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Description: 该平台实现局域网内部的资源共享和IM功能。采用VS 2008 + SQL2000开发。整个平台由主服务器、大厅服务器和客户端组成。 主服务器主要负责处理客户端和大厅服务器的登陆和离开,客户端的注册和客户的信息修改,管理大厅得信息(修改、增加和删除)。 大厅服务器主要负责管理用户在线列表(客户端登陆增加、离去删除),每个列表项包括客户端得账号、签名、IP、各个SOCKET监听端口等,列表采用vector保存,加以映射表和stack辅助使得列表项可以直接存取。 客户端主要负责客户端之间的共享文件列表传输、文件\文件夹传输和发送、聊天。
Platform: | Size: 3186895 | Author: wolf_coder | Hits:


Description: 局域网数据传输,无服务器支持实现聊天、传文件文件夹等功能
Platform: | Size: 218878 | Author: 874829056@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 本程序是一个用C#编写的文件传输程序,分服务端和客户端。 服务端首先监听端口,等待客户端的连接请求,一旦连接成功,即把可供客户端下载的文件名称发给客户端,客户端接受到文件名称后,选择要下载的文件,并发给服务器。服务器根据客户端发送的文件名,选择指定的文件读取文件流,并把文件流内容赋值给网络流发送到客户端,客户端将接受到的网络流赋值给文件流,并保存到文件。 注意:在使用时,要在E盘下建立一个aa文件夹,将一些文件放入其中,以供演示。-this procedure is a C# prepared by the file transfer process-server and the client. First-service monitoring ports, waits for the client to connect to the request Once connected, which is available for download client name in the paper circulated to clients, customers termination papers by name, choose to download the document and sent to the server. Servers based on the client to send the file name, select a file to read the documentation flow, and stream content to the network flow assignment sent to the client, the client will talk to the network flow assignment to the paper flow, and the preservation of the document. Note : when used in the E-aa established a folder of documents Add which, for demonstration.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 李元吉 | Hits:


Description: 1)用户界面模块负责响应用户的键盘鼠标输入设置服务器的各个参数,显示服务器的工作状态以及错误提示,为用户提供标准的Windows界面。 2)帐户管理模块负责设置用户的访问权限,用户登陆后的根目录,并提供对用户透明的虚拟目录服务。同时还为别的模块提供查询文件(夹)的权限,查找本地文件是否存在等服务, 3)连接监听与FTP命令处理模块负责监听客户端的连接,并负责关闭阻塞的连接,释放每个连接占用的资源。此模块为FTP协议的核心,它具体负责FTP命令的解析与实现。 4)客户数据传输模块负责具体的与客户端的数据传输,包括文件的上传,下载,传输文件目录列表等。-1) user interface module for the user response to keyboard and mouse input settings server parameters, display server status and the error messages to users with standard Windows interface. 2) module responsible for the account management of user access rights, user landing after the root directory, and provide transparent to users of virtual directory services. Also for the other modules provide access to files (folders), the authority that you document the existence of local services, 3) connect with the FTP eavesdropping order processing module is responsible for monitoring client connectivity, and is responsible for the closure of the connecting block, the release of each link the resource. This FTP protocol module for the core, it is responsible for specific FTP orders Analysis and Im
Platform: | Size: 688128 | Author: 石飞 | Hits:


Description: 这个小软件( RealEditor )是同学一起编写的,可编辑,打印,更换主题,并有传输功能 注意,要想正确运行此软件,务必要把JDK升级到JDK 5.0_update4即tiger版(未来的JDK版本应该也可以),如果运行软件后,端口冲突或突然非法将它关闭(用任务管理器进程结束掉),导致软件无法正常退出,无法再次启动此软件,请到C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RealEditor下的那个文件删掉即可(注意,Application Data是个隐藏文件夹) Register.rar是注册机,需要在DOS下运行"java Register" (不带""注意路径) 如果path和classpath设置没有问题的话,只要双击RealEditor.jar文件( 没有与WinRaR相关联 )即可启动此软件.-small software (RealEditor) is prepared by the students together, edit, print, the replacement of the main theme, and a transfer function that in order to run this software correctly, must bring JDK JDK 5.0_update4 upgrade to the version that the tiger (the next version of the JDK should also be), if the software running, port conflict or illegal suddenly shutting it down (using Task Manager swap end of the process), resulting from the normal software, unable to reactivate the software, the free C : \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Applicati on Data \ RealEditor that the document can be deleted (Note Application Data is a hidden folder) Register.rar is Fillmore, the need to run DOS "java Register" (without "" Attention Path) If the path and classpath set no proble
Platform: | Size: 375808 | Author: 王杰 | Hits:


Description: 局域网的优秀传输工具 可以支持文件夹的传输 速度与其他传输文件想比速度很快-LAN excellent tools can support transmission folder of transmission speed with other than the transmission of documents to speed quickly
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: 111111 | Hits:

