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[Software EngineeringJava并发编程设计原则和模式

Description: 介绍了JAVA多线程并发程序设计的核心问题、机制和设计模式,对从事分布式并发程序设计的程序员来说是很好的资料。
Platform: | Size: 1439806 | Author: junewoo | Hits:


Description: 这是一本关于并发程序设计的经典书籍,相信对在这方面感兴趣的读者非常有利,希望对大家有用-This is a complicated procedure for the design of classic books, I believe that in this regard the interested reader is very beneficial, useful for all
Platform: | Size: 3840000 | Author: 鱼鱼 | Hits:


Description: 全面讲解C#并发编程技术,侧重于.NET平台上较新、较实用的方法。全书分为几大部分: 首先介绍几种并发编程技术,包括异步编程、并行编程、TPL 数据流、响应式编程;然后阐述一 些重要的知识点,包括测试技巧、互操作、取消并发、函数式编程与OOP、同步、调度;最后介 绍了几个实用技巧。全书共包含 70多个有配套源码的实用方法,可用于服务器程序、桌面程序和 移动应用的开发(Concurrency in C# Cookbook)
Platform: | Size: 9169920 | Author: hlhgod | Hits:

[TCP/IP stack高并发量的TCP、UDP框架通信beetle.express

Description: 已经成功应用于多个高并发量的TCP、UDP框架通信接口,(Highly concurrent TCP and UDP framework Communications)
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: wang3397 | Hits:


Description: JAVA并发编程实践-中文-高清-带书签(JAVA concurrent programming practice - Chinese - Hd - with bookmarks)
Platform: | Size: 38110208 | Author: 蓝茶 | Hits:


Description: 这是基于linux下的并发服务器的简单代码,适合初学者参考(This is based on Linux concurrent server simple code, suitable for beginners reference)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 程序猿莲苑 | Hits:


Description: Java并发编程经典教程,适合于中高级程序员学习使用(Concurrent programming classic tutorial)
Platform: | Size: 38891520 | Author: 边角 | Hits:


Description: 实现操作系统下一个多进程并发机制,在VS13下用C++实现(realize a Multi process concurrency,it run by vs13 using C++)
Platform: | Size: 358400 | Author: 柠檬黄夏天 | Hits:


Description: 提供.net平台下多用户访问的高并发量的解决方案。(Provides a high concurrency solution for multi user access on the.Net platform.)
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: 一只乌龟 | Hits:


Description: stm32 RT-Thread下 TCP并发服务器模型-多线程TCP服务器 实用型,不可多得,keil下编译(stm32 RT-Thread TCP concurrent server model - multi-threaded TCP server)
Platform: | Size: 10908672 | Author: xiao_wh | Hits:


Description: java并发编程实战pdf及源码,喜欢的可以看看(Java Concurrent Programming combat PDF and source code)
Platform: | Size: 9196544 | Author: zmlxll | Hits:

[OtherJava 7并发编程实战手册

Description: java 7并发编程实战手册,并发编程电子书(Java 7 concurrent programming practical manual, concurrent programming e-books)
Platform: | Size: 75552768 | Author: joe910101605 | Hits:


Description: 用于网站并发压力测试. 启动参数webcon.exe post/get url post_param(Optional).(Used for site concurrent stress testing. Boot parameter webcon.exe post/get URL post_param (Optional).)
Platform: | Size: 368640 | Author: Tomle | Hits:


Description: 高并发类书籍的圣典,必读书籍,java并发编程,高清完整带目录版(The high concurrent books of Scripture, reading books, full HD version with a directory)
Platform: | Size: 38599680 | Author: lcy114 | Hits:


Description: 这是java并发编程实战pdf及源码 讲解的很详细 推荐阅读(This is a java concurrent programming pdf and source code to explain the very detailed recommended reading)
Platform: | Size: 9232384 | Author: hello_你好 | Hits:


Description: 2012云计算峰会 高性能大并发的架构描述(2012 cloud computing Summit Architecture description of high performance and large concurrency)
Platform: | Size: 1861632 | Author: 隽胡 | Hits:


Description: java并发编程,对于理解使用java语言的高并发编程哟很大的帮助,有利于规范java语言(Java concurrent programming is a great help for understanding the high concurrency programming language used in the Java language, and is conducive to the specification of the Java language.)
Platform: | Size: 10247168 | Author: 落雨天 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWindows并发编程指南 扫描版

Description: 高并发下的编程,并一定只是C# 版本才可以使用,编程语言多种多样,但是 中心思想差不多!(The high concurrency programming, and only C# version before you can use a variety of programming languages, but the central idea about!)
Platform: | Size: 69340160 | Author: 兔_Tu | Hits:


Description: 编写一个程序,完成多个线程的创建,使得所创建的多线程在处理机上并发执行。通过本实验,学习在Win32程序中利用操作系统提供的API创建线程,并通过所创建线程的运行情况来获得关于多线程并发的感性认识,以及加深对临界资源(本实验中临界资源是屏幕)互斥访问的理解。(Write a program to complete the creation of multiple threads, so that the created multithreading is executed concurrently on the processor. Through this experiment, learn to use the operating system in the Win32 program in API to create threads, and through the operation of the thread is created to acquire perceptual knowledge about multiple threads, and deepen our understanding of the critical resources (the critical resources in this experiment is the exclusive access to the understanding of the screen).)
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: 虞世南r | Hits:


Description: 由于工程上需要定位系统瓶颈,故开发了七牛云接口并发测试程序,测试接口性能。该程序未公布我自己的SecretKey,使用者请填写自己的SecretKey。(This is a program for QiNiu interface test, you can do it for performacer test.)
Platform: | Size: 7666688 | Author: 经验丰富的程序员 | Hits:
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