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[Other resource史酷毙逃出鬼屋

Description: 1、第一关,点左边门去中间屋,点桌布现出踏板。 2、点左边门去右边屋,点烛台拿蜡烛,回最右边屋点右边塑像按钮,点燃蜡烛,回最左边屋 3、用蜡烛点燃烛台,点烛台放上钢丝,去中间屋踩桌下正中踏板,看天花板上日历为3月26日 4、去左边屋点画,输入保险箱密码0326,拿到钥匙,回最右边屋开门离开 5、第二关,分别在左边和右边屋玩拼图游戏,拿左边的方块补上右边空位,或拿右边补上左边,3次后可得光盘 6、去左边屋在音响上使用光盘,听动物叫声,去中间屋按叫声顺序放下墙上动物,过关 7、第三关,去最左边灯箱拿骨头,去最右边灯箱打碎玻璃,点最大的脚得硬币,去左起第二个灯箱 8、点该灯箱下配电盒,硬币点螺丝,取出红色电线 9、去马头的灯箱装上电线,打开电源,骨头打碎玻璃得到钥匙 10、用钥匙打开旁边乌龟手中的皮箱得到夹钳 11、用夹钳剪开右起第二个锁链锁住的通道离开-1, the first customs point to the left of the middle house, tablecloths show pedal point. 2, point to the left of the right side of housing points with votive candles, the most right back to the right point statue housing buttons, lit candles and left to the most three estates, with lit votive candles, votive point via wire to intermediate housing step under the table middle pedal, look at the ceiling on the calendar for March 26 April, to the left houses dotted, the importation of safe password 0326, and got his keys, back to the rightmost left five open houses, the second hurdle, respectively on the left and right house playing pieces of the jigsaw take the left block fill vacancies on the right side, or to fill on the right side of the left, after three rounds of six CD-ROMs available,
Platform: | Size: 2821901 | Author: 王超 | Hits:


Description: 本文用C语言编了24点游戏程序。与计算机玩24点还有个好处,解决了用扑克牌玩时的缺陷——有时候谁也无法确定四个数到底能不能算出24点。本程序的基本思路是:先由计算机产生四个随机数,然后将其中的两个数进行加减乘除四则运算,把计算结果分别再与第三个数进行四则运算,再把结果与第四个数进行四则运算,然后轮换四个数的顺序按以上步骤重复运算-Using C language compiled the 24 point game. Playing with the computer also has a 24 point advantage. the settlement with playing cards when the defect -- who are sometimes unable to determine the number four in the end can produce 24 points. This program is the basic ideas : first computer-generated random number four, then the two conducted a four arithmetic computation. calculating the results were third with four numbers for computing, and the results for the fourth number four computation, then four rotation sequence by the number of repeat the above steps Operational
Platform: | Size: 82309 | Author: 文风 | Hits:

[Game ProgramPSP_EDIT_TIME

Description: DELPHI 编写的一个可以调整PSP游戏顺序的小软件!
Platform: | Size: 3526644 | Author: RHC | Hits:

[Other resource魔板游戏源程序qinlei

Description: 智力拼图,又称魔板游戏,4*4的方格组成,15个字母,一个空格,要求玩家移动方格把字母排成字母表顺序,上下左右和回车控制。-intellectual puzzles, board games also known as the devil, 4 * 4 components in the box, 15 letters, a box requiring mobile box put players line up in alphabetical order of the alphabet, from top to bottom and around the transport control.
Platform: | Size: 8020 | Author: 秦雷 | Hits:

[Other Games一个数字连连看小游戏

Description: 刚刚注册,要下载东东还要积分。。。 没办法,翻出以前的一个小游戏,是在VIEW上随机1~??的数字,然后按照从小到大顺序点击并计时。以前给孩子锻炼集中注意力的。
Platform: | Size: 554844 | Author: lanshiyue@126.com | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesfinal_Sokobannew

Description: sokoban游戏,俗称推箱子游戏,共有几十关,第一次游戏要输入用户名,下次输用户名则可以继续上次关数,不可以选关,只能顺序玩。没有密码。-Multiban games, commonly known as PSP games, dozens of Customs, the first game to enter a user name, user name next losers will continue to be incarcerated last, not elect clearance, the order can only play. No password.
Platform: | Size: 681984 | Author: luo | Hits:

[Other Riddle games魔板游戏源程序qinlei

Description: 智力拼图,又称魔板游戏,4*4的方格组成,15个字母,一个空格,要求玩家移动方格把字母排成字母表顺序,上下左右和回车控制。-intellectual puzzles, board games also known as the devil, 4* 4 components in the box, 15 letters, a box requiring mobile box put players line up in alphabetical order of the alphabet, from top to bottom and around the transport control.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 秦雷 | Hits:

