Search - 简单的深度遍历算法
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Description: 该程序实现公园导游功能,使用改进的深度遍历算法,给出两点之间的若干最短路径,程序界面简单,使用方便-park guide function, the use of improved depth traversal algorithm, given the number between 2:00 shortest path, program interface simple and easy to use
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Size: 22484 |
Author: 张纯 |
Description: 树型结构是一类重要的非线性数据结构,而二叉树是最为重要,最为常用的类型。树结构在客观世界中广泛存在,如人类社会的族谱和各种社会组织机构都可以用树来形象表示。树在计算机领域中也得到广泛应用,如在编译程序中,可用树来表示源程序的语法结构。而即使是一般的树都能简单地转化为二叉树,因此二叉树显得特别重要。
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Size: 2875 |
Author: 彭枝考 |
Description: John's trip经典欧拉回路的题
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Size: 3032 |
Author: 764807335@qq.com |
Description: 数据结构(C#语言版) 计算机程序语言书:
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 数据结构 1
1.1.1 学习数据结构的必要性 1
1.1.2 基本概念和术语 2
1.2 算法 7
1.2.1 算法的特性 7
1.2.2 算法的评价标准 8
1.2.3 算法的时间复杂度 9
1.3 数学预备知识 11
1.3.1 集合 11
1.3.2 常用的数学术语 11
1.3.3 对数 12
1.3.4 递归 12
1.4 C预备知识 13
1.4.1 指针 13
1.4.2 结构体 14
1.5 C#预备知识 15
1.5.1 接口 15
1.5.2 泛型编程 19
本章小结 24
习题 25
第2章 线性表 27
2.1 线性表的逻辑结构 27
2.1.1 线性表的定义 27
2.1.2 线性表的基本操作 28
2.2 顺序表 30
2.2.1 顺序表的定义 30
2.2.2 顺序表数据关系的语言描述 31
2.2.3 顺序表数据操作的语言描述 32
2.2.4 顺序表应用举例 42
2.3 单链表 46
2.3.1 单链表的定义 47
2.3.2 单链表数据关系的语言描述 48
2.3.3 单链表数据操作的语言描述 50
2.3.4 单链表应用举例 65
2.4 其他链表 73
2.4.1 双向链表 73
2.4.2 循环链表 76
本章小结 76
习题 77
第3章 栈和队列 78
3.1 栈 78
3.1.1 栈的定义及基本运算 78
3.1.2 顺序栈的存储和运算实现 80
3.1.3 链栈的存储和运算实现 85
3.1.4 栈的应用举例 90
3.2 队列 96
3.2.1 队列的定义及基本运算 96
3.2.2 循环顺序队列的存储和运算
实现 98
3.2.3 链队列的存储和运算实现 106
3.2.4 队列的应用举例 111
本章小结 113
习题 113
第4章 串和数组 115
4.1 串 115
4.1.1 串的基本概念及基本运算 115
4.1.2 串存储及基本运算实现 116
4.1.3 串的基本操作的实现 120
4.1.4 模式匹配 125
4.2 数组 131
4.2.1 数组的逻辑结构 131
4.2.2 数组的内存映像 132
本章小结 133
习题 133
第5章 树和二叉树 134
5.1 树 134
5.1.1 树的定义 134
5.1.2 树的相关术语 135
5.1.3 树的逻辑表示 136
5.1.4 树的基本操作 137
5.2 二叉树 138
5.2.1 二叉树的定义 138
5.2.2 二叉树的性质 139
5.2.3 二叉树的存储结构 141
5.2.4 二叉链表存储结构的语言
描述 143
5.2.5 二叉树的遍历 146
5.2.6 线索二叉树 150
5.3 树与森林 153
5.3.1 树的存储 153
5.3.2 树、森林与二叉树的转换 157
5.3.3 树和森林的遍历 160
5.4 哈夫曼树 160
5.4.1 哈夫曼树的基本概念 160
5.4.2 哈夫曼树的实现 162
5.4.3 哈夫曼编码 166
5.5 二叉树的应用举例 167
本章小结 171
习题 172
第6章 图 174
6.1 图的基本概念 174
6.1.1 图的定义 174
6.1.2 图的基本术语 175
6.1.3 图的基本操作 178
6.2 图的存储结构 179
6.2.1 邻接矩阵 179
6.2.2 邻接表 187
6.3 图的遍历 199
6.3.1 深度优先遍历 199
6.3.2 广度优先遍历 202
6.4 图的应用 205
6.4.1 最小生成树 205
6.4.2 最短路径 210
6.4.3 拓扑排序 216
本章小结 218
习题 219
第7章 排序 221
7.1 基本概念 221
7.2 简单排序方法 222
7.2.1 直接插入排序 222
7.2.2 冒泡排序 225
7.2.3 简单选择排序 226
7.3 快速排序 229
7.4 堆排序 233
7.5 希尔排序 240
7.6 表插入排序 242
7.7 归并排序 247
7.8 树型选择排序 251
7.9 基数排序 252
7.9.1 多关键码排序 252
7.9.2 链式基数排序 253
7.10 各种排序方法的比较与讨论 255
本章小结 256
习题 257
第8章 查找 259
8.1 基本概念和术语 259
8.2 静态查找表 259
8.2.1 顺序查找 260
8.2.2 有序表的折半查找 261
8.2.3 索引查找 265
8.3 动态查找表 266
8.3.1 二叉排序树 266
8.3.2 平衡二叉树 276
8.3.3 B-树和B+树 278
8.4 哈希表 285
8.4.1 哈希表的基本概念 286
8.4.2 常用的哈希函数构造方法 286
8.4.3 处理冲突的方法 288
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Size: 1345925 |
Author: lovevicky |
