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[Other resourceJava编码规范-chm

Description: 程序版式是一个容易引起争议的话题,其实有一点很重要,那就是程序版式并无绝对的好坏之分,最重要的是要有统一的标准。开发过程比较完善的组织会有一份代码规范,其目的就是统一代码的风格。因此此规范仅供大家参考,大多数内容都是建议,而不是规则.。
Platform: | Size: 18022 | Author: a | Hits:


Description: Remoting的编码规则 详细说明了Remoting的编码规则-Remoting coding rules detailed description of the coding rules Remoting
Platform: | Size: 717511 | Author: fht | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDR_TOOL

Description:  ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation One)是由ITU-T制定的,符合以上三点要求。它定义的编码规则(如BER、PER)就相当于从局部语法到传送语法之间的转换规则。目前,很多网络协议的消息格式都是用ASN.1句法描述的,并指明了采用何种编码规则。在协议的具体实现时,我们必须在发送方设置一个ASN.1编码器,将发送方所要传送的消息经ASN.1编码后再发送出去;然后在接收方设置一个ASN.1解码器,将接收到的经ASN.1编码的消息解码为符合接收方局部语法的消息格式。由于ASN.1已经成为国际化的标准,这样,经ASN.1处理的信息独立于任何应用环境,就不会因为应用环境的不同而引起二义性的解释。   ITU-T专门讲述ASN.1的共有20个协议:X.680~X.699(还不包括较老的X.208和X.209),内容相当丰富,也非常复杂。本文的任务不在于讲述ASN.1规定的诸多名词和冗长繁杂的编码细节,而只是对BER和PER的要点做简要介绍,并将它们对比起来进行研究-ASN. 1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) by the ITU-T developed, consistent with the above three requirements. It defined coding rules (such as BER, PER) from the local grammar equivalent of transmission conversion between the grammar rules. At present, many of the news network protocol format is used ASN. A description of the syntax and specify what the coding rules. The agreement is a concrete realization, we must set up a sender ASN. An encoder, the sender will have to transmit information via the ASN. After a code sent; The receiver then set up an ASN. A decoder that will receive by the ASN. A coding information for decoding receiver with the local news format syntax. As ASN. One has become international standards, so that by ASN. An independent processing of information in any applicatio
Platform: | Size: 1187752 | Author: kong | Hits:

[Other resourceC++coderules

Description: 本文档详细论述了C++编码中常见和易引起编译错误的的有些编码规则,对于无论是初学者还是资深设计人员都是很好的读物。-this document in detail the Common C coding designed to compile errors caused some of the coding rules, For both beginners or experienced design staff are very good books.
Platform: | Size: 21919 | Author: 周国 | Hits:

[Other resourceverilogshejiMiLeJIEMAQI

Description: 用verilog设计密勒解码器 一、题目: 设计一个密勒解码器电路 二、输入信号: 1. DIN:输入数据 2. CLK:频率为2MHz的方波,占空比为50% 3. RESET:复位信号,低有效 三、输入信号说明: 输入数据为串行改进密勒码,每个码元持续时间为8μs,即16个CLK时钟;数据流是由A、B、C三种信号组成; A:前8个时钟保持“1”,接着5个时钟变为“0”,最后3个时钟为“1”。 B:在整个码元持续时间内都没有出现“0”,即连续16个时钟保持“1”。 C:前5个时钟保持“0”,后面11个时钟保持“1”。 改进密勒码编码规则如下: 如果码元为逻辑“1”,用A信号表示。 如果码元为逻辑“0”,用B信号表示,但以下两种特例除外:如果出现两个以上连“0”,则从第二个“0”起用C信号表示;如果在“通信起始位”之后第一位就是“0”,则用C信号表示,以下类推; “通信起始位”,用C信号表示; “通信结束位”,用“0”及紧随其后的B信号表示。 “无数据”,用连续的B信号表示。
Platform: | Size: 212699 | Author: mingming | Hits:

[Develop ToolsJavacode-chm

Description: java的编码规则-java coding rules
Platform: | Size: 18003 | Author: 陈水 | Hits:

[Other resourceC++CodingConvension

Description: C++ Coding conversion, 详尽介绍C++编码规则,是一个不错的好帮手,尤其对于初学者来说-C Coding conversion, the full C coding rules, is a good helping hands, especially for newcomer
Platform: | Size: 227397 | Author: gn | Hits:

[Other resourceASN.1-BER

Description: 信 息技术ASN.1 编码规则 第1部分:基本编码规则(BER) 正 则 编 码规则(CER)和 非 典型编码规则(DER)规范
Platform: | Size: 1067359 | Author: wuyi | Hits:

[Other resourcebase64

Description: * BASE64编码规则:将一组连续的字节数据按6个bit位进行分组,然后对每组数据用 * 一个ASICC字符来表示,6个bit位最多能表示2的6次方即64个数值,这64个ASICC字符 * 就是:\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\", * 其中每个字符表示的数值就是该字符在上面的排列中对应的索引号, * BASE64编码要求在对字节数据按每6个bit位进行分组时,如果不够6位则补\"0\", * 另一条规定就是编码后的结果长度必须是4的整数倍,否则补\"=\".
Platform: | Size: 4749 | Author: david | Hits:

[Other resourceasnrulesSpec

Description: ASN语法,这里介绍了ASN语法编码规则
Platform: | Size: 460081 | Author: dongfeili | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms编码规则与码制区分

Description: 条形码的编码规则与码制区分-barcode coding rules and code system to distinguish between
Platform: | Size: 1938 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 手机短信编码规则,可以教你学会手机短信编码-SMS coding rules, you can teach Institute SMS coding
Platform: | Size: 4378 | Author: 胡锦涛 | Hits:


Description: 贝尔实验室的编码规则
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: qinchangbo2004@163.com | Hits:

[GUI Develop一维条形码二维条形码编码规则及识别

Description: 条形码技术 常用的条码编码规则,条码的一般组成 条码的种类 EAN-13码的构造 一个简单的条形码打印系统 一维条形码的识别 硬件识别系统 预处理过程 译码过程 一维条形码识别系统实例 1 DIB.H位图存取头文件 DIB.CPP位图存取源程序 BARRECOG.H条码识别头文件 BARRECOG.CPP条码识别源程序
Platform: | Size: 363312 | Author: huzhiyuan | Hits:

[Network DevelopASN.1/BER/DER 编码子集入门指南

Description: 本文简单介绍了OSI 抽象语法符号(ASN.1)的子集——基本编码规则(BER)和可辨别编码规则(DER)。本文的主要目的是为理解和实现PKCS协议族提供足够的背景材料。
Platform: | Size: 418123 | Author: cloudfw | Hits:


Description: C#编码规则
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: 18793157389@163.com | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms编码规则与码制区分

Description: 条形码的编码规则与码制区分-barcode coding rules and code system to distinguish between
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[IME DevelopIME输入法编程

Description: Windows系统下汉字输入法实际上是将输入的标准ascii字符串按照一定的编码规则转换为汉字或汉字串,进入到目的地。由于应用程序各不相同,用户不可能自己去设计转换程序,因此,汉字输入自然而然落到WINDOWS系统管理中。-Windows systems Chinese character input method is actually imported to the standard ascii string of coded according to certain rules into Chinese or Chinese character strings, into the destination. Because the application is not the same, users will not be able to design their own conversion process, it naturally fell on the importation of Chinese Windows system management.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: WT | Hits:


Description: 手机短信编码规则,可以教你学会手机短信编码-SMS coding rules, you can teach Institute SMS coding
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 胡锦涛 | Hits:


Description: