阵对角线平行;(B is doing a research on image understanding, and her goal is to identify the outline in the image. At this stage, she wants to be able to identify the square. The image is represented by a matrix. Each element of the matrix corresponds to a pixel in the image, with a value of 0 or 1, 0 for the background and 1 for the foreground. The squares to be searched must meet the line width of a single pixel, and the size is at least 2x2. She wants you to help her find the number of two types of squares in the image that meet the following conditions: The edge of a square is parallel to the edge of a matrix. The edge of a square is parallel to the diagonal of the matrix;)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jiapf123 | Hits:
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