[source in ebookvc_jiqiaoshili_part6

Description: Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第6章 文件和系统操作 本章共11个实例: 1. FolderCopy文件夹的选择和拷贝 2. DeleteCertainFile删除指定路径下的某种类型的文件 3. FileModiNotify当文档(文件)被修改时在标题上给出提醒 4. OpenHtm打开Html网页 5. FileMapping使用内存映射文件来传输共享数据 6. ChageTime改变系统时间 7. StartUpProg让系统启动时运行某个应用程序 8. GETCDROM得到系统中所有光驱的盘符 9. LimitTimes限制软件的使用次数 10.GetWinVersion得到操作系统版本 11.HardwareInfo得到系统硬件信息-Visual.C program design techniques and examples-- matching CD Chapter 6 documents and the total system operation of this chapter 11 examples : 1. FolderCopy folder options and two copies. DeleteCertainFile delete the specified path under some type of documentation. FileModiNotify When files (documents) are revised change in the title is to remind 4. OpenHtm open Html website 5. FileMapping use memory-mapped file to transmit data sharing 6. ChageTime change the system time 7. StartU pProg activated for a particular application program running 8. GETCDROM systematically all disk drive Address 9. LimitTimes limit the use of software to be number 10.GetWinVersion 11.HardwareInfo version of the operating system is the hardware information system
Platform: | Size: 404480 | Author: xixi | Hits:


Description: 这是日本人利用VC开发的飞鸽传输的程序,可以在局域网内进行文件和文件夹的传输-This is the Japanese use of VC development Dove transmission procedure can be carried out in the local area network file and folder transfer
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 齐成涛 | Hits:

[Windows Developgywsjcs

Description: 该源代码实现了局域网内的信息传递、文件传输,并支持文件夹数据传输功能 -The source code to achieve a LAN messaging, file transfer, and support data transmission functions folder
Platform: | Size: 607232 | Author: qlnd | Hits:


Description: 飞鸽源代码 局域网传输文件、文件夹以及即时通信工具。-Dove transmission LAN source code files, folders, and instant communication tools.
Platform: | Size: 2795520 | Author: 小兔兔牙 | Hits:


Description: 程序实现局域网的点对点大型文件传输,用户可以增加本地的共享文件到程序中,对方就可以在远程文件框中看到这些文件夹的所在目录,通过点击相应的文件目录可以实现下载文件到自己主机-Procedures for large-scale peer-to-peer LAN file transfer, users can share files local to the process, the other party can file on the remote box to see where the directory folder, by clicking on the appropriate file directory can download the file to their host
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: 王儒伟 | Hits:

[Delphi VCL14160_1241401066q0ZQ

Description: 业设计用的作品,VC++编写的局域网办公软件,企业信使,用它可以发送发文件、发送消息、回复消息,并支持文件夹数据传输功能。进行简单的软件设置,打开软件后在系统托盘显示图标,它的启动界面也比较不错,是淡入淡出方式。-Design works with industry, VC++, prepared by the office local area network software, enterprise messenger, it can send documents, send messages, reply to messages, and supports data transmission functions folder. Simple software settings, open the software displayed in the system tray icon, it' s also good to start the interface is way fade.
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: 王玉刚 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTest4-13-17-47

Description: 用于文件的传输和接收的测试程序,可以实现多个文件和文件夹的传输-For file transmission and reception of the test procedure can be achieved a number of files and folders transmission
Platform: | Size: 3571712 | Author: 沼泽 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLhonmasokyu_ipmsg

Description: 可以局域网内互传文件和文件夹,简单方便快捷。-LAN can be to each other files and folders, convenient and simple.
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: wzzww | Hits:


Description: 该源代码实现了局域网内的信息传递、文件传输,并支持文件夹数据传输功能-good
Platform: | Size: 423936 | Author: 郭楠 | Hits:


Description: 局域网数据传输程序源码,该源代码实现了局域网内的信息传递、文件传输,并支持文件夹数据传输功能.-LAN data transfer program source code, the source code to achieve a LAN messaging, file transfer, and support for folder data transmission capability.
Platform: | Size: 422912 | Author: 336 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacksocketapi

Description: delphi实现文件传输,分服务器端和客户端。服务器端实时扫描指定文件夹,若有文件就将文件传输到客户端-delphi to achieve file transfer, sub-server and client. Server-side real-time scanning the specified folder, if the file will be file transfer to the client
Platform: | Size: 466944 | Author: roger_tang | Hits:


Description: 发送文件夹有很多方法,但是网上的代码很少,VC只有飞鸽有源代码,但是它采用的API的编程模式,不容易理解,加之注释又是日文或英文的,这样理解起来就更困难些. 有很多人在网上发帖子询问如何发送文件夹,有人回答:用Winraar压缩再传,说实话是个方法,但是是个很无聊的方法.还有人说先遍历文件,发现是目录就叫对方建立一个.这个也是个方法,但是有些复杂,尤其是目录又深又多,难免出错. 我要给大家介绍的方法是: 1.先传把文件目录和文件名都传过去 2.处理文件目录以便建立. 3.传输文件夹.-There are many ways to send a folder, but the line of code rarely, VC only Flying Pigeon source code, but it uses the API programming model, is not easy to understand, plus the note is in Japanese or English, so to understand them more more difficult. There are many people posting on the Internet asking how to send a folder, it was answered: the re-transmission with Winraar compression, is a way to tell the truth, but it is a very boring way. It was also said let s traverse the document, found in a directory called each other a. This is a method, but a bit complicated, especially the catalog is deep and great, fallible. I m going to tell you the method is: 1. first transfer the file directory and file names have been transmitted 2. processing of documents directory in order to build. 3. transfer folder.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: duwei | Hits:


Description: 点对点文件传输,可以传输文件或文件夹,类似于QQ,还可以传输消息- AppWizard has created this MyQQ application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes
Platform: | Size: 6524928 | Author: 辛静 | Hits:


Description: 聊天室,UDP实现,多用户聊天界面,实现简单登录登出、文件传输、文件夹传输等相关的一些功能-Chat rooms, UDP implementation, multi-user chat interface, simple log log, file transfer, folder transfers, and other related features
Platform: | Size: 536576 | Author: frank | Hits:
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