Description: 该程序实现公园导游功能,使用改进的深度遍历算法,给出两点之间的若干最短路径,程序界面简单,使用方便-park guide function, the use of improved depth traversal algorithm, given the number between 2:00 shortest path, program interface simple and easy to use
Platform: |
Size: 22528 |
Author: 张纯 |
Description: 树型结构是一类重要的非线性数据结构,而二叉树是最为重要,最为常用的类型。树结构在客观世界中广泛存在,如人类社会的族谱和各种社会组织机构都可以用树来形象表示。树在计算机领域中也得到广泛应用,如在编译程序中,可用树来表示源程序的语法结构。而即使是一般的树都能简单地转化为二叉树,因此二叉树显得特别重要。
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Size: 3072 |
Author: 彭枝考 |
Description: 《大话数据结构》主要内容包含:数据结构介绍、算法推导大O阶的方法;顺序结构与链式结构差异、栈与队列的应用;串的朴素模式匹配、KMP模式匹配算法;二叉树前中后序遍历、赫夫曼树及应用;图的深度、广度遍历;最小生成树两种算法、最短路径两种算法;拓扑排序与关键路径算法;折半查找、插值查找、斐波那契查找等静态查找;稠密索引、分块索引、倒排索引等索引技术;冒泡、选择、插入等简单排序;希尔、堆、归并、快速等改进排序-" Westward the data structure," the main contents include: Introduction of data structures, algorithms, Big O-order method is derived sequence differences in the structure and chain structure, the application stack and queue series of simple pattern matching, KMP pattern matching algorithm binary ago in post-order traversal, Huffman tree and applications map the depth, breadth traversal minimum spanning two algorithms, the shortest path of two algorithms topological sort and critical path algorithm binary search, interpolation search, Fibonacci search Find other static dense index, block index, inverted index and other indexing techniques bubble, selection, and other simple insertion sort Hill, heap, merge, quick sorting and other improvements
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Size: 1531904 |
Author: 陈雨 |
Description: 一:实验目的:
(4)在主函数中设计一个简单的菜单,分别调试上述算法。 2.无向图
-A: purpose of the experiment:
(1) master plans storage ideas and storage implementation.
(2) control chart depth, breadth-first traversal algorithm ideas and program implementation.
(3) The common application of algorithms to master plans and program ideas to achieve.
(4) understand a directed acyclic graph, shortest path algorithms such as
II: test content:
The following experiment content, 1 and 2 will do the content, 3 for the election to do the content.
1 digraph
(1) keyboard input data, the establishment of a directed graph of the adjacency list, and outputs the adjacency table.
(2) in a directed graph based on the adjacency table to calculate the vertex degree, and output.
(3) has the adjacency table and output it as the basis for a topological sort of sequence.
(4) in the main function in a simple menu design, debugging the algorithm, respectively. (2) undirected graph
(1) the establishment of an undirected graph adjacency list, and
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Size: 120832 |
Author: oky |
Description: 设计一个算法,按照深度优先遍历的思想找出从指定结点出发,长度为M的所有简单路径。并将此算法用于邻接表类,在邻接表类中定义一个共有成员函数find(start, m)。-In adjlink to class with negative right value realization monosource shortest path function. Design an algorithm, according to traverse the depth first thoughts from specified node to find out, based on all of the simple length for M path. This algorithm is used for adjlink to class, defined in the class in adjlink to a mutual member function find (start, m).
