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Description: 这是比较全的基于TMS320F2812的永磁同步电动机空间矢量算法的程序
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: knjjyy | Hits:

[Report papers基于DSP的永磁同步电机矢量控制伺服系统研究

Description: 本 文首 先 通过建立永磁同步电机数学模型,详细分析介绍了电压空间矢量脉宽调制(svPwM)技术以及矢量控制原理,并简要阐述了PMSM转子磁场定向矢量控制伺服系统的结构环节构成及其控制实现原理。最后 , 在 伺服系统基本的软硬件设计基础上,基于AMTLAB对此伺服系统进 行计算机仿真评估系统的仿真研究。仿真过程紧密联系了实际系统的软硬件的模块设计,从而使得最终给出的Foc一PMS林矢量控制伺服评估系统仿真模型极具可比性。后经仿真评估系统与实际系统的联合调试实验,测出了良好的实验结果波硬及数据,验证了设计方案的基本成功,进一步的调试整定将可以使其满足高性能伺服系统的要求。
Platform: | Size: 2584691 | Author: 847127831@qq.com | Hits:

[Other Riddle games永磁同步程序

Description: 本文件提供直流永磁电动机的DSP驱动源程序,希望对电动机设计者有帮助-This document provides permanent magnet DC motor drives DSP source, and I hope to help designers Motor
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 欧阳明星 | Hits:

[DSP programPMSMFOCchengxu2407

Description: 该软件是关于PMSM永磁同步电动机磁场定向控制的汇编程序,对应的DSP处理器是TMS320F2407,解压后会出现CCS开发环境下的整个工程。-on PMSM permanent magnet synchronous motor magnetic field oriented control of the compilation process, the corresponding TMS320F2407 DSP processors, extracting CCS will happen after the development environment of the whole project.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: doudou | Hits:

[Software Engineering11075_080601_2003109404_40

Description: 本论文为自动化系专业毕业设计论文,介绍了一种双数字信号处理器(DSP)最小控制系统,通过此系统实现永磁同步电动机的矢量控制设计。-papers for the automation system design graduation thesis, introduced a dual digital signal processor (DSP) is the smallest control system, through this system to achieve permanent magnet synchronous motor control vector design.
Platform: | Size: 527360 | Author: huke | Hits:

[DSP programPMSM

Description: 基于DSP 2812的永磁同步电动机矢量控制程序,包括电流环,速度环。-Based on DSP 2812 PMSM vector control procedures, including the current loop, velocity loop.
Platform: | Size: 418816 | Author: 李锦庚 | Hits:


Description: 摘要 本文在对永磁同步电动机进行电磁分析设计的基础上,采用MATLABISIMULINK仿真工具对控制系统分别采用PID控制、神经网络控 制的情况进行了仿真分析。-Abstract In this paper, permanent magnet synchronous motor for electromagnetic analysis and design, based on the simulation tool used MATLABISIMULINK on the control system were used PID control, neural network control of a simulation analysis.
Platform: | Size: 2223104 | Author: 王大钊 | Hits:

[DSP programTMS320F2812controlPMSM

Description: 基于TMS320F2812的永磁同步电动机控制.doc 例1、空间矢量算法实现 例2、事件管理器配置 例3、TMS320F2812电流及DC母线电压检测 例4、电动机位置检测 -TMS320F2812-based control of permanent magnet synchronous motor. Doc Example 1, the space vector algorithm Example 2, Event Manager configuration cases 3, TMS320F2812 current and DC bus voltage detection of cases of 4, the motor position detection
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: haoz | Hits:


Description: 永磁同步电动机的空间矢量控制simulink源代码-Permanent magnet synchronous motor with space vector control simulink source code
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: jerial | Hits:


Description: 永磁同步电机的无传感器矢量控制论文 基于高频注入的永磁同步电动机无传感器运行研究-,t h es ensorlessm ethodsw ered ividedin tot wog eneralca tegoriesa ccordingt o thep erformancea tlo wa ndz eros peeds
Platform: | Size: 5949440 | Author: yjh | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPMSMVECTOR

Description: 基于DSP永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统的设计 -Design of PMSM Vector Control Systan Based on DSP
Platform: | Size: 603136 | Author: yjh | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPMSM

Description: 近年来,随着电力电子技术、微电子技术、新型电机控制理论和稀土永磁材料的快速发展,永磁同步电动机得以迅速的推广应用。永磁同步电动机具有体积小,损耗低,效率高等优点,在节约能源和环境保护日益受到重视的今天,对其研究就显得非常必要。因此。这里对永磁同步电机的控制策略进行综述,并介绍了永磁同步电动机控制系统的各种控制策略发展方向-In recent years, with power electronics technology, microelectronic technology, new types of motor control theory and the rare-earth permanent magnet materials, the rapid development of permanent magnet synchronous motor can be rapidly applied. Permanent magnet synchronous motor with a small size, low loss, high efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection in more and more attention today, the research it is very necessary.因此. Here on the permanent magnet synchronous motor control strategy were reviewed, and introduced the permanent magnet synchronous motor control system for the development direction of various control strategies
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: 杜承润 | Hits:

[DSP programTMS320X281xDSP

Description: 《TMS320X281xDSP原理应用系统设计》一书的所有源程序。其中应用包括: 空间矢量脉宽调制技术 基于TMS320F2812的永磁同步电动机控制 基于DSP的步进电动机控制系统 交流感应电动机控制方法 TMS320F2812的永磁无刷直流电动机控制等。-all of the source code in the book "TMS320X281xDSP Application System Design Principles .
Platform: | Size: 973824 | Author: sun | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAPermanentmagnetsynchronousmotorvectorcontrolsyste

Description: : 讨论了一种采用 D S P芯片T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7实现无传感器永磁同步电机转子磁场定向矢量控制的方案, 介 绍了永磁同步电机的数学模型和矢量控制的基本原理, 给出了在无位置传感器的情况下电机转子位置信号的确定 方法, 采用i , = 0的对凸极式转子磁路结构的无传感器永磁同步电动机的控制方法, 说明采用高速数字信号处理器 易于实现复杂的矢量控制算法, 可以有效地解决电机的强耦合特性.-: A s o l u t i o n t o c o n t r o l a p e r ma n e n t ma g n e t s y n c h r o n o u s m o t o r ( P MS M)o f s e n s o r l e s s u s i n g t h e TM$ 3 2 0LF 2 40 7 i S d i s c u s s e d. A br i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n o f t h e ma t h e ma t i c mo d e l a n d t he v e c t o r c o n t r o l o f PMS M i s p r e s e n t e d,a n d t h e me t h o d o f a s c e r t a i n i n g t h e r o t o r p o s i t i o n u nd e r t h e c i r c u ms t a n c e o f s p e e d s e n s o r l e s s i s a l s o me n t i o n e d.Th e c o n t r o l me t h o d o f i d 0 o n s a l i e n t p o l e PMSM wh i c h i s s e n s or l e s s i s p ut f o r wa r d,wh i c h s h o ws t h a t i f we us e t h e d i g i t a l s i g n a l p r o c e s s o r we c a n ma k e t h e c o mpl i c a t e d v e c t o r c o n— t r o l a r i t h me t i c c o me t r u e e a s i l y,a n
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: 张国辉 | Hits:


Description: 永磁同步电动机的矢量控制仿真程序,实现速度闭环和电流闭环,可以直接运行-Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control program, to achieve the speed loop and current loop can be directly run
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: hong | Hits:


Description: 混沌永磁同步电动机混沌模型的Lyapunov指数计算程序 -chao bhhb
Platform: | Size: 310272 | Author: wanglei | Hits:


Description: dtc 永磁同步电动机的直接转矩控制-dtc
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 石头 | Hits:


Description: 永磁同步电机伺服控制系统研究_本文应用矢量控制的原理,以皿公司数字信号处理器 为系统的控制核心,公司的 智能功率模块为逆变器开关器件,运用空间电压矢量脉宽调 一技术,设计了数字 化脉宽调制丫调速系统,构建了一个基于的异步电动机矢 量控制系统平台。(DissertationSubmittedtoZhejiangUnivesrityofTechnology ofrtheDegereofMaster)
Platform: | Size: 4704256 | Author: 青云123 | Hits:

[OtherPMSM simulation

Description: 2015仿真模型汇总-PMSM变频调速系统及其控制。 书籍《永磁同步电动机变频调速系统及其控制 》的配套代码。(2015 simulation model summary -PMSM variable frequency speed regulation system and its control.)
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: fromwest | Hits:


Description: 一个永磁同步电动机的滑模观测器仿真模型,可以很好的实现位置跟踪与控制。(A simulation model of sliding mode observer for PMSM can realize position tracking and control well.)
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: nvx%25211760 | Hits:
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