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[Multimedia programGameOfLife

Description: 生命游戏是由英国剑桥大学数学家Conway提出的,游戏的规则是这样的,在一个正方的棋盘格上,每格只有两个状态,”生”和”死”,分别表示是否被一个棋子所占有.每个方格有八个邻格,游戏的规则如下: 1. 对于处在”生态的格,若八个邻居中有2个或3个”生”,则继续存活,否则将因过于孤独或过于拥挤而死亡. 2. 对于处在”死”态的空格,若八个邻格中有3个”生”,则该格转变为”生”(代表繁衍过程),否则继续空着. 规则讲完了,看到这里,相信掌握了任何一种开发工具的图形编程的朋友应该都有能力去尝试相应的摸拟了,我这里给出我用AS2在Flash中的实现(PS:由于最近几天我的用来展示的个人空间登陆不上,所以放不到网上了,你可以下载回去看,需装FalshPlayer7.0若以上版本)
Platform: | Size: 202860 | Author: cl | Hits:


Description: 生命游戏,为1970年英国数学家J.H.Conway所提出,某一细胞的邻居包括上,下,左,右,左上,左下,右上与右下相邻的细胞,游戏规则如下: 1,孤单死亡:如果细胞的邻居小于一个,则该细胞在下一个状态死亡。 2,拥挤死亡:如果细胞的邻居在四个以上,则该细胞在下一个状态死亡。 3,稳定:如果细胞的邻居为两个或三个,则该细胞在下一个状态稳定。 4,复活:如果某位置原无细胞存活,而该位置的邻居为三个,则该位置将复活一个细胞。
Platform: | Size: 1385 | Author: 白龙 | Hits:

[DocumentsPedestrian Detection and Tracking for Counting Applications

Description: This paper describes a vision based pedestrian detection and tracking system which is able to count people in very crowded situations like escalator entrances in underground stations. The proposed system uses motion to compute regions of interest and prediction of movements, extracts shape information from the video frames to detect individuals, and applies texture features to recognize people. A search strategy creates trajectories and new pedestrian hypotheses and then filters and combines those into accurate counting events. We show that counting accuracies up to 98 % can be achieved.
Platform: | Size: 2122036 | Author: harleych | Hits:


Description: 为大型交通灯控制(双向六车道外加人行道),程序说明详细,值得参考 ;程序实现功能 ;西南北路口直行与转弯交替通行,数码管显示直行通行倒计时,红绿黄灯显示包括人行道在内的道路交通状态。 ;某一方向道路拥挤时,可以人工控制调节东西南北方向通行时间。 ;紧急情况时,各路*通灯显示红灯,数码管保持数据不变。
Platform: | Size: 56166 | Author: qidefan | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopGameOfLife

Description: 生命游戏是由英国剑桥大学数学家Conway提出的,游戏的规则是这样的,在一个正方的棋盘格上,每格只有两个状态,”生”和”死”,分别表示是否被一个棋子所占有.每个方格有八个邻格,游戏的规则如下: 1. 对于处在”生态的格,若八个邻居中有2个或3个”生”,则继续存活,否则将因过于孤独或过于拥挤而死亡. 2. 对于处在”死”态的空格,若八个邻格中有3个”生”,则该格转变为”生”(代表繁衍过程),否则继续空着. 规则讲完了,看到这里,相信掌握了任何一种开发工具的图形编程的朋友应该都有能力去尝试相应的摸拟了,我这里给出我用AS2在Flash中的实现(PS:由于最近几天我的用来展示的个人空间登陆不上,所以放不到网上了,你可以下载回去看,需装FalshPlayer7.0若以上版本)-err
Platform: | Size: 202752 | Author: cl | Hits:


Description: 生命游戏,为1970年英国数学家J.H.Conway所提出,某一细胞的邻居包括上,下,左,右,左上,左下,右上与右下相邻的细胞,游戏规则如下: 1,孤单死亡:如果细胞的邻居小于一个,则该细胞在下一个状态死亡。 2,拥挤死亡:如果细胞的邻居在四个以上,则该细胞在下一个状态死亡。 3,稳定:如果细胞的邻居为两个或三个,则该细胞在下一个状态稳定。 4,复活:如果某位置原无细胞存活,而该位置的邻居为三个,则该位置将复活一个细胞。-Game of Life for 1970 put forward by the British mathematician JHConway, a neighbor cell, including the upper and lower, left, right, upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right adjacent cells, the rules of the game are as follows: 1, lonely death: If cells in less than a neighbor, then the next state of cell death. 2, overcrowded death: If the cells in four or more neighbors, then the next state of cell death. 3, Stability: If the cells for two or three neighbors, then the cells in the next stable state. 4, Resurrection: If a location of the original cell-free survival, and the location of three neighbors, then the location will be the revival of a cell.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 白龙 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVI_Image_Main__Zero3

