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[Game Engine石器时代VIP完整服务端

Description: <p>石器时代VIP完整服务端:</p> <p>52.增加安全码开关,在CF中设置</p> <p>51.增加在线存储数据道具,最大限度防止回档<br /> 在线存储卷,在线存储卷,可以在线存储数据,避免回档,使用间隔30分钟,,,,,,,,ITEM_CharSave,,,,,,20819,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>50.增加VIP会员时间,也就是包时间会员<br /> 会员认证,会员认证,可获永久会员权利,1|0,,,,,,,ITEM_VipRide,,,,,,20818,24176,100,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0<br /> (1|0这个代表1级终身会员,1代表会员等级,可以为2或者3,数字越大会员等级越高,0代表时间,0是终身,30就是30天,大家可以自己定义会员等级和会员期限)</p> <p>49.增加VIP会员等级,为3个等级</p> <p>48.增加随机任务旗标功能</p> <p>47.增加任务旗标数量至510</p> <p>46.增加NPC脚本命令(用来增加荣誉值和减少荣誉值)<br /> AddPoint<br /> DelPoint</p> <p>45.增加NPC判断命令AMPOINT用来判断荣誉值</p> <p>44.添加荣誉系统(老会员点)</p> <p>43.指定地图PK后自动回复体力功能<br /> setup.cf里添加如下内容:<br /> #特殊地图战后补血<br /> MAPHEAL1=-1<br /> MAPHEAL2=-1<br /> MAPHEAL3=-1<br /> MAPHEAL4=-1<br /> MAPHEAL5=-1<br /> MAPHEAL6=-1<br /> MAPHEAL7=-1<br /> MAPHEAL8=-1<br /> MAPHEAL9=-1<br /> MAPHEAL10=-1</p> <p>42.NPC时间判断语句<br /> YEAR 年<br /> MON  月<br /> DATE 日期<br /> DAY  星期<br /> HOUR 小时<br /> MIN  分钟<br /> SEC  秒</p> <p>41.NPC声望判断语句FAME=10000,判断声望=100</p> <p>40.纪录点对话存人物资料功能</p> <p>39.在SAAC里嵌入MYSQL客户端,各位GM不用再去装MYSQL客户端就能启动SAAC了</p> <p>38.增加VIP商店命令,可以自定义宠物血,功,防,敏,等级,转数<br /> Vip_Abi_Pet:宠物编号 血 功 防 敏 等级 转数,会员点数</p> <p>37.增加玩家自定义摆摊模式道具<br /> 摆摊模式卷,摆摊模式卷,可以更改摆摊模式分3种(石币,声望,会员点),,,,,,,,ITEM_TradeType,,,,,,32210,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>36.更改摆摊方式,分为3种(石币,声望,会员点)</p> <p>35.增加CF中禁止传送地图至10张</p> <p>34.增加SQL中完美显示上线玩家名称,使GM更加好管理服务器(简体和繁体都可正常显示)</p> <p>33.NPC加入人物安全锁判断指令,使玩家账号更加安全,SAFE=0未解锁,SAFE=1解锁</p> <p>32.NPC加入changeevent类型中VIP会员的判断指令,VIP=0非会员,VIP=1会员</p> <p>31.修复快速就职等NPC断F的BUG,加入NPC判断指令SKUP</p> <p>30.修复人物声望满100W还可以继续吃声望卷的BUG</p> <p>29.修复神奇戒指男性无法变身的BUG</p> <p>28.新增配合SQL方式会员点的会员点卷道具,使用后直接存入SQL数据库中<br /> 会员卷100点,会员卷100点,可获得会员点数100点,100,,,,,,,ITEM_AddVipPoint,,,,,,30001,24176,100,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>27.在CF中可自定义装备可镶嵌次数,可设置范围1-5</p> <p>26.新增GM自定义宠物4V,等级,转数的命令[gm petmakeabi 编号 血 攻 防 敏 等级 转数]</p> <p>25.新增极品人制作道具,可以极品人转数,等级,红利点,并且上线不爆点,极品人物无法再使用任何加红利点的道具<br /> 极品人道具,极品人道具,可以让自己变成极品人的道具,6|160|1200,,,,,,,ITEM_SuperManItem,,,,,,21254,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0<br /> 玩家使用道具后。