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[Other Games挑竹签

Description: 挑竹签小游戏的源码,用VC++6.0编写。
Platform: | Size: 486619 | Author: shyiwa | Hits:

[Other Gamesgame_pick-wand

Description: 挑竹签小游戏:游戏中的矩形长条就是“竹签”,竹签的摆放有先后顺序,只有没被其它竹签压盖的才能被挑走。用鼠标左键单击竹签,若该竹签可以被挑走,则该竹签消失,挑走所有竹签即完成一次游戏。-Pick the bamboo game: the game long rectangle is the " bamboo" , the placing of a sequence of thin bamboo sticks, not only by other bamboo gland in order to be picked away. Bamboo stick with the left mouse button click, if the bamboo can be picked away, the thin bamboo sticks disappear, go pick one game to complete all the bamboo stick.
Platform: | Size: 479232 | Author: yishuiwang | Hits:

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