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Description: 大俄罗斯民用机电产品对华出口作出了积极努力,对能源、航空、医疗设备贸易进行了规划,能源资源领域合作取得了积极进展,俄远东石油管道建设工程已经启动,俄罗斯支持中国企业参与俄罗-large Russian civilian mechanical and electrical products exports to China have made positive efforts in the energy, aviation, medical equipment trade in the planning, cooperation in the field of energy resources, have made positive progress, Russian Far East oil pipeline construction works have already started, Russia supports the participation of Chinese enterprises in Russia
Platform: | Size: 1114 | Author: aabbcc | Hits:


Description: 蓝色界面,非常适合移植到企业去作为宣传主页的代码,程序是开源的ASP源码,后台帐号/密码:admin
Platform: | Size: 2869859 | Author: wujiye3310@163.com | Hits:


Description:  温州天邦简易ERP企业管理系统(简称TBERP)是温州柳市电器行业信息化ASP平台开发与应用项目,2005年1月成功入选『国家863计划』于2007年3月顺利通过国家科委专家评审,属乐清科技局科技创新专项资助重点推广项目。系统由清华大学的清软英泰公司、国家自动化研究所协助编写,是一套集企业资源计划(ERP)、产品数据管理(PDM)有机结合的多功能电器企业生产管理软件。系统切合本地企业模式遵循功能浓缩操作轻便设计理念,超常规敢于人先的人性化高效快捷操作设计更贴合温州企业模式。应用超强的智能数据处理模块,在确保提供常规强劲的ERP和PDM功能的同时使操作步骤简化到极限。   全程实现无菜单操作,随手快捷流程,所见所得极易上手,是一套具有供销存管理,PDM产品数据管理,oa办公系统与一体的基于web的生产加工、日用百货、化妆品、服装鞋帽、家具制造、五金机械、汽配摩配、计算机、建材装饰、化工制药、医疗器械、通讯器材、钟表仪器、塑胶制品、机电、电工照明、电子电器业ERP管理软件。 特点:提供强大的生产模版、事务智能批量处理等完善的企业管理模块,操作简便快捷。完全Web化,客户端使用IE浏览器,无需安装和维护,轻松异地实现新产品开发、仓库管理、生产管理、销售管理、电子邮件、企业邮件管理与监控、产品电子档案管理、图纸管理和内部通讯、视频会议、财务报表等远程无纸办公;数据远程化,数套完善的远程数据安全机制和权限分配策略,确保技术数据及商业机密在网络环境和内部传输安全可靠,切实解决阻碍本地信息化发展的不利因素,解除企业后顾之忧;变通性强,软件采用ASP码编写,图文并茂,界面优美风格别致。在提供ASP强大网络功能的同时可灵活对企业不同管理模式分别做相应的调整,使功能和界面更贴近企业实际。
Platform: | Size: 4944735 | Author: 24188124@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 大俄罗斯民用机电产品对华出口作出了积极努力,对能源、航空、医疗设备贸易进行了规划,能源资源领域合作取得了积极进展,俄远东石油管道建设工程已经启动,俄罗斯支持中国企业参与俄罗-large Russian civilian mechanical and electrical products exports to China have made positive efforts in the energy, aviation, medical equipment trade in the planning, cooperation in the field of energy resources, have made positive progress, Russian Far East oil pipeline construction works have already started, Russia supports the participation of Chinese enterprises in Russia
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 机电设备管理系统,适合于设备较多的企业,比起人工管理,要方便的多.-At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without.
Platform: | Size: 8669184 | Author: lf | Hits:


Description: 本设计基于智能卡技术及精密可靠的机电机构,并且在操作过程中会伴有声光提示。可应用于游泳池、桑拿浴场、海滨浴场、高尔夫球场、健身房的更衣柜,机关、企业、学校、酒店宾馆、超市的文件柜或储物柜等场所,以取代传统的全机械结构锁类产品,从而使得物品的管理更加方便、安全。 本资料包含完整的电路原理图,测试程序,应用文档。-The design is based on smart card technology and sophisticated and reliable mechanical and electrical sector, and during operation will be accompanied by sound and light tips. Can be applied to swimming pool, sauna field, bathing beach, golf course, gym locker, institutions, enterprises, schools, hotels, supermarkets such as lockers, filing cabinets, or premises to replace the traditional all-mechanical lock products , making goods management more convenient and safe. This information contains a complete circuit schematics, test procedures, application documents.
Platform: | Size: 3141632 | Author: 祝剑波 | Hits:

[WEB CodeJIdianqiyecmp@www.aspjzy.com

Description: 适用于大部分企业的机电公司源码,蓝色界面,非常适合移植到企业去作为宣传主页的代码,程序是开源的ASP源码,后台帐号/密码:admin -Most of the enterprises of the electrical and mechanical for the company source, the blue screen, is ideal for enterprises to migrate to the home page as a promotional code, the ASP program is open source, background account/password: admin
Platform: | Size: 2870272 | Author: wjy | Hits:

[WEB Codexitong145

Description: 启航机电设备企业建站系统,该系统做到企业站动态模版化,代码界面分离,是一套为网站用户提供无技术门坎、操作简单、维护方便、功能强大、 安全可靠的建站工具。网站模版丰富,可任您满意选择,让您在几分钟内快速掌握并拥有自己理想的网站。-Sail mechanical and electrical equipment enterprise Station system, the system to achieve enterprise-station dynamic templates, code interface separation, a user no technical threshold, simple operation, easy maintenance, powerful, secure and reliable website builder. Website template, can any of you are satisfied with, allowing you to quickly grasp and has its own ideal site within minutes....
Platform: | Size: 2961408 | Author: 盛欣 | Hits:

[WEB Code3

Description: 启航机电设备企业建站系统,该系统做到企业站动态模版化,代码界面分离,是一套为网站用户提供无技术门坎、操作简单、维护方便、功能强大、 安全可靠的建站工具。网站模版丰富,可任您满意选择,让您在几分钟内快速掌握并拥有自己理想的网站。 更新内容 对模板引擎进行大的优化,去除table分行效果,改用(ul+li或div+div) 修正模板引擎的工作流程,加入对IF语句支持-Sail mechanical and electrical equipment enterprise Station system, the system to achieve enterprise-station dynamic templates, code interface separation, a user no technical threshold, simple operation, easy maintenance, powerful, secure and reliable website builder. Website template, can any of you are satisfied with, allowing you to quickly grasp and has its own ideal site within minutes. Updates Large optimization template engine, remove the effect of the table branch switch (ul+ li or div+ div) Workflow, modified template engine to join the IF statement support
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: 李军 | Hits:

[WEB Codewebcheris

Description: 机电类网站 企业模版 具备网站全部功能 发布信息 发布产品 联系方式等功能-The Electromechanics site corporate template with all of the features of the site information products Contact
Platform: | Size: 12275712 | Author: ruanjinlin | Hits:

[Web Serverxitong15.5

Description: 启航机电设备企业建站系统,该系统做到企业站动态模版化,代码界面分离,是一套为网站用户提供无技术门坎、操作简单、维护方便、功能强大、 安全可靠的建站工具。-Sail Electrical Equipment Build systems that do business stand dynamic templating, code interface separation is to provide a non-technical threshold for site users, simple operation, easy maintenance, powerful, safe and reliable website builder.
Platform: | Size: 2947072 | Author: zg | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net