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Description: 包含几十个有关数据结构算法的源代码 包括栈 队列 树图等 是初学者的最佳选择-contains dozens of the data structure of the algorithm source code stacks include Queue tree map is the best choice for beginners
Platform: | Size: 69198 | Author: 往往 | Hits:

[Other resourceLeasen图的建立和DFS&BFS算法

Description: 数据结构中关于DFS和BFS的练习,较简单的实现了二叉树的DFS和BFS搜索-data structure of DFS and BFS practice, the realization of a simple binary tree search DFS and the BFS
Platform: | Size: 1652 | Author: 李立纯 | Hits:


Description: 数据结构(c语言版)算法补充。从线形表到树。图-data structure (c language version) algorithm added. Alignment from tree to table. Map
Platform: | Size: 77685 | Author: 郭凯良 | Hits:

[Data structsB+树实现旅游图站点搜索

Description: 一、 需求分析: (1) 已知某市每条公路路线及沿途所经过的站名,要实现的功能是:在任一车站终端查询知道 1、 是否有公共汽车到达指定的目的地(任一站点) 2、 若有,打印出乘车的路线(不一定唯一)。如需中途换车,应指示在哪里换哪条线路的车。 (2) 实现的数据结构:因为将公共交通图看成是一个有向图,所以选择十字链表为其数据结构。 其中有信息点为:站点的连接关系(十字链表的弧头和弧尾链域很好的实现了这个功能) 反应途径的线路号(这个当作弧的信息域,含有两个往返的方向,并且每个方向又对应着多个路线号) 站点名(当然是作顶点的信息域data域了,其中其标签顺序是申请顺序存储结构保证) (3) 算法:按选定的数据结构设计相应的算法,当乘车站到目的站有多种乘车线路是,必须确定路线的选取标准。 换车次数最少、经过的站点数最少。 (6) 测试数据如下: 采用格式统一的公交路线数据文件,具体为: 1) 采用文本文件,文件名统一为lines.txt,在文件夹中; 2) 每条路线的数据占2行(上行和下行各占1行,行在这里指以回车换行符结束),形式为“、、、[……]”,其中为长度不超过6个字符的字符串,为“上行”或者“下行”,为长度不超过20个字符的字符串,、和各个之间均用2个半角空格分隔。程序初始化时,从文件中读出数据进行初始化。
Platform: | Size: 686264 | Author: wsctlee | Hits:


Description: 树图算法
Platform: | Size: 176829 | Author: 1216845764@qq.com | Hits:

[Data structs数据结构算法与应用-C__语言描述

Description: 本书是关于计算机科学与工程领域的基础性研究科目之一——数据结构与算法的专著。 本书在简要回顾了基本的C++ 程序设计概念的基础上,全面系统地介绍了队列、堆栈、树、图等基本数据结构,以及贪婪算法、分而治之算法、分枝定界算法等多种算法设计方法,为数据结构与算法的继续学习和研究奠定了一个坚实的基础。更为可贵的是,本书不仅仅介绍了理论知识,还提供了50多个应用实例及600多道练习题。 本书内容广博权威,结构清晰合理,是一本全新的有关数据结构与算法的教材,对于计算机科学与工程领域的从业人员也是一本很好的参考书。-the book is on the computer science and engineering fields, the basis for one of the subjects of study-- data structure and algorithm monographs. The book in a brief review of the basic design concept C program on the basis of a comprehensive and systematic introduction of the queue, stack, trees and map basic data structure and the greedy algorithm, divide and conquer algorithm, branch-and-bound algorithm multiple algorithm design methods, data structures and algorithms for continuous learning Research and lay a solid foundation. Even more valuable is that the book not only on the theoretical knowledge but also provided more than 50 application examples and more than 600 Exercises Road. The contents broad authority, a clear and reasonable structure, a new data structure and algorithm mat
Platform: | Size: 11777024 | Author: 周小川 | Hits:


Description: 采用二叉树数据结构,属性均值聚类算法在图象识别中的应用。-using a binary tree data structure, attributes means clustering algorithm in image recognition applications.
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 石支柱 | Hits:


Description: 包含几十个有关数据结构算法的源代码 包括栈 队列 树图等 是初学者的最佳选择-contains dozens of the data structure of the algorithm source code stacks include Queue tree map is the best choice for beginners
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 往往 | Hits:

[Data structsLeasen图的建立和DFS&BFS算法

Description: 数据结构中关于DFS和BFS的练习,较简单的实现了二叉树的DFS和BFS搜索-data structure of DFS and BFS practice, the realization of a simple binary tree search DFS and the BFS
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李立纯 | Hits:


Description: 数据结构(c语言版)算法补充。从线形表到树。图-data structure (c language version) algorithm added. Alignment from tree to table. Map
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 郭凯良 | Hits:


Description: 本书是关于计算机科学与工程领域的基础性研究科目之一——数据结构与算法的专著。 本书在简要回顾了基本的C++ 程序设计概念的基础上,全面系统地介绍了队列、堆栈、树、图等基本数据结构,以及贪婪算法、分而治之算法、分枝定界算法等多种算法设计方法,为数据结构与算法的继续学习和研究奠定了一个坚实的基础。更为可贵的是,本书不仅仅介绍了理论知识,还提供了50多个应用实例及600多道练习题。 本书内容广博权威,结构清晰合理,是一本全新的有关数据结构与算法的教材,对于计算机科学与工程领域的从业人员也是一本很好的参考书。 -the book is on the computer science and engineering fields, the basis for one of the subjects of study-- data structure and algorithm expertise with. The book in a brief review of the basic design concept C program on the basis of a comprehensive and systematic introduction of the queue, stack, trees and Figure basic data structure and the greedy algorithm, divide and conquer algorithm, branch-and-bound algorithm multiple algorithm design method data structures and algorithms for continuous learning and research have laid a solid foundation. Even more valuable is that the book not only of theoretical knowledge, also provided more than 50 application examples and more than 600 Exercises Road. The contents broad authority, a clear and reasonable structure, a new data structure and algorithm
Platform: | Size: 11776000 | Author: 猫扑 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmssphit-128-4

Description: 分层树分割算法的Matlab实现,除编码和解码外,还附有熵编码程序,供研究图像处理的朋友参考使用。-hierarchical tree segmentation algorithm Matlab, in addition to encoding and decoding, but also with entropy coding procedures, Image processing research for a friend use and reference.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 刘晓倩 | Hits:


Description: 『数据结构-C++语言描述』围绕多数据集类-表、树、集合、图和字典来组织数据结构的学习。本书包括数据结构基本内容和面向对象程序设计方法两部分,给出了许多完整程序或程序段例子,并引入了描述算法负责度的大O方法。-『Data structure-C++』 Around the multi-language description of a data set type- tables, trees, a collection of maps and a dictionary data structure to organize learning. The book includes basic content data structure and object-oriented programming method in two parts, given a number of complete program or program segment example and description of algorithm responsible for the introduction of degree O method.
Platform: | Size: 20141056 | Author: 苹果 | Hits:

[Data structsstructs

Description: 数据结构相关算法 八皇后 哈夫曼编码 矩阵求逆 迷宫问题 牛顿插值法 图,二叉树 图的存储与遍历-Data structures related to Huffman
Platform: | Size: 470016 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structssjjg

Description: 数据结构课堂实验 集中了数据结构,线性表,连表,栈,队列,二叉树,图,排序算法,查找算法的实现-Experiments focus on the classroom data structure of data structures, linear forms, even the table, stack, queue, binary tree, graph, sorting algorithm, search algorithm
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: phil | Hits:

[Windows Develop3

Description: 图的创建, 二叉树的建立与遍例, 二叉树的算法:含有插入结点,删除结点,和查找方法-Map creation, tree establishment and all over the cases, binary tree algorithms: insert containing nodes, delete nodes, and to find methods
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: chenyuehong | Hits:


Description: 各种算法的flash演示(一共45个:B树的删除、生长过程,单链表结点的插入、删除,二叉排序树的生成、删除,构造哈夫曼树的算法模拟、克鲁斯卡尔算法构造最小生成树、邻接表表示的图的广度优先遍历、寻找中序线索化二叉树指定结点的后继......)-The flash demo of various algorithms (a total of 45: B tree removal, growth process, a single linked list node insert, delete, binary sort tree generation, deletion, Huffman tree construction algorithm simulation, Kruskal construct minimum spanning tree algorithm, adjacency list that breadth-first traversal of the graph to find clues to the sequence of binary tree nodes designated successor ......)
Platform: | Size: 964608 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 利用C语言实现常用的算法集,以及表、树、图等常用数据结构(Using C language to achieve the commonly used algorithm set, as well as tables, trees, maps and other commonly used data structure)
Platform: | Size: 4797440 | Author: 游荡的睡虫 | Hits:

[Graph programzplbsd59

Description: vc++下的决策树cart算法,最为经典的算法之一,()
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: vyhgg%218439 | Hits:


Description: 决策树ID3算法实验_数据集car_databases。用python编写的决策树ID3算法,运用了Car-Evaluation的例子。BUG较少,综合了网上的优秀代码,并进一步形成自己的代码。代码基本有注释,风格良好,能够很快看懂。内含有比较规范的报告文档,包含所有流程图,说明图,以及文档风格绝对不错,无需更改,建议下载! 该算法所测试的数据集如下(已经打包在内,并已经生成xls格式,方便直接使用): 已知:UCI标准数据集Car-Evaluation,定义了汽车性价比的4 个类别; 求:用ID3算法建立Car-Evaluation的属性描述决策树 Car-Evaluation训练数据集文件: 1. car_databases.pdf 2. car_evalution-databases.pdf(Decision tree ID3 algorithm experiment data set car_databases. The decision tree ID3 algorithm written in Python is used in the example of Car-Evaluation. BUG is less, it combines the excellent code on the Internet, and further forms its own code. The code is basically annotated, style is good, and can read quickly. It contains a relatively standardized report document, including all flow charts, illustrations, and document styles. Absolutely, no need to change. We recommend downloading. The data set tested by this algorithm is as follows (already packaged and has been generated in XLS format for easy use): Known: the UCI standard dataset Car-Evaluation defines 4 categories of vehicle performance price ratio. Use ID3 algorithm to build Car-Evaluation attribute description tree. Car-Evaluation training dataset file: 1. car_databases.pdf 2. car_evalution-databases.pdf)
Platform: | Size: 1227776 | Author: 小强你好 | Hits:
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