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Description: 使用对称TVD格式计算一维激波管,C++程序
Platform: | Size: 3947 | Author: xujiajiashmily@163.com | Hits:


Description: lax-w激波反射程序
Platform: | Size: 2608 | Author: qchzhao | Hits:


Description: 计算流体力学,计算对称TVD计算激波反射程序源代码 C-Computational fluid dynamics, calculated symmetric the TVD calculation of shock wave reflection Source code C++
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: hu peddy | Hits:


Description: 二维斜激波钢壁反射,二阶精度 lax-wendro-Two-dimensional oblique shock wave reflections steel wall
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: 李健 | Hits:


Description: CFD经典算例:双马赫反射,采用五阶WENO格式,可作为测试算例,激波分辨率-CFD classic example: the double Mach reflection,Fifth-order WENO scheme can be used as the test example。Shock resolution
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 刘琦 | Hits:


Description: 利用Lax-Wendroff差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题-Lax-Wendroff difference format for solving two-dimensional plane shock wave reflection
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: huangrx | Hits:


Description: DCD差分格式求解激波在刚性楔面上反射问题-DCD difference scheme for solving the shock wave in a rigid wedge surface reflection
Platform: | Size: 498688 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: 计算流体力学:二维斜激波在平面刚壁上 反射问题的数值解与计算程序 -Computational Fluid Dynamics: 2D oblique shock wave in the plane just walls of Reflection of the numerical solution of the problem with the calculation procedures
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: yuhpluan | Hits:


Description: 利用差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题Fortran语言!!!!!!!!!!利用差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题Fortran语言-Using difference scheme to solve two-dimensional planar shock wave reflection problem Fortran language !!!
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 陈洁 | Hits:


Description: 二维斜激波在平面刚壁上反射问题的数值解与计算程序。首先是分析,然后给出了源程序。 -This document is about shock wave of two-dimensional. And the code is based on C++
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 王三 | Hits:

[assembly languageCFD_CSharp

Description: cfd经典问题C源代码:一维黎曼问题;一维可压N-S方程;二维斜激波刚壁反射;二维泊萧叶黏性流动;有限体积法求解库塔流-Riemann problem a compressible N-S equations of two-dimensional oblique shock wave reflection stiffness 2D Poiseuille viscous flow finite volume method to solve the Kuta flow
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 杨璐赫 | Hits:

[assembly languageCFD_CSharp

Description: cfd经典问题C源代码:一维黎曼问题;一维可压N-S方程;二维斜激波刚壁反射;二维泊萧叶黏性流动;有限体积法求解库塔流-Riemann problem a compressible N-S equations of two-dimensional oblique shock wave reflection stiffness 2D Poiseuille viscous flow finite volume method to solve the Kuta flow
Platform: | Size: 849920 | Author: 杨璐赫 | Hits:

[transportation applicationslax-wendroff

Description: 二维Fortran编写的激波在壁面反射程序。采用lax wendroff二阶精度编写-shock reflection on a rigid wall
Platform: | Size: 1415168 | Author: lixipeng | Hits:


Description: 利用Lax-wendroff差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题 (C++语言版本)-Use Lax-wendroff difference scheme for solving the two-dimensional planar shock reflection problem (C++ language version)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: bomber | Hits:


Description: 利用Lax-wendroff差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题 (Fortran语言版本)-Use Lax-wendroff difference scheme for solving the two-dimensional planar shock reflection problem (Fortran language version)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: bomber | Hits:

[assembly languageAppendix-C-dimensional-oblique

Description: 二维斜激波反射含c和Fortran源代码-Appendix C-dimensional oblique
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 陈许鑫 | Hits:


Description: 压缩包中包含五个CFD基础程序,其中MacCormack1DSolveRiemann.for是一维欧拉方程求解(黎曼问题),UpwindTVD_1D.for是一维可压粘性N-S方程求解,MAC-Chorin2D.for是利用MAC算法和Chorin压力迭代解法求解 二维不可压缩黏性平板间Poisuille流动问题,Lax-Webdroff2D.for是利用Lax-Webdroff差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题,fvm_upwind_MAC_couette.for是以一阶迎风型离散格式和Chorin压力迭代求解couette二维流动问题。-CFD compression package contains five basic program, which is an Euler equation solving MacCormack1DSolveRiemann.for (Riemann problem), UpwindTVD_1D.for is one-dimensional compressible viscous NS equation solving, MAC-Chorin2D.for is the use of algorithms and MAC Chorin pressure iterative solution for solving the two-dimensional incompressible flow problems between viscous flat Poisuille, Lax-Webdroff2D.for using Lax-Webdroff difference scheme for solving the two-dimensional plane shock wave reflection problem, fvm_upwind_MAC_couette.for based on first order upwind scheme and Discrete Chorin pressure couette iterative solution of two-dimensional flows.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 赵华春 | Hits:


Description: 激波反射,斜激波的反射过程,入射、反射激波前后流场各点的参数。-Shock wave reflection, oblique shock wave reflection process, the incident reflected shock around the flow field parameters of each point.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 彭宁宁 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringshock-wave

Description: 利用L-W差分格式求解二维平面激波反射问题 (FORTRAN 77语言版本) -LW Finite difference Scheme use two-dimensional shock wave reflection problem (FORTRAN 77 language versions)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 杜柯 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms新型上风格式_AUSM_的性能分析及其应用_陈靓

Description: 研究了新型上风格式AUSM+的分辨率、效率等性能,并用它与Roe、van Leer上风格式数值模拟了前向台阶激波反射流动,通过对激波、膨胀波、接触间断及其间相互干扰的复杂波系的模拟对比,分析探讨了AUSM+格式的低数值耗散、间断高分辨率等特性。(The resolution and efficiency of the new upwind scheme AUSM+ are studied, and the flow of forward step shock wave is simulated with the Roe and van Leer upper wind format. The low numerical dissipation and high discontinuity of the AUSM+ format is analyzed and compared through the simulation and comparison of the shock wave, the expansion wave, the contact discontinuity and the interference of the AUSM+. The characteristics of resolution and so on.)
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: qianquan | Hits:
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