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[OS programPeerYou远程控制软件源代码

Description: 完全实现注册表处理,文件处理。服务端采用多线程服务,能最好的处理SOCKET请求。数据接收、发送函数可以说是现阶段最好的,采用异步重叠操作。可以取得被控机器上的硬件信息,文件信息,注册表以及进行屏幕控制。 代码中的SOCKET重叠I/O的实现也很值得参-complete registry handling, document handling. Server using multithreading services will best address SOCKET request. Data reception, sending function can be said at this stage the best, using asynchronous overlapping operations. Machines can get charged with the hardware information, document information, registry and control for the screen. SOCKET code of overlapping I / O is also the realization worth Participation
Platform: | Size: 223582 | Author: tom | Hits:

[Remote Control银河远程控制

Description: 该远程控制融合了文件管理 屏幕控制 注册表管理 进程管理 等等功能 属于中上水平
Platform: | Size: 276788 | Author: wolf781209 | Hits:

[Remote Control局域网屏幕动态监控系统

Description: 这款软件是基于前人开发经验基础上,经过总结大量经验和测试、高度优化的局域网监视/控制系统,其稳定性和极高的性能是同类软件所无法比拟的。 (一)适合人群/场所: 1.工作室(特别是机器多,显示器少) 2.网吧(有用主机监控客户机上网行为需求的) 3.学校 4.机房 5.公共部门 (二)功能及特性 1.可在局域网服务端同步监视多台机器,客户机需要安装客户端,无须复杂的配置,简易可行 2.刷新速度快,最流畅时5帧/秒,这是任何一款不依赖硬件的监控平台都无法达到的指标 3.占用CPU极低,而且稳定,监控20台机器与监控2台机器的占用量是一样的,最高时15% 4.【主要功能】屏幕动态监控、屏幕远程控制、远程开机、远程重启/关机、发送消息、全屏切换、自动连接 5.屏幕刷新间隔可根据个人喜好作适当调整,此调整丝毫不影响CPU和内存的占用,敬请放心使用 (三)软件运行最低配置 1、CPU:奔腾Ⅱ300MHz或更高;最低奔腾Ⅱ233MHz; 2、内存:128MB或更高,最低64MB(可能会影响性能和某些功能); 3、硬盘空间:80M可用硬盘空间。 (四)意见/问题反馈 1.建议使用软件自带的用户反馈系统,我们将及时处理并联系您 2.发送邮件至:mym_david5241@sina.com (注明RLS用户即可) 3.客服QQ:24579039
Platform: | Size: 2393182 | Author: mym_david5241@sina.com | Hits:


Description: ICanSeeYou远程控制软件(所有C#源代码)另外附有说明文档。原程序(安装包)的下载地址:http://download1.csdn.net/down3/20070428/28022416404.rar源代码说明:IDE(集成开发环境):Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005使用C#作为主要开发语言,统一编程习惯。关于C#编程习惯可以查看另外一份文档 《 C#编程规范 》。C#规范制定原则 1 方便代码的交流和维护。 2 不影响编码的效率,不与大众习惯冲突。 3 使代码更美观、阅读更方便。 4 使代码的逻辑更清晰、更易于理解。代码重用性通过结合程序员定义的类和定义良好、精心测试、文档完整、可移植和用途广泛的FCL(重用框架类库),开发者进行软件构建,这种形式的软件重用加速了功能强大和高质量软件的开发。而本项目定义了不少可重用的代码,例如文件的各种操作,鼠标的模拟点击,键盘的模拟按键按下,关机,屏幕截取,API函数库,网络的基本操作等。
Platform: | Size: 4826356 | Author: feelyounger | Hits:


Description: 屏幕控制,有些地方不够完善,但足够学习之用
Platform: | Size: 441619 | Author: jfbbjf | Hits:

[IME Develop屏幕软键盘

Description: 屏幕软键盘的vc源代码,实现屏幕显示并可控制的键盘.-screen soft keyboard vc source code, screens can achieve control of the keyboard.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 侯焱 | Hits:


Description: 沸点远程控制,主要功能是查看客户端的屏幕,其次是发送命令。客户端还带有注册功能,为共享软件,仅作为学习用途,请尊重作者版权。-boiling point remote control, the main function is to check the client screen, followed by this order. The client also registered with functionality, and sharing software, only as a learning purposes, please respect the author copyright.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 核对 | Hits:

[OS programPeerYou远程控制软件源代码

Description: 完全实现注册表处理,文件处理。服务端采用多线程服务,能最好的处理SOCKET请求。数据接收、发送函数可以说是现阶段最好的,采用异步重叠操作。可以取得被控机器上的硬件信息,文件信息,注册表以及进行屏幕控制。 代码中的SOCKET重叠I/O的实现也很值得参-complete registry handling, document handling. Server using multithreading services will best address SOCKET request. Data reception, sending function can be said at this stage the best, using asynchronous overlapping operations. Machines can get charged with the hardware information, document information, registry and control for the screen. SOCKET code of overlapping I/O is also the realization worth Participation
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia Develop水深火热中的少女

Description: 一个很绚丽的屏幕控制程序,有水,火和等离子三中效果,欢迎下载研究-a very beautiful screen control procedures, water, fire and plasma III results, welcome to download research
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: 蔡天军 | Hits:

[Remote Control200562241328985

Description: PeerYou远程控制软件源代码 完全实现注册表处理,文件处理。服务端采用多线程服务,能最好的处理SOCKET请求。数据接收、发送函数可以说是现阶段最好的,采用异步重叠操作。可以取得被控机器上的硬件信息,文件信息,注册表以及进行屏幕控制。 代码中的SOCKET重叠I/O的实现也很值得参考.-PeerYou remote control software source code for the full realization of the registry, document processing. Server using multithreading services will best address SOCKET request. Data reception, sending function can be said at this stage the best, using asynchronous overlapping operations. Machines can get charged with the hardware information, document information, registry and control for the screen. SOCKET code of overlapping I/O to achieve very good reference.
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个经过修改的远程屏幕控制软件,客户端部分。附原程序代码。-a revised screen remote control software, the client part. With the original code.
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: ma liang | Hits:


Description: 用VC++实现的屏幕控制 客户端文件 控制别人的屏幕哦-with VC screen control client document control other people's screen oh
Platform: | Size: 997376 | Author: 水月 | Hits:


Description: 该文根据远程屏幕控制系统的功能需要,提出了一个远程屏幕控制协议的指令结构设计方案,使控制端和被控制端都能识别和理解指令,从而很好的配合工作。-The remote screen control system in accordance with the function of the needs of a remote screen control protocol command structure design program, so that control client and was able to control the client identification and understanding of instructions, which tie in with the good work.
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: zsm | Hits:


Description: java写的远程屏幕控制系统,在linux和window之间实现了远程互相控制,当时是为了在校园里实现一套实用级的远程教学系统(和我前面上传的jqq结合),现在没时间做了,请同志们实现我的梦想吧(实现一个类似QQ的跨平台远程教学系统,采用先进算法,是远程控制达到PERFECT),别忘了SHARE哦-java written in a remote screen control system, in the linux and window distance between each control was in the campus in order to realize a practical level distance learning system (and in front of me upload jqq combination), no time now to do Please comrades realize my dream bar (QQ realize a similar cross-platform remote teaching system that uses advanced algorithms, is the remote control to achieve PERFECT), do not forget Oh SHARE
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 洪光明 | Hits:

[OS programSoft20060210102652631

Description: ∷“PeerYou远程控制软件源代码”软件简介∷ 完全实现注册表处理,文件处理。服务端采用多线程服务,能最好的处理SOCKET请求。数据接收、发送函数可以说是现阶段最好的,采用异步重叠操作。可以取得被控机器上的硬件信息,文件信息,注册表以及进行屏幕控制。代码中的SOCKET重叠I/O的实现也很值得参考. -∷ PeerYou remote control software source code software Introduction ∷ fully realized registry processing, document processing. Services using multi-threaded client services, can best deal with the request SOCKET. Data receiving, sending function can be said to be the best at this stage, the use of asynchronous operations overlap. Can get charged with the machine s hardware information, file information, the registry as well as the control screen. SOCKET code overlap I/O realization also worth considering.
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: lbp | Hits:


Description: 多媒体演播系统 银行证券,外墙大屏幕控制系统-Multimedia Presentation System Bank Securities, the external walls of large-screen control system
Platform: | Size: 6967296 | Author: farmer | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLED

Description: LED超大屏幕控制方案,程序已经通过测试-LED large screen control program, the program has been tested
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: mirhuang | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopLEDscreenqualitycontrol

Description: LED超大屏幕控制, 适用于广场上的显示屏-LED screen quality control
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: shenchunxiao | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop激光控制电路2

Description: 通过并口转8位模拟,经过三极管放大驱动激光管,并监控电压电流和激光管pd脚反馈信息,可通过2.8寸屏幕控制,仅供学习使用不可商用,有不足之处望指出互相学习。(Through parallel port to 8-bit simulation, the laser tube is driven by triode amplification, and the voltage, current and PD pin feedback information of laser tube are monitored, which can be controlled through 2.8-inch screen)
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: asddd | Hits:

[Remote Control远程控制软件Control

Description: 能进行屏幕监控、文件监控、USB监控。包含服务断和客户端,可用作局域网电脑管理。(It can monitor screen, file and USB. Including service interruption and client, it can be used for LAN computer management.)
Platform: | Size: 3999744 | Author: KANT522 | Hits:
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