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Description: 这是一个用C++写的电话费记费和管理系统,统计各个时段的业务量(即通话总时数)和话费收入。 对各个时段的通话业务进行排序。 打印简单的用户话费清单。 对不同的时间段拨打电话能够进行自动计费,同时考虑跨时间段的情况。其中,用户信息有用户姓名、电话号码、国内长途通话时间、市内电话通话时间、通话时段、月租费、当月费用。 考虑非周末的节假日的话费半价,应对程序进行如何处理,编写此功能的代码-This is a C write the telephone charged fees and management system, Statistics for all time slots volume of business (that is the total number of calls) and 2009. All sessions of the call sequencing operations. Print simple user calls list. The different time of the call for automatic billing, taking into account the time-of the situation. Among them, the user's information is the user's name, telephone number, domestic long-distance calls, local telephone calls, call sessions, the monthly fee, month cost. Consider the non-holiday weekend half of the cost of calls, response procedures for the handling and preparation of this function code
Platform: | Size: 5549 | Author: 向明建 | Hits:

[Other resourcedianhuajifei

Description: 主要模块: 登录管理:包括对配置文件的处理、对用户身份伯确认。 系统管理:包括用户设置、权限管理等。 客户管理:包括开通分机、关闭分机、话费明细管理等。 参数维护:包括电话类型维护、地区号码、分机设置、话单查询等。 在实际应用中需要交换机。 登录时初始用户名为admin和密码为admin
Platform: | Size: 10823146 | Author: sdf | Hits:


Description: 电话话费管理
Platform: | Size: 550872 | Author: fcl8187 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用C++写的电话费记费和管理系统,统计各个时段的业务量(即通话总时数)和话费收入。 对各个时段的通话业务进行排序。 打印简单的用户话费清单。 对不同的时间段拨打电话能够进行自动计费,同时考虑跨时间段的情况。其中,用户信息有用户姓名、电话号码、国内长途通话时间、市内电话通话时间、通话时段、月租费、当月费用。 考虑非周末的节假日的话费半价,应对程序进行如何处理,编写此功能的代码-This is a C write the telephone charged fees and management system, Statistics for all time slots volume of business (that is the total number of calls) and 2009. All sessions of the call sequencing operations. Print simple user calls list. The different time of the call for automatic billing, taking into account the time-of the situation. Among them, the user's information is the user's name, telephone number, domestic long-distance calls, local telephone calls, call sessions, the monthly fee, month cost. Consider the non-holiday weekend half of the cost of calls, response procedures for the handling and preparation of this function code
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: fgdfgdfg | Hits:

[WEB Codeyudingbao_v2011715

Description: 功能模块有: 客房管理 消费管理 查询管理 报表管理 系统管理 旅客入住登记 旅客换房登记 旅客结账退房 旅客预订登记 预定旅客入住 旅客补交押金 打印旅客账单 旅客餐费登记 旅客话费登记 其他消费登记 查询旅客信息 查询客房信息 查询商品消耗 查询消耗总量 查询旅客押金 客房入住报表 餐饮消费报表 其他消费报表 电话消费报表 旅客结账报表 登录管理系统 退出管理系统 新建操作用户 修改用户信息 修改用户密码 查询用户密码 分配用户权限 酒店信息设置 酒店房间设置 酒店商品设置 系统帮助信息 默认管理员帐号:51aspx,密码:51aspx.com-The functional modules are: Room management Consumption Management Query Manager Report Manager system management Travelers registration travelers wards registration travelers to check out visitors booking registration Booking travelers the registration of passengers to pay the deposit to print passenger bill travelers meals registered passenger bill Other consumer registration query passenger information check the room information query goods consumed query consumes a total check passengers deposit Room occupancy report food consumption report Telephone consumer report consumer report travelers check out the report Login management system exit management system to the new operation the user to modify user information to modify the user password Query the user password to assign user permissions hotel information to set up the hotel room to set the system to help set the hotel goods The default administrator account: 51aspx, password: 51aspx.com
Platform: | Size: 3416064 | Author: 杨光 | Hits:


Description: 创建一个简易手机号码管理系统。假设系统中每个号码记录包括电话号码,姓名,话费, 地址,是否挂失。2,剩余金额3,手机缴费,注销,保存。及用户信息,课程信息,用户信息的修改、删除和查询等程序的运行效果如下图所示,选择任意菜单后,实现相应功能。-Create a simple cell phone number management system.Assume that each number in the system records including telephone number, name, phone, Address, whether to report the loss.2, the remaining amount 3, mobile payment, cancellation, save.And user information, course information, modify, delete, and query of user information program running effect as shown in the figure below, any menu, implement the corresponding function.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李丽 | Hits:


Description: 软件介绍 400电话办理选号系统使用PHP语言开发,该程序有效地解决了400电话行业普遍存在的客户选号难、过滤难、查询难的问题,直观的选号界面减少了销售人员与客户直接沟通的时间成本,快捷的过滤功能增加了销售人员的办事效率,也方便了客户自主选择400号码。同时摆脱了传统的由销售人员人工检索的模式,是400电话行业技术创新的典范,该程序一经推出面世就受到了业内较高的好评。 程序数据:150万条 SEO支持:模拟静态、页面后缀优化、页面描述Description及关键词Keywords优化、关键词链接优化。 配置文件:config.php 管理后台:/admin.php 密码:admin 伪 静 态:/r/httpd.ini 1)列表模式功能 拥有“号码段”、“预存话费”、“号码类别”、“吉利数字”、“地区名称”和“号码搜索”共6项选择,以上5项功能可自由组合查询,如:选择号段:4000,预存话费:1000元,吉利数字:888,地区名称:北京,则搜索出的结果为400 010 888 X类似的结果。(Software introduction 400 telephone number selection system for the use of PHP language development, the program can effectively solve the ubiquitous 400 phone industry customer selection difficult, difficult, difficult problem of query filtering, intuitive selection interface reduces the sales staff to communicate directly with customers the cost of time, fast filtering function increases the efficiency of the sales staff also, convenient for customers to choose the number 400. At the same time, it is a model of technological innovation in the 400 telephone industry. It has gained the praise from the industry.)
Platform: | Size: 11218944 | Author: 因你而精彩 | Hits:

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