[Other Riddle games史酷毙逃出鬼屋

Description: 1、第一关,点左边门去中间屋,点桌布现出踏板。 2、点左边门去右边屋,点烛台拿蜡烛,回最右边屋点右边塑像按钮,点燃蜡烛,回最左边屋 3、用蜡烛点燃烛台,点烛台放上钢丝,去中间屋踩桌下正中踏板,看天花板上日历为3月26日 4、去左边屋点画,输入保险箱密码0326,拿到钥匙,回最右边屋开门离开 5、第二关,分别在左边和右边屋玩拼图游戏,拿左边的方块补上右边空位,或拿右边补上左边,3次后可得光盘 6、去左边屋在音响上使用光盘,听动物叫声,去中间屋按叫声顺序放下墙上动物,过关 7、第三关,去最左边灯箱拿骨头,去最右边灯箱打碎玻璃,点最大的脚得硬币,去左起第二个灯箱 8、点该灯箱下配电盒,硬币点螺丝,取出红色电线 9、去马头的灯箱装上电线,打开电源,骨头打碎玻璃得到钥匙 10、用钥匙打开旁边乌龟手中的皮箱得到夹钳 11、用夹钳剪开右起第二个锁链锁住的通道离开-1, the first customs point to the left of the middle house, tablecloths show pedal point. 2, point to the left of the right side of housing points with votive candles, the most right back to the right point statue housing buttons, lit candles and left to the most three estates, with lit votive candles, votive point via wire to intermediate housing step under the table middle pedal, look at the ceiling on the calendar for March 26 April, to the left houses dotted, the importation of safe password 0326, and got his keys, back to the rightmost left five open houses, the second hurdle, respectively on the left and right house playing pieces of the jigsaw take the left block fill vacancies on the right side, or to fill on the right side of the left, after three rounds of six CD-ROMs available,
Platform: | Size: 2822144 | Author: 王超 | Hits:


Description: 本文用C语言编了24点游戏程序。与计算机玩24点还有个好处,解决了用扑克牌玩时的缺陷——有时候谁也无法确定四个数到底能不能算出24点。本程序的基本思路是:先由计算机产生四个随机数,然后将其中的两个数进行加减乘除四则运算,把计算结果分别再与第三个数进行四则运算,再把结果与第四个数进行四则运算,然后轮换四个数的顺序按以上步骤重复运算-Using C language compiled the 24 point game. Playing with the computer also has a 24 point advantage. the settlement with playing cards when the defect-- who are sometimes unable to determine the number four in the end can produce 24 points. This program is the basic ideas : first computer-generated random number four, then the two conducted a four arithmetic computation. calculating the results were third with four numbers for computing, and the results for the fourth number four computation, then four rotation sequence by the number of repeat the above steps Operational
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: 文风 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesmmzmagic_NetBallGame

Description: 网络版珠宝大对决。 Sources目录为源代码,包含所有公共单元BaseClass|客户端服务DLL GemFight|服务端 GemFightServer BIN目录为运行程序的目录 执行顺序 先运行bin目录下的\服务端\CenterServer.exe 此程序是登陆服务器 负责在线服务信息的路由。 bin目录下的\服务端\GemFightGameServer.exe 此程序是游戏服务器 负责珠宝大对决的游戏信息处理信息。 \Bin\客户端\Client.exe 这个就是客户端了也就是游戏大厅 运行后 输入登陆服务器IP即可 账号可以使用 1~5登陆密码和账号相同 登陆后选择珠宝大对决服务器 任意加入2张桌子选择举手,双方都举手后即可开始2人对战。支持多人游戏。 -network version of a showdown between jewelry. Sources directory of the source code, All modules contain public BaseClass | client services DLL GemFight | server Ge mFightServer BIN directory for the program to run the list of first order of operation under the bin directory \ server \ CenterServer.exe this procedure is landing server online information service routing . The bin directory \ server \ GemFightGameServer.exe this procedure is the game Jewelry server for a showdown between the game of information processing. \ Bin \ client \ Client.exe the client is a games hall is running after importation Teng Lu IP server can account can use a five-landing the same password and account number to choose after landing jewelry showdown between the server agreed to join two tables to choose the
Platform: | Size: 7623680 | Author: 小龙 | Hits:

[Windows CESliderPuzzle

Description: 本示例说明了一个在 Pocket PC 上运行的拼图游戏,此游戏要求您在游戏板上移动图片拼块,直到它们处于正确的位置。本示例(仅在 Visual C# 中可用)演示了绘图、图像缩放、自定义控件和可缩放 TrueType 字体。 运行示例 从“选项”菜单中选择三种不同的网格布局之一。 注意 单击“选项”菜单上的“显示标签”可在每个拼块上放一个数字,这样可以更容易完成拼图。 在“游戏”菜单上,单击“新建”开始一个新游戏。 拼块以随机顺序排列,网格上有一个位置是空的。完成拼图的方法是利用这个空位置移动拼块,直到所有拼块都回到原位置。单击与网格上的空位置相邻的任何拼块可将该拼块移到这个空位置。 -err
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: 王子 | Hits:

[Game ProgramPSP_EDIT_TIME

Description: DELPHI 编写的一个可以调整PSP游戏顺序的小软件!-DELPHI prepared a PSP game can adjust the order of a small software!
Platform: | Size: 3526656 | Author: RHC | Hits:


Description: 猜数字游戏的辅助工具,计算机随即生成4个不同并按照一定顺序排列的0~9之间的数字,让用户猜这4个数是什么。用户输入4个数字后,计算机给出排列及数字正确的个数,例如计算机生成的4个数字为1234,当用户输入4937时,则“4”数字但位置不对,“3”数字和位置都正确,用1A1B表示。该游戏曾经出现在轩辕剑3中,或者与msn机器人“ibot@live.cn”聊天时输入“猜数字”时出现。本程序用于辅助该游戏运行,列出了可能的结果,通常在6次内就可以得到正确的结果。计算机给出的结果一般用xAyB表示,本程序忽略AB,简写为xy
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 姓名 | Hits:

[Other Gameswebgamephaos

Description: 光明世界 WebGame 一个网页式的RPG游戏(压缩包内1\2\3\4的图片为演示效果) 版本说明: 本版本基于phaos-0.9.8汉化制作。 *由于原作的英文显示部分并不完全在语言包内,本版本有些汉化直接从程序入手,希望再次开发的朋友请注意。 增加了竞技场可以查看对手资料功能。 增加了道具店可以显示物品属性功能(知道药水是干什么的)。 降低了升级难度(原作是第一级要1000经验值,第二级要3000...从个人实际玩起来感觉新人很难升级)。 修改创建工会要求等级为50级。 修正了原作中的一些bug。 安装方法: 将文件上传至空间后,倒入import目录下的数据库文件,第一个请先导入structure.sql,其余的按照编号顺序导入即可。数据库编码选择latin1。默认后台用户名和密码都是admin。 数据库链接修改在config_settings.php文件内。 mapmaker目录为地图编辑器。-err
Platform: | Size: 4573184 | Author: Thomas Ho | Hits:

[Data structscode

Description: 1、猴子选大王 2、约瑟夫环 3、迷宫求解 4、回文游戏 5、地图四染色问题 6、八皇后问题 7、原四则表达式求值 8、k阶斐波那契序列 9、遍历二叉树 10、编写DFS算法的非递归函数。 编写BFS算法。 11、简单选择排序, 折半插入排序, 冒泡排序, 快速排序, 堆排序 12、顺序查找,折半查找-err
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: isxzh | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesvb_ddz

Description: 一个VB斗地主游戏的雏形,实现了随机发牌,按大小王从大到小顺序发牌,一张牌跟NPC交互对比大小。其他的编不下去了,不知道AI怎么搞。 我自己做的,可能程序效率很差,可以拿去看看,大家相互学习。 -VB斗地主an embryonic form of the game to achieve a random licensing, according to the size of the order of King smallest licensing, a card the size compared with NPC interaction. Other series do not go on, I do not know how to engage AI. I have done, may be inefficient procedures can be taken to see, we learn from each other.
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: 力人 | Hits:

[Windows Develop基于MFC的多选项选择设置工具源码

Description: 用MFC写的配置工具,可以从一个文件中读取游戏选项,可以选择加载几个游戏,并设置游戏顺序和时间,很不错的一个插件工具,提供源码供你编译
Platform: | Size: 27932996 | Author: kakaxi679 | Hits:


Description: 利用c#语言编写的九宫格游戏,使之能拼成正确的顺序即可,可以保存当前游戏的状态。(the square game is written buy c#, you can save the current state of the game)
Platform: | Size: 343040 | Author: Libra9610 | Hits:

[Chess Poker games方块游戏

Description: 简单的九宫格排块游戏,按从左到右从上到下从小到大顺序排列就通关(Simple puzzle gameFrom left to right, from top to bottom, from small to large arranged in order to clear customs)
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: foryyours | Hits:

[Game Program汉诺塔

Description: C++实现的汉诺塔小游戏 汉诺塔:汉诺塔(又称河内塔)问题是源于印度一个古老传说的益智玩具。大梵天创造世界的时候做了三根金刚石柱子,在一根柱子上从下往上按照大小顺序摞着64片黄金圆盘。大梵天命令婆罗门把圆盘从下面开始按大小顺序重新摆放在另一根柱子上。并且规定,在小圆盘上不能放大圆盘,在三根柱子之间一次只能移动一个圆盘。(C++ implementation of the tower of Hanoi game Hanoi Hanoi: (also known as the tower of Hanoi) is derived from an ancient legend of India toys. Brahma created the world when the three diamond pillars, on a pillar from bottom to top in order of size pile of 64 gold discs. The Brahman Brahman order according to the sequence of disk starts again placed in another post from below. It is also stipulated that the disc can not be amplified on the small disc and only one disk can be moved at one time between the three columns.)
Platform: | Size: 16315392 | Author: calmcloud | Hits:
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