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[Graph program读入任一幅图象,输出显示灰度拉伸的图象和均衡化后图象

Description: 读入任一幅图象,输出显示灰度拉伸的图象和均衡化后图象
Platform: | Size: 35319 | Author: 838655586@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 8位灰度图像的MFC环境下的灰度拉伸
Platform: | Size: 109693 | Author: zy_8816@163.com | Hits:

[Graph program直方图修正

Description: 图象处理,由于直方图的统计,灰度拉伸,灰度变换,-image processing, statistical histogram, tensile Gray, Gray transformation, etc.
Platform: | Size: 1022976 | Author: zcy | Hits:


Description: 图象处理的代码,包括灰度拉伸,边缘检测,图象处理各个算法程序完全,代码完整。-source codes for image processing,including grey scale stretching,edge detection,and the like. each algorithm or code is complete.
Platform: | Size: 313344 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC++examples(9Sources)

Description: 该文件包括9个VC++编程的例子源码,包括Hough变换,灰度均衡,灰度拉伸,图像的3D灰度显示,拉普拉斯高斯边缘检测等等。-The documents include nine VC++ programming examples of FOSS, including Hough transform, gray balance, gray stretch, 3D gray-scale images, Laplace, etc. Gaussian edge detection.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 小会 | Hits:

[Special EffectsIsmyDIP

Description: 本程序用MFC编写,运用了书本上的灰度拉伸和中值滤波的知识对图像进行处理。 实现功能如下: 灰度拉伸的变亮和变暗(对8位24位图有效): 运用了幂次变换。分别是s = r2 和s = r1/2 . 反色(对8位24位图有效): s = 1 - r 中值滤波(对8位图有效): 对3×3网格进行滤波处理,边沿的1圈像素没有处理。 复原(对8位24位图有效): 将图像还原成未处理前的数据。-the procedures used to prepare MFC, using a book on the gray tensile and median filtering knowledge of image processing. Achieving functions as follows : Variable gray stretch- and darken (eight pairs of 24 map valid) : The Transformation of Power. Were r2 = s and s = r1/2. Anti-color (eight pairs of 24 map effective) : s = 1-r median filter (Figure 8 right effective) : 3 x 3 grid filtering, the periphery of a circle of pixels not addressed. Recovery (eight pairs of 24 map effective) : restore the image before unprocessed data.
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: redbird | Hits:

[Special EffectsGrayValue

Description: 这是一个关于三位图像数据灰度拉伸程序的源代码,希望对大家有用。-This is one of the three gray-scale image data stretching program's source code, we hope that the right useful.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 邹明 | Hits:

[Special Effectshuidulashen

Description: 灰度拉伸. 数字图象处理的基本程序,用VC++6.0调试通过-gray tension. Digital image processing of the basic procedures used by VC 6.0 Debugging
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xiaoran | Hits:

[Special EffectsVChuidulashen

Description: 常用图象处理算法——灰度拉伸. 直接粘贴到vc即可-commonly used image processing algorithm-- Gray tension. Vc directly to the paste can be
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: gary xu | Hits:

[Special EffectsPoint_Trans

Description: 可以实现图像的点处理,如图像的灰度拉伸等。是从一本书上面摘下来的-can achieve image processing point, the gray image stretching. Is a book taken from the above
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 赵帅 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImageProc

Description: HomoFilt.m 同态滤波器 ExGrey.m 灰度拉伸 Split.m 图象分割 ReadPic.m 读Pic图-HomoFilt.m homomorphic filter ExGrey.m tensile Split.m gray image segmentation ReadPic.m Fig Reading Pic
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: 王晶 | Hits:

[DSP programSEED106_GrayStretch

Description: TMS320C6000,DSP6000系列DM642芯片,seed公司DM642开发板的灰度拉伸程序。-TMS320C6000, DSP6000 Series DM642 chip, seed companies DM642 development board procedures gray stretch.
Platform: | Size: 362496 | Author: 欧阳 | Hits:


Description: 给定一幅图象,输出其直方图。给定一个线性变换函数,实现图象的灰度拉伸;实现对图象的均衡化。-Given an image, the output of its histogram. Given a linear transform function, realize the gray-scale image stretching realize the equalization of image.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 程伟 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLineTrans

Description: 用MFC写的实现BMP格式图像点运算的源码。包括显示直方图、灰度的线性变换、阀值变换、窗口变换、灰度拉伸和灰度均衡。-MFC write with the realization of BMP format images point-source computing. Including the display histogram, gray linear transform, threshold transform, transform window, gray and gray-balanced tensile.
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: zhmaol | Hits:

[Special EffectsLineTrans

Description: 图像的点运算,包括了灰度直方图、线形变换、阈值变换、窗口变换、灰度拉伸和直方图均衡的源代码。带有界面-Image point calculations, including a histogram, linear transform, threshold transform, transform window, gray stretch and histogram equalization of the source code. With interface
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 晓明 | Hits:


Description: 提供对图像的灰度拉伸、颜色反向、阈值分割、中值滤波、均值滤波、边缘处理、细化等功能。-Gray-scale images to provide tensile, color reverse, threshold segmentation, median filtering, average filtering, edge processing, refining and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 2000896 | Author: 依静 | Hits:

[Special Effectsbmp

Description: bmp图片处理的一般算法,包括灰度拉伸,直方图均衡,和滤波-bmp image to deal with the general algorithm, including the gray stretch, histogram equalization, and filtering
Platform: | Size: 2162688 | Author: 蔡志成 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLineTrans

Description: 该程序完成如下图像的点运算功能:灰度直方图,灰度的线性变换,阈值变换,灰度拉伸,灰度均衡。-The program follows the completion of the point image computing functions: gray-scale histogram, gray linear transform, threshold transform, gray stretch, gray balance.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 廖舸 | Hits:

[Special Effects051221136

Description: 给定一幅图象,输出其直方图; 通过对话框给定一个线性变换函数,实现图象的灰度拉伸; 实现对图象的均衡化。 -Given an image, the output of its histogram through the dialog box to set a linear transformation function, realize the gray-scale image stretching realize the equalization of image.
Platform: | Size: 323584 | Author: 张宏基 | Hits:

[Special Effects灰度拉伸

Description: 对图像绘制直方图,并进行适当的灰度变换,分别进行线性的和非线性的灰度拉伸变换,改善图像的视觉效果; 主要功能函数自己编写; 在一个主程序中运行实现,并在一个统一的交互式界面下选择参数.(Histogram of the image, and the appropriate gray-scale transformation, linear and nonlinear gray scale stretching transform, to improve the visual effects of the image; Main function, write your own; Run the implementation in a master program and select parameters at a unified interactive interface)
Platform: | Size: 1484800 | Author: 晓风残月 | Hits:
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