直接成为设定的转数、等级、点数。不会暴点  6|160|1200  6转160级 1200红利点</p> <p>24.PETTALK宠物对话NPC定义限制上线8改至10</p> <p>23.称号功能道具 <br /> (说明:定义绚丽的人物称号。丰富游戏内容)<br /> 称号卷,称号卷,使用后可获得一起石器称号,一起石器,,,,,,,ITEM_NewName,,,,,,38822,24176,100,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>22.删除指定宠物功能 <br /> (说明:可以在玩家登陆时删除指定宠物)</p> <p>21.删除指定道具功能 <br /> (说明:可以在玩家登陆时删除指定道具)</p> <p><br /> 20.新增同一IP登陆数限制<br /> (说明:有效控制服务器负载,防止超员超量)</p> <p><br /> 19.新增抓宠所需物品自定义<br /> (说明:可以自己定义抓某些C必须带上什么样的道具。适合VIP会员使用或丰富游戏任务)</p> <p>18.宠物学习技能定义上限300改至500 <br /> (说明:可以增加更多的宠物新技能)</p> <p>17.新增玩家需安全密码登陆方或删除人物<br /> (说明:提高帐号的安全性,盗号者发现无法偷到东西后。想删人物也是删不到的。让盗号者没有任何办法)</p> <p>16.增加SAAC程序批量对数据库制作冲值卡<br /> (说明:自动增加销售的冲值卡。自定义面额和数量。./saacjt -c)</p> <p>15.老会员点转换到SQL数据库里 <br /> (说明:其他版本服务端的点卷转换成SQL存点卷的工具)<br /> 会员点旧转新,会员点旧转新,可将你原有的会员点转存在数据库里,,,,,,,,ITEM_OldToNew,,,,,,32201,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p><br /> 14.在线会员点充值卡(SQL)功能 <br /> (说明:通过购买的充值卡给人物进行点卷冲值。并通过第三方平台实现24小时无人职守销售点卷。彻底解放GM的手工发放点卷的操作。睡觉也能卖点卷,执行命令./saacjt -c)<br /> 在线充值卡,在线充值卡,输入你的卡号可以在线进行充值,,,,,,,,ITEM_OnlineCost,,,,,,32207,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p><br /> 13.新增道具宠物安全锁 <br /> (说明:彻底封锁盗号者的所有途径,去处SF中无耻盗号的这个毒瘤.就算盗到号也拿不到任何东西)<br /> 安全锁,安全锁,可以对身上的物品宠物进行上锁,锁定后,不解锁不能丢弃,,,,,,,,ITEM_ItemPetLocked,,,,,,32205,22016,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p><br /> 12.恢复登陆记录登陆信息功能<br /> (说明:显示帐号的登陆信息。查询更方便)</p> <p>11.恢复以前锁定账号功能<br /> (说明:方便的在线锁定捣乱的帐号)</p> <p>10.新增SQL会员点搭配的NPC脚本功能 <br /> (说明:配合SQL存会员点功能)</p> <p>9.新增SQL存会员点功能 <br /> (说明:原点卷存放在文件中,安全性无法保证。查询非法持有点卷也非常困难。SQL存点卷。可以进行方便的检索。并配合网頁开发更多新功能)</p> <p>8.已完善96位骑宠模式<br /> (说明:自定义的新骑C,)</p> <p>7.增加地图数量至2000张<br /> (说明:可使服务器中加入更多的新地图而不会出现错误)</p> <p>6.以交易模式PK功能  <br /> (说明:在指定地图。进行交易。放上双方满意的东西。点确定开始PK。胜利者获得双方交易的所有东西。)</p> <p>5.玩家某些事件自动存档<br /> (说明:在玩家进行购买物品。交易或点卷操作的时候。系统会自动为玩家存档。有效防止因服务器问题导致的回档)</p> <p>4.新增世界密聊频道<br /> (使用方法:!!+空格+内容)</p> <p>3.改良小喇叭显示方式<br /> (说明:让玩家使用点卷发送广播,让服务器所有人都能看见)</p> <p>2.会员上线全服提示<br /> (说明:体现会员的优越性)</p> <p>1.以会员点做为赌博方式PK功能<br /> (说明:和普通PK不同,在指定的点卷PK地图中进行PK.根据不同额度,胜者获得失败者点卷)</p>
Platform: | Size: 3254629 | Author: njynjy | Hits:


Description: 又是一个用c语言编写的名叫出圈小游戏,即以一定的间隔循环取出数组元素的游戏.应该是众所周知了吧!-is a language used c named out of the small circle games, in a certain interval cycle array elements out of the game. Should be known!
Platform: | Size: 827 | Author: 张松 | Hits:


Description: 淘汰游戏,选输入人数,从一人开始选择间隔开始淘汰的人数,循环淘汰,剩下最后一个
Platform: | Size: 1215 | Author: 李冰帆 | Hits:


Description: 又是一个用c语言编写的名叫出圈小游戏,即以一定的间隔循环取出数组元素的游戏.应该是众所周知了吧!-is a language used c named out of the small circle games, in a certain interval cycle array elements out of the game. Should be known!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张松 | Hits:


Description: 淘汰游戏,选输入人数,从一人开始选择间隔开始淘汰的人数,循环淘汰,剩下最后一个-Out of the game, enter the number of elections, from the beginning to choose one person to start out the number of intervals, the cycle out of the last remaining
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李冰帆 | Hits:

[Windows Developgame

Description: 一个游戏,游戏规则为:每一次将与开始游戏的选手间隔为n-1个人的选手删除,直到最后只剩一名选手!-A game, the game rules: Each player will start the game with the interval n-1 individual athlete deleted until only one player!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hxc | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesJigsaw-puzzle1.1

Description: --sunfruit 用J2ME编写的拼图游戏 提供源代码下载 版本信息 WTK2.2 MIDP2.0 CLDC1.1 功能简介: 功能比较简单,入门程序 在对按键时间间隔处理上面把握的不好,继续改进 -- Sunfruit jigsaw puzzle with the J2ME source code written to download the version information WTK2.2 MIDP2.0 CLDC1.1 Function: function relatively simple, entry procedures for the time interval in the key above the grasp of the bad treatment, to continue to improve
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: | Hits:

[Shot Gameplatshot_mfc

Description: 一个飞碟射击游戏程序。屏幕中央下方中央有一猎枪,位置固定,可用鼠标左、右键控制其转动方向。用空格键控制开枪。程序控制由屏幕左、右方以随机方向自动抛出飞碟(每次抛一个,各次抛出间有适当间隔)。抛出飞碟前应有提示。对每个飞碟,最多可以开两枪。程序应可统计当前击中飞碟数和失败次数。 -a shotting game using mfc.space to shot and uparrow,downarrow,left,right to control the direction.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: asd | Hits:


