PSP游戏引擎Phoenix Game Engine (PGE) LUA 0.01发布,一个火凤凰的游戏引擎,它的特色在于: * pge.controls - Handling button and analog input. * pge.dir - Directory access and file system operations that deal with directories. * pge.file - File access and file system operations that deal with files. * pge.font - TrueType font loading and drawing. * pge.gfx - Graphic primitives drawing. * pge.math - VFPU math module. * pge.mp3 - MP3 playback for background music. * - Net and socket functions. * pge.texture - Image loading and drawing. * pge.timer - Timer module. * pge.usb - USB functions. * pge.utils - Utility functions for using the dialogs and retrieving system information. * pge.wav - WAV loading and playback for sound effects. * - ZIP file access and extraction.