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Size: 37888 |
Author: 朱惠康 |
Description: 考虑右边的无向网,设计算法输出从顶点a到顶点i的一条带权路径长度最短的简单路径.采用递归或非递归的深度优先或广度优先遍历算法扩展实现-Consider the right to the network design algorithm output realization of recursive and non recursive depth-first or breadth-first traversal algorithm extensions from the vertex a to vertex i, a weighted path length of the shortest simple path.
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Size: 2048 |
Author: 叶金鑫 |
Description: (1)键盘输入数据,建立一个有向图的邻接表。
(9)在主函数中设计一个简单的菜单,分别调试上述算法。-(1) keyboard input data, the establishment of a directed graph adjacency list. (2) the output of the adjacent table. (3) the establishment of an undirected graph Cross Chain. (4) to the adjacent table based on the calculation of each vertex of the degree, and outputs. (5) The adjacent table stores the depth-first traversal of undirected graph. . (6) adjacent table storage undirected graph breadth-first traversal. (7) to the adjacent table based to achieve adjacency matrix storage and output topological sorting sequence (8) PRIM algorithm undirected minimum spanning tree. (9) to design a simple menu in the main function, respectively commissioning of the above algorithm.
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Size: 6144 |
Author: BidyBai |
Description: 数据结构
在图G中求一条从顶点i到顶点s 的简单路径。
-Data structures and seek a graph G from vertex i to vertex s simple path. Experiment: a master chart of the various storage structures, especially proficient adjacency matrix and adjacency list storage structure 2, master graph depth-first traversal and breadth-first traversal algorithm 3, the traversal algorithm based on the design of other applications algorithms.
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Size: 1024 |
Author: hank |
Description: 图遍历算法,深度优先寻找环,不连通路,这个算法写的比较简单,大家看一下就好。-Graph traversal algorithms, depth first look for the ring, not even the pathway.
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Size: 5120 |
Author: Leezhihao |
Description: 这是一个数据结构中二叉树的邻接链表的建立以及广度优先遍历和深度优先遍历的算法,对于初学者来说,这样的算法简单易懂,非常容易上手-This is to establish and breadth of a binary tree data structure adjacency list first traversal and depth-first traversal algorithm, for starters, this algorithm is simple to understand and very easy to use
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Size: 2048 |
Author: 陈新 |
Description: (1)建立一个无向图的邻接表,并输出该邻接表。
-(1) the establishment of an undirected graph adjacency list and outputs the adjacent table.
(2) using the adjacent table storage realize undirected graph depth-first traversal. .
(3) using the adjacent table storage realize undirected graph breadth-first traversal.
(4) design a simple menu in the main function, namely debug the algorithm described above.
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Size: 1024 |
Author: 张立伟 |
Description: (1)键盘输入数据,建立一个有向图的邻接表,并输出该邻接表。
-(1) keyboard input data, the establishment of a directed graph adjacency list and outputs the adjacent table.
(2) using the adjacent table storage implementation has to depth-first graph traversal.
(3) try to write an algorithm to determine the adjacent table stored there if the vertex to vertex Vj Vi path (i <> j) the presence of the figure.
There are (4) has been directed graph adjacency list representation, program judging vertex u to vertex v and whether there is a simple path, if you print a vertex on the path.
(5) design a simple menu in the main function, namely debug the algorithm described above.
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Size: 224256 |
Author: 张立伟 |
Description: 在VC++6.0中,设计种子填充算法演示软件,分别演示递归算法、用栈实现非递归【深度遍历】、用队列实现非递归【广度遍历】,绘制简单的多边形-In vc++ 6.0, presentation software design seed filling algorithm, illustrate each recursive algorithm, using stack to realize non-recursive traversal 】 【 depth, with a queue to realize non-recursive, breadth traversal 】 【 draw a simple polygon
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Size: 2392064 |
Author: 林宇 |
Description: 路径追踪算法,简单介绍图的深度优先遍历算法,-A method for the fault diagnosis of gearboxes with rotating speed fluctuation based on SVD and chirplet path pursuit algorithm was proposed herein.
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Size: 3600384 |
Author: 人质 |
Description: 简单的校园导航算法实现,包括深度遍历等多种算法。(Simple campus navigation algorithm)
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Size: 132096 |
Author: 零号病人