Description: mdt10p53a11(兼容PIC12F509)开发,采用加速度传感器设置。 无线刹车尾灯(可以实现赛车游戏里面的效果) 功能要求 1.采用PWM方式控制led灯 2.内部三轴加速度计采用平方和再开方的方法求得检测值。 3.每秒间隔采样5次得到的测量值进行计算,静止情况下测量值的波动的范围要小于2%。当测量值超过静态值17%以上的情况,认为是有刹车的情况。Led灯按照规定点亮。 4.模式2led灯闪烁的情况下每秒闪烁5次,加速度检测和led灯亮在单片机内部同步,不工作的情况使单片机进入休眠状态。 5.模式3led灯在刹车情况下亮,在每秒采样5次加速度并且led灯不需要点亮的时间单片机休眠。 6.模式1恒亮的状态单片机发出PWM脉冲,点亮led灯,这个时候单片机如果能在间歇休眠模式最好,如果不能,正常工作即可。-mdt10p53a11 (compatible PIC12F509) development, using the acceleration sensor settings. Wireless rear brake (which allows the effect of racing game) Functional requirements 1 using PWM control the led lights 2-axis accelerometer inside the square and then prescribing the use of the method obtained detection value. 3 5 times per second sampling interval has been calculated measurements, stationary measurements of the fluctuations in the case of the range of less than 2 . When the measured value exceeds the value of more than 17 of the static situation, that there is a braking situation. Led lights light up in accordance with regulations. 4 lights flashing mode 2led case flashes 5 times per second, acceleration detection and led lights in the MCU internal synchronization, the situation does not work so the device enters the sleep state. 5 mode 3led bright light in the case of braking, acceleration in the five samples per second and led lights do not light up the time the m
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: | Hits:


Description: VB记时器编程的讨论 在很多场合下编程(例如工业控制、游戏)中需要比较精确的记时器,本文讨论的是在VB下实现记时器的若干方法以及它们的精度控制问题。 在VB中最常用的是Timer控件,它的设置和使用都非常方便,理论上它的记时精度可以达到1ms(毫秒)。但是众所周知的,实际上Timer在记时间隔小于50ms之下是精度是十分差的。它只适用于对于精度要求不太高的场合。 -VB timer programming on many occasions to discuss programming (such as industrial control, games) need a more precise timer, this discussion is in the VB timer to achieve a number of methods and their precision control. The most commonly used in the VB Timer control is, it' s very easy to set up and use, in theory, its accuracy can be achieved when the mind 1ms (ms). But we all know, in fact, every time Timer is less than 50ms in the mind is under the precision is very poor. It applies only to not too high for the accuracy of the occasion.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: yubin | Hits:

[Shot Gamerabbit

Description: 游戏画面分为A,B,C,D四个区域。 A区:代表河岸,有一能代表兔子的图形。兔子起始位置在A区窗口最左测,游戏开始后,兔子可在窗口内左右移动,伺机过河。 B区:代表河岸,有一列数块漂浮河中的木板,木板大小合理且相同,这列木板自始至终从左到右漂流,列中木板间隔在一定范围内由随机函数产生,产生之后不再变化。运动的速度与两个距离和行进速度,将游戏分为三级可由玩家设置。 按上:控制兔子前进 按左:控制兔子左移 按右:控制兔子右移 按下:控制兔子后退 按F1:游戏为EASY 按F2:游戏为MIDDLE 按F3:游戏为FAST 按F4:为游戏暂停键 按F5:为游戏继续键 -A small C program
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: 自己写的一个鼠标自动点击程序,可以设置点击次数,间隔时间,循环次数,循环间隔,是玩游戏过程中手指酸麻的解决办法-A mouse to write their own automated clicking programs, you can set the number of clicks, time interval, cycles, cycle interval, and play finger tingling in the course of the game solution
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: 李海 | Hits:


Description: 自己写的一个鼠标自动点击程序,可以设置点击次数,间隔时间,循环次数,循环间隔,是玩游戏过程中手指酸麻的解决办法-A mouse to write their own automated clicking programs, you can set the number of clicks, time interval, cycles, cycle interval, and play finger tingling in the course of the game solution
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: 李海 | Hits:


Description: 手机连连看游戏,功能比较完善,可以计算游戏屏幕的时间间隔,游戏玩的次数,游戏玩的时间,可以切换画面,暂停游戏,选择游戏的剩余时间,显示分数,保存游戏记录等等功能-Phone Lianliankan game, function relatively complete, you can calculate the time interval of the game screen, the number of games to play, game time, you can switch the screen, pause the game, select the remaining time of the game, the score is displayed, save the game record more
Platform: | Size: 508928 | Author: gxy | Hits:


Description: 插件安装使用方法参考:http://www.discuz.net/thread-3229115-1-1.html v2.1版本在v2.0的基础上做了如下优化: 1. 解决了因站长设置游客访问权限,通信失败的问题。优化后将降低00000错误提示出现的概率 2. 只获取用户上传的本地图片,来提高图片的质量 3. 解决了推荐框离帖子内容太近的问题,推荐框和内容之间会间隔5PX 4.解决了在帖子第2页第一个回帖内容下方出现云推荐,和帖子第2页1楼和2楼之间出现云推荐的问题 开启插件后: 1.如果网站内容充足,会及时出现推荐结果。并且随时间拉长,推荐效果会越来越好; 2.可设置云推荐的展现位置,默认出现在主贴内容下方,无结果时默认隐藏; 云推荐已受到广大站长的欢迎,如:ChinaZ、Admin5、YAHOO、4399小游戏、安卓网、电玩巴士、京华论坛、厦门小鱼、淘宝社区、WPS论坛、木蚂蚁、红袖文学、音悦Tai、有妖气、39健康、股城网等都在使用,期待您的加入! 云推荐已受到广大站长的欢迎,如:ChinaZ、Admin5、YAHOO、4399小游戏、安卓网、电玩巴士、京华论坛、厦门小鱼、淘宝社区、WPS论坛、木蚂蚁、红袖文学、音悦Tai、有妖气、39健康、股城网等都在使用,期待您的加入!-Plug-in installation method reference: http://www.discuz.net/thread-3229115-1-1.html   v2.0 v2.1 version made ​ ​ on the basis of the following optimization: 1 Master Set tourists solved due to access to communication failure. Optimization will reduce the probability of error 00000 (2) get only the local user to upload pictures to improve the picture quality 3 to solve the recommended post content from the box too close to the problem will be recommended spacing between the frame and the content 5PX 4 solution in the first two posts first replies cloud appears below recommended and posts the first two between the 1st and 2nd floor problems arise cloud recommend   Open plug-in: 1 If your site is adequate, the results will be there to recommend. And with time stretch, the effect will be better recommended (2) can be set to show the location of the cloud recommended default appear in the main content posted below, no results are hidden by default Cloud r
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 云推荐 | Hits:

[Windows Develop基于MFC的多选项选择设置工具源码

Description: 用MFC写的配置工具,可以从一个文件中读取游戏选项,可以选择加载几个游戏,并设置游戏顺序和时间,很不错的一个插件工具,提供源码供你编译
Platform: | Size: 27932996 | Author: kakaxi679 | Hits:


Description: qq游戏连连看外挂,有单消功能,连消功能,可设置连消的间隔,秒杀功能,还有挂机功能,被蓝钻提出后可以自动继续挂机,对方使用路障道具后会自动使用消除道具-qq games Lianliankan plug, single elimination function, even elimination function, you can set the interval even eliminate, spike function, as well as on-hook function is Blue Diamond can automatically continue to hang up after the presentation, the other using roadblocks props props will automatically eliminate
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: 薄景仁 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackLianLianKan

Description: QQ游戏连连看外挂源码,有单消和秒杀功能,还可以随机间隔模拟点击-QQ games Lianliankan external source, a single elimination and spike function, you can also click on a random interval simulation
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: zhou | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamessix-letter

Description: 本源代码最大的区别就是改变了游戏规则,将间隔跳行也认为是连城一线,更刺激,更有新意。-The biggest difference is the source code to change the rules of the game, will also be considered Citylink skip interval line, more exciting, more innovative.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: andy | Hits:

[Game ProgramGame of life

Description: 在Eclipse平台上通过GUI组件建立一个可视化图形界面的生命游戏。包含自动演化 停止 设置演化间隔 设置初始图形 随机生成等功能(A graphical interface for life games)
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 维萨得 | Hits:
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