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[OS programVB写的管理软件



Platform: | Size: 2366346 | Author: zhentizhi | Hits:


Description: 食品批发配送公司定做的信息管理软件, 可以预估每个客户的送货时间.并提醒
Platform: | Size: 264654 | Author: admin@zonfu.com | Hits:


Description: 本系统是专门为学前幼儿园开发的管理软件,可以管理幼儿园老师的课程及幼儿园学生的上课安排
Platform: | Size: 185514 | Author: guoyifei | Hits:


Description: 一款非常不错的MPR管理软件,适合新手学习思路和软件结构的。有需要这方便的朋友可以做参考。
Platform: | Size: 11565180 | Author: sdeeven | Hits:


Description: VC 6写的网络数据管理软件,对VC编程和数据库编程的初学者有一定的帮助
Platform: | Size: 4340934 | Author: wsn_1111 | Hits:

[Education soft system一个简单的学生成绩管理软件(ODBC开发)

Description: 一个简单的学生成绩管理软件(ODBC开发)-a simple student performance management software (ODBC development)
Platform: | Size: 3201024 | Author: 刘言 | Hits:


Description: 属ERP管理方面数据库编程,对仓库货物进行管理-ERP is a database management program for the warehouse cargo management
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: | Hits:

[File Operate用Exec编的仓库管理软件

Description: 用Exec编的仓库管理软件-used Exec series of the warehouse management software
Platform: | Size: 520192 | Author: 李安 | Hits:

[Database system客户管理系统

Description: 新收集的客户管理软件-new collection of customer management software
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: | Hits:

[Hotel software system餐饮管理软件

Description: 餐饮管理:菜单录入打印菜单等-Food Management : Input menu Print menu
Platform: | Size: 11570176 | Author: 冰寒 | Hits:


Description: 用与生产管理的软件 方便你管好你的生产部门-use and production management software to facilitate you manage your production sector
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: xt | Hits:


Description: 一个简单的系统管理软件,类似美屏等网管软件,只不过这是单机的一个模型,带ado连接数据库,屏蔽热键,限制鼠标等功能-a simple system management software, similar to the US-screen network management software, but this is a stand-alone model with ado connect to the database, shielding hotkey, mouse functions restrictions
Platform: | Size: 2631680 | Author: 孙鹏程 | Hits:

[Education soft system学校管理系统1

Description: 学校管理系统 V1.0 正式企业版是一款面向中小型企业、个体私营企业,旨在实现企业管理信息化的企业管理软件。本系统采用管理员等级制管理,将管理人员分为高级、中级、普通三个等级,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。 系统功能包括:学员管理、职工管理、信息查询、帐号管理、系统管理、统计分析等。-School Management System V1.0 formal Enterprise Edition is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, individual and private enterprises, aimed at achieving enterprise management of enterprise information management software. The system administrator using hierarchical management, management staff will be divided into senior, intermediate, common grade 3, have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : management trainees, staff management, information inquiries, account management, system management, statistical analysis.
Platform: | Size: 517120 | Author: nyxz | Hits:


Description: 小型超市管理系统,小小的管理软件!简单的操作界面,可以对超市实行简单的管理!-small supermarket management system, a small management software! A simple user interface, the supermarket can be a simple management!
Platform: | Size: 109568 | Author: 小小 | Hits:


Description: 仓库管理软件易语言源码,可以记录仓库的出售与购进,并且可计算盈利(Warehouse management software easy language source code, you can record the sale and purchase of warehouses, and can calculate profits)
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 回忆编程师 | Hits:

[Other易特商业销售管理软件 v2017.6.4

Description: 易特商业销售管理软件 v2017.6.4更新: 新增以下功能 1、经营分析上增加调出调入的项 2、库存表上增加条码打印 3、库存表增加合并库存显示 4、单据下拉窗口小表格设置可以自定义,见系统设置上下拉表格项 5、收付款单上增加自定义单号(Special business sales management software v2017.6.4 update: Add the following features 1, business analysis, increase the transfer of entries 2. Add bar code to the stock list 3. Inventory tables increase consolidated inventory display 4, the document drop-down window, small form settings, you can customize, see the system settings drop-down list items 5. Increase the custom number on the receipt)
Platform: | Size: 35895296 | Author: f110110 | Hits:

[Other三易通化妆品销售管理软件 v4.42

Description: 三易通化妆品销售管理软件系统特点: 1、易学,易用,易管理,无需培训,即可快速上手; 2、用户拿到商品无需复杂编码,即可进行准确有效的销售和库存管理; 3、简单直观的经营利润与进销存数据分析,通过交互式的数据中心,各项数据即点即现; 4、配合网络查询套件,不管是在家里或出差在外,都能轻松联网查询、分析店里的各项业务数据,实时 掌控店面运营情况。(The three ETS cosmetics sales management software system: 1, easy to learn, easy to use, easy to manage, without training, you can quickly get started; 2, users get the goods without complex coding, you can accurately and effective sales and inventory management; 3, simple and intuitive operating profit and invoicing data analysis, through interactive data centers, the data that point is now; 4, with the network query suite, whether at home or business outside, you can easily networking, query, analysis of the store's business data, real-time Control store operations.)
Platform: | Size: 32731136 | Author: f110110 | Hits:


Description: 数据建库与管理软件设计规范, 数据建库与管理软件设计规范(Code for design of data base building and management software)
Platform: | Size: 1462272 | Author: woowtaotao | Hits:


Description: 易语言通用工厂管理软件源码,员工管理与工资管理(Easy language general factory management software source code)
Platform: | Size: 1219584 | Author: 兮醉醉 | Hits:


Description: 这主要是svn管理软件,加上maven的一些配置用的说明等(This is mainly svn management software, plus some instructions for configuring maven, etc.)
Platform: | Size: 75504640 | Author: MattinaChen | Hits:
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