Description: 专家点评: 2 L1 ~ ^& U) X$ M1 c) t) [- ?3 q2 Ia.程序结构整洁清晰,熟练使用工程管理功能,拓扑结构具有一定创意.缺点:数据采集部分有点粗糙,和后台衔接得不是很好.有待加强8 v$ T. S0 S- { d, f& S7 A. k( c b.程序的功能很强大,尤其是在数据采集面板具有选择通道的功能非常好。如果在拓扑图中能够加入更为强大的右键菜单就更好了。最大的问题在于界面的设计,不具备功能的按键宁可不要放在面板上,否则显得很拥挤杂乱并且没有实际作用,面板的大小在编辑状态下应该再作调整。 6 N W8 A9 R! V0 D6 G Sc.程序紧凑,而且易懂,子VI和代码说明都很清晰,界面美观。 * y O v x% o" ~) D9 bd.基本完成功能,工具栏图标做的很好,不错。程序结构清晰,相信以后功能扩展将非常容易。操作不是太人性化,比如进入拓扑图后不容易找到返回主界面的地方。$ j0 U G+ ~. _5 F-err
Platform: | Size: 1221632 | Author: 卢永 | Hits:

[Other Gameslife

Description: 生命游戏是由英国剑桥大学数学家Conway提出的,游戏的规则是这样的,在一个正方的棋盘格上,每格只有两个状态,”生”和”死”,分别表示是否被一个棋子所占有.每个方格有八个邻格,游戏的规则如下: 1. 对于处在”生态的格,若八个邻居中有2个或3个”生”,则继续存活,否则将因过于孤独或过于拥挤而死亡. 2. 对于处在”死”态的空格,若八个邻格中有3个”生”,则该格转变为”生”(代表繁衍过程),否则继续空着.-Game of Life is a Cambridge University mathematician Conway proposed by the rules of the game is that, in a square of the checkerboard lattice, each cell has only two states, " students" and " death" , indicate whether each was a piece by possession. Each box has eight neighboring cells, the rules of the game are as follows: 1. For in " eco-lattice, if the eight neighbors in two or three" students " are to survive, or will vary too lonely or too crowded to death. 2. For in " dead" state space, if the eight adjacent cells in three " students" , then the grid into " Health" (on behalf of the reproductive process), or the continued forward.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: wanlizhi | Hits:

[Graph Recognizep2

Description: 高速公路交通拥挤状态自动识别方法研究.rar-Highway traffic congestion status of automatic identification method
Platform: | Size: 862208 | Author: substitute | Hits:

[Windows Developgame

Description: 说明 生命游戏 ( game of life ) 为 1970 年由英国数学家 J. H. Conway 所提出,某一细胞的邻居 包 括上、下、左、右、左上、左下、右上与右下相邻之细胞,游戏规则如下: 孤单死亡:如果细胞的邻居小于一个,则该细胞在下一次状态将死亡。 拥挤死亡:如果细胞的邻居在四个以上,则该细胞在下一次状态将死亡。 稳定:如果细胞的邻居为二个或三个,则下一次状态为稳定存活。 复活:如果某位置原无细胞存活,而该位置的邻居为三个,则该位置将复活一细胞。-Game of Life (game of life) for 1970 by the British mathematician JH Conway, a cell' s neighbors, including the up, down, left, right, upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right cells adjacent to the rules of the game are as follows : lonely death: If the neighbors of the cell is less than one, then the cell next time a state of death. Crowded death: cell neighbors in more than four, the next state of the cell death. Stable: if the cell neighbors for two or three, the next state is stable survival. Resurrection: If a position formerly cell survival, and the location of the neighbors three, the position will be resurrected cells.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张兴杰 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programjiaotongdeng

Description: 以单片机为核心,设计一个简单交通灯控制系统,设A车道与B车道交叉组成十字路口,A是主道,B是支道。设计要求如下: (1) 用发光二极管模拟交通信号灯、两个方向分别设置红、绿、黄3种通行指示灯,用按键开关模拟车辆检测信号。 (2) 正常情况下,A、B两车道轮流放行, A车道放行40秒,其中5秒用于警告,B车道放行25秒,其中5秒用于警告。有计时牌显示路口通行转换剩余时间。 (3) 在交通繁忙时,交通信号灯控制系统应有手控开关,可人为地改变信号灯的状态,以缓解交通拥挤状况。在B车道放行期间,若A车道有车而B车道无车,按下开关K1使A车道放行15秒;在A车道放行期间,若B车道有车而A车道无车,按下开关K2使B车道放行15秒。 (4) 有特种车辆如119、120通过路口时,系统可转为特种车辆放行,其他车辆禁止通行的状态,15s后系统恢复正常管理。 (5) 两个方向放行的时间可以通过键盘设置。 -Based on the single chip computer as the core, to design A simple traffic light control system, set up A lane and B lane cross composition crossroads, where is A, B is A way. The design requirements are as follows: (1) using light-emitting diode simulation of traffic signal lamp, two direction set respectively red, green, yellow three traffic light, with key switch simulation vehicle detection signal. (2) under normal circumstances, A, B two lane in turn release, A lane release forty seconds, of which 5 seconds for warning, B lane release 25 seconds, of which 5 seconds for warning. A timing brand display intersection traffic conversion time remaining. (3) in the heavy traffic, traffic light control system should be hand control switch, can change the state of artificial light, in order to ease traffic congestion. In the B lane release period, if A lane car and B lane car free, press the switch K1 make A lane release 15 seconds In A lane release period, if B lane have A car an
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张杰 | Hits:

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