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[Other resource嵌套小程序

Description: 这是个嵌套小程序啊 虽然很简单但是它的思想对于以后的开化过程中是很重要的-This a small nested procedures ah although it is very simple ideas for the future of culturing process is very important
Platform: | Size: 1644 | Author: 吴哥 | Hits:

[WEB Code嵌套2

Description: 一个嵌套小程序,但是不要小看他的作用了 虽然这个程序很小,对于大多数人来说这个可能早就看过了 可是这个程序的思想很重要的-a small nested procedures, but do not underestimate the role of this procedure although small, the majority of people may have seen this process but the idea is very important
Platform: | Size: 2906 | Author: 吴哥 | Hits:

[Other Web Code嵌套的js代码

Description: 嵌套的js代码嵌套的js代码嵌套的js代码
Platform: | Size: 28269 | Author: jiuzhongdeliupen@163.com | Hits:

[Video CaptureC#画嵌套的二维表

Description: C#画嵌套的二维表,用到gdi+作图
Platform: | Size: 39877 | Author: jfbbjf | Hits:


Description: 这是个嵌套小程序啊 虽然很简单但是它的思想对于以后的开化过程中是很重要的-This a small nested procedures ah although it is very simple ideas for the future of culturing process is very important
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 吴哥 | Hits:

[WEB Code嵌套2

Description: 一个嵌套小程序,但是不要小看他的作用了 虽然这个程序很小,对于大多数人来说这个可能早就看过了 可是这个程序的思想很重要的-a small nested procedures, but do not underestimate the role of this procedure although small, the majority of people may have seen this process but the idea is very important
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 吴哥 | Hits:


Description: 鉴于MCS-51系统只提供“二级中断嵌套”,提出扩展51系统中断优先级的纯软件方法。其利用51系统内建的中断允许寄存器IE和中断优先级寄存器IP,通过屏蔽字机制来实现;以C51的形式,给出这种扩展方法的函数库实现,为该方法的使用赋予友好、简洁的用户接口。-Given MCS-51 systems only provide "two interrupt nesting," expanded 51 priority system interruption of pure software. The use of 51 built-in system allows interruption Register IE and priority interrupt register IP, through word shielding mechanisms to achieve; C51 in the form of this expansion is the way to achieve functions, methods for the use of empowerment friendly, simple user interface.
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: 江丰 | Hits:

[SQL ServerSQL语句嵌套的实例

Description: 对SQL语句嵌套的实例 希望大家多多提点意见 谢谢了-pairs nested SQL examples of hope that we thank the many identities
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 在LPC2104上实现中断嵌套的例子,也适用于LPC2100系列的其他型号-achieving interrupt nesting example, also apply to LPC2100 series of other models
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 王辉堂 | Hits:


Description: 移植到MCS51的uCOS_II。 1。在文件OS_CORE.C中OSMapTbl和OSUnMapTbl数组用于查表,所以应该放在code里。 增加code关键字。UCOS_II.H和OS_CORE.C。 2。OS_CFG.H堆栈大小MaxStkSize改为900。 3。OS_CPU_C.C的InitTimer0函数增加了关于开T0中断的解释。 允许T0中断,此时EA=0(51上电缺省值),中断还不会发生,满足在OSStart()前不产生中断的要求。 4。修改中断处理流程,以便严密监视中断嵌套情况。每个中断进入后立即进行OSIntNesting+1原语操作。 5。增加printf函数的移植,支持灵活的数据显示。支持标准或长二进制/八进制/十进制/十六进制/无符号整数, 支持字符、字符串、浮点数、百分号%。其中,浮点数在整个范围内被完全支持,统一采用科学记数法显示。 -transplanted to the MCS51 uCOS_II. 1. In the document which OSMapTbl OS_CORE.C and OSUnMapTbl array for Lookup, Therefore, it should be placed on code Lane. Increased code keyword. UCOS_II.H and OS_CORE.C. 2. OS_CFG.H MaxStkSize stack size to 900. 3. OS_CPU_C.C InitTimer0 function of the increase on the open T0 interrupted explained. Allow T0 interruption, this time EA = 0 (51 electricity default value), also will not be interrupted. meet the OSStart () do not have interrupted the former requirements. 4. Changes interrupt handling procedures, in order to closely monitor the situation interrupt nesting. Each interruption immediately after entering OSIntNesting a primitive operation. 5. Printf function to increase the transplant, support flexible data show. Support for standard or long binar
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: zhangk | Hits:


Description: 移植文件针对中断处理部分作了处理,支持中断嵌套!(重新编译若出现错误,请删掉原编译的文件,后重新编译或者删掉工程文件后,重新利用源码文件建立新工程文件即可!)-portable document against interrupt handling of processed, nested interrupt support! (Recompiled if there is a mistake, please delete the original translation of documents, after recompile or deleted engineering documents, re-use source documents to establish a new project document can be!)
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: otkill | Hits:

[OS Develop20051030222745258

Description: RTOS ucOS II移植.经过严格测试,保证可用,移植文件针对中断处理部分作了处理,支持中断嵌套.-RTOS ucOS II transplantation. After rigorous testing to ensure that available, Document transplant interrupt handling of processed, nested interrupt support.
Platform: | Size: 126976 | Author: leisuee | Hits:


Description: 周立功的模板,实现定时器和外部中断C语言下的中断嵌套。-Week Ligong template realize timer and external interrupt under C language interrupt nesting.
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: QD | Hits:


Description: 基于arm的万年历程序。带按键和显示,中断嵌套-Based on the arm of the calendar program. With buttons and display, interrupt nesting
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: ace | Hits:


Description: 支持嵌套中断的uC/OS-II FOR 44B0 的移植代码。支持嵌套中断,也可以在中断中调用像OSMboxPost、OSSemPost这些系统函数。经过了多个实验的测试,运行得很稳定。这个代码也很容易移植到其他的ARM7片子上去。欢迎使用和提出意见。-Support for nested interrupts uC/OS-II FOR 44B0 migration of the code. Support for nested interrupts, you can also interrupt the call, as OSMboxPost, OSSemPost these systems function. After a number of experimental tests, run very stable. This code can be easily ported to other ARM7 film up. Welcome and comment.
Platform: | Size: 345088 | Author: 好心 | Hits:


Description: 单片机中断嵌套 单片机中断嵌套 单片机中断嵌套 -MCU Interrupt
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: mrbing1987 | Hits:


Description: AT89X51单片机中断嵌套程序,定时器1与外部中断0相互嵌套-AT89X51 microcontroller interrupt nesting procedures, external interrupt 0 timer 1 and nested within each other
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王霁光 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopKeil_XMC1300中断嵌套例程

Description: Keil_XMC1300中断嵌套例程,基于Keil(Keil_XMC1300 interrupt nesting routine)
Platform: | Size: 837632 | Author: kingryluo | Hits:

[MacOS developMultipleScrollViewDemo

Description: 解决多个scrollview嵌套的滚动冲突问题(Resolving nested scrolling conflicts in multiple Scrollview)
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: mxr_hy | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopWinForms嵌套其他程序

Description: 一个用C#编写的WinForm程序,可以将一个“本程序打开的exe文件创建的进程” 嵌套到界面的容器中,或者 "通过程序名称查找的进程" 嵌套到界面中。 本程序的本意是做一个基于ffmpeg的播放器界面,将SDL播放界面嵌套到C#界面中。(A program for bring a process to a C# UI. The process can be create by the programe , or Findwindow handle create by other programs from a programeName.)
Platform: | Size: 11771904 | Author: 冰缘 | Hits:
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