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跟踪与数据中继卫星系统 TDRSS(Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System)是为中、低轨道的航天器与航天器之间、航天器与地面站之间提供 数据中继、连续跟踪与轨道测控服务的系统。中继卫星系统的链路分为前向 链路与返回链路。前向链路指地面站经数据中继卫星转发信号,向用户航天 器(包括成像侦察卫星、航天飞机与载人飞船等)发送跟踪、遥测与控制指 令。返回链路指用户航天器经数据中继卫星转发信号,向地面站回传航天信 号。 本文以我国第二代中继卫星捕获跟踪(CTDRS)系统的预研项目“二代中 继星捕获跟踪系统仿真及验证”为科研背景,以课题的研究背景与意义为主 线,论述了课题在国内外的研究现状以及采用 STK(Satellite Tool Kit)完成星 间链路仿真设计的特点与优势,并对 STK 和 MATLAB 的仿真结果进行了一 定的分析。在以前的研究中,星间链路性能的研究主要侧重于分析星座参数 对星间链路几何参数的影响,本文重点分析在星座参数确定的前提下,星间 链路几何参数随时间的变化情况,包括星间链路距离变化率、星间链路方位 角变化、星间链路仰角变化等参数。 其中讨论了二代中继星捕获跟踪系统星间链路的仿真方案的组成结构, 利用轨道特性对二代中继卫星系统的覆盖特性进行分析,搭建了星间链路的 仿真模型,其中包括中继卫星和用户卫星在内的轨道模型、星间链路模型、 用户星信号调制模型等,并对星间链路建立过程的影响进行分析;重点针对 星间链路建立过程的信号特性,轨道模块的建立、多普勒频移技术、背景噪 声影响、载波的捕获与跟踪技术等进行了实际参数的设计与理论分析。 本文主要针对中继卫星星间链路捕获跟踪系统的链路仿真及验证问题, 从理论基础到具体仿真实现分别进行了分析与论述。文中详述了星间链路的 轨道特性及传输特性的仿真过程和分析,为完成星间链路目标捕获与跟踪系 统链路的仿真和验证所建模。经过详细的分析,给出了一些有用的结论。为 我国第二代中继卫星系统的工程研制提供有说服力的技术依据,具有一定的 理论和实际意义。
Update : 2011-03-24 Size : 713.88kb Publisher :

对256色bmp图像进行处理的程序.包括点运算,几何变换,正交变换,图像增强,形态学变换,边缘与轮廓,图像分析,图像还原,图像编码等内容-Bmp image of 256 colors to deal with procedures. Including point computing, geometric transform, orthogonal transformation, image enhancement, morphological transformation, edge and contour, image analysis, image restoration, image coding, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 489kb Publisher : happysurprise

这是一个对256色bmp图像进行点运算,几何变化,正交变化,图像增强,图像分析,图像编码,图像还原等处理的源码,功能强的出奇-this a 256-color bmp image point operations, geometry changes, orthogonal change, image enhancement, image analysis, image coding, image processing, such as reducing the source, functions surprisingly strong! !
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 531kb Publisher : 小猪

《MATLAB 6.5辅助图像处理》 本书是基于MATLAB 6.5的图像处理工具箱v3.2 (Image Processing Toolbox)编写的,较全面系统地介绍了图像处理工具箱v3.2函数在有噪和退化图像的恢复、图形绘制、图像几何变换、图像增强、二值分析、小波分析和分形几何用于图像处理,以及图形用户界面设计等方面的工程实际应用。全书侧重于图像处理工具箱在工程中的具体应用,通过具体的分析和详细的实例,读者不仅可以对MATLAB图像处理工具箱函数的强大功能有一个深刻了解,更能学会正确运用它快速解决实际问题的方法,从而提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。飞思在线“下载专区”提供书中范例源代码。 本书内容全面新颖、针对性强,理论与实际紧密结合,可供从事图像处理相关工作的教师、高年级本科生、研究生和广大科研人员参考。 -"MATLAB 6.5 support image processing," the book is based on MATLAB 6.5 of Image Processing Toolbox v3.2 (Image Processing Toolbox) Prepare, a more comprehensive system to introduce the Image Processing Toolbox v3.2 function in a noisy and the restoration of degraded images, graphics rendering, Image geometry transform, image enhancement, value analysis, wavelet analysis and fractal geometry for image processing, and the graphical user interface design, so the practical application of engineering. The book focused on Image Processing Toolbox works in the concrete application, through specific and detailed analysis of the examples, readers can not only on MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox function of the powerful have a deep understanding, better learn how to correctly apply it quick
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 45kb Publisher : xinxin

图像处理完成有关直方图修改技术、平滑、锐化、几何以及频域变换等典型算法的编制,并提供对图像示例的测试结果和分析说明,开发与理论教学相配合的计算机图像处理与分析的演示系统。-image processing to complete the histogram modification technique, smooth, sharpening, geometry and the frequency domain algorithm typical transform the establishment, and provide examples of images of the test results and analysis show that Development and teaching the theory of compatible computer image processing and analysis of the demonstration system.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : qq

各种图形图像处理的源代码,用VC++实现,如包括图象的边缘检测与图象分析源代码、图象增强源代码、图象的几何变换、图象灰度变换源代码等。-various patterns of source code, with VC. If the images including edge detection and image analysis of the source code, source code image enhancement, image geometry transformation, Gray Image Transform source code, and so on.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.58mb Publisher : 孙杰

本书基于MATLAB的图像处理工具箱,全面系统介绍了图象处理工具箱在图形绘制,图像几何变换,图像增强,小波分析和分形几何用于图像处理,以及图形用户界面设计等在工程中的实际应用.-book based on MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. a comprehensive system of image processing toolbox in graphics rendering, image geometry transform, image enhancement, Wavelet analysis and fractal geometry for image processing, and graphical user interface design project in the practical application.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.1mb Publisher : super

用C语言写的近三十个几何处理函数,包括求教,判断包含等,实现GIS空间分析功能时可以参考-C language written in the past 30 geometric handling functions, including pay him, the judge included. GIS spatial analysis functions can reference
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : 杜斐

读取和显示BMP位图,进行点运算,几何变换,正交变换,图象增强,形态学变换,边缘与轮廓操作,图象分析,图象复原,图象编码等.-read and display bitmap BMP, point operations, geometry transformation, orthogonal transformation, image enhancement, morphological transformation, Edge and profile operation, image analysis, image restoration, image coding.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : 杲杲

DL : 0
特征提取技术。这种技术以传统的建模方式为前提,对于产生的模型的几何、拓扑等信息加以分析以提取其特征信息,这种技术一般多采用人工智能及模式识别等方面的知识。-Feature extraction techniques. This technology to the traditional modeling approach for the premise, the model generated geometry, topology and other information to be analyzed to extract its characteristic information, the technology in general use areas such as artificial intelligence and pattern recognition knowledge.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 54kb Publisher : dingkkkk

DL : 1
关于等几何分析的一篇比较有用的论文,希望大家可以关心她的发展-Isogeometric Analysis.pdf
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 366kb Publisher : meng

Update : 2015-08-26 Size : 244.93kb Publisher :

基于MATLAB的等几何分析代码 等几何分析matlab程序--GeoPDEs
Update : 2016-10-17 Size : 80.52kb Publisher :

等几何分析matlab程序,可供学习等几何分析利用程序完成一些结果 -geopdes_base about isogeometric analysis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 81kb Publisher : 刘正堂

如果想深入了解度量空间、拓扑空间、紧集、一致连续、映射、算子、测度等建立在现代ZF集合公理基础上的概念,请参看下册,本书可作为实变、复变、泛函、场论、数学物理方程、概率论、微分几何前置课程,扩展性相当强。(If you want to understand the metric space, topological space, compact, uniform continuity, mapping, operator, measure set up on the basis of the modern concept of axiom ZF, please refer to the book, this book can be used as a real variable, complex, functional, field theory, mathematical physics equations, probability theory, differential geometry, pre course, expansion very strong.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20.51mb Publisher : pistils

等几何分析MATLAB程序包,有着丰富的例子,其中fem包内为传统的拉格朗日插值有限元, iga包内为nurbs插值的等几何有限元(This is the README file for the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) Matlab code. The code supports one, two and three dimensional linear elasticity problems. Extended IGA for hole, inclusion and crack modelling is also implemented.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.82mb Publisher : BITWYH

数值计算主要研究如何利用计算机更好的解决各种数学问题,包括连续系统离散化和离散形方程的求解,并考虑误差、收敛性和稳定性等问题。从数学类型分,数值运算的研究领域包括数值逼近、数值微分和数值积分、数值代数、最优化方法、常微分方程数值解法、积分方程数值解法、偏微分方程数值解法、计算几何、计算概率统计等。随着计算机的广泛应用和发展,许多计算领域的问题,如计算物理、计算力学、计算化学、计算经济学等都可归结为数值计算问题。(Numerical calculations mainly study how to use computers to better solve various mathematical problems, including the discretization of continuous systems and the solution of discrete equations, and consider errors, convergence and stability. From mathematics types, the research fields of numerical computation include numerical approximation, numerical differentiation and numerical integration, numerical algebra, optimization methods, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations, numerical solutions of integral equations, numerical methods of partial differential equations, computational geometry, calculation of probability and statistics. Wait. With the wide application and development of computers, many computational problems, such as computational physics, computational mechanics, computational chemistry, computational economics, etc., can be attributed to numerical calculations.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : 践心

等几何分析是最新的计算力学数值算法,该文件是三角样条等几何分析一个工具箱,可以直接调用,用于等几何分析的初学者学习。(ISO geometric analysis is the latest computational mechanics numerical algorithm, which is a toolbox for geometric analysis such as triangular spline, which can be called directly for beginners of geometric analysis)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.79mb Publisher : 超哥哥89

等几何方法采用B样条或NURBS基函数表示几何和解析解(B-spline or NURBS basis functions are used to represent geometric and analytical solutions.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 844kb Publisher : vvv顶顶顶

图像的几何变换: 改变图像的大小或形状。比如图像的平移、旋转、放大、缩小等,这些方法在图像配准中使用较多。 图像变换: 通过数学映射的方法,将空域的图像信息转换到频域、时频域等空间上进行分析。比如傅里叶变换、小波变换等。(Image several transformation processing)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 104kb Publisher : 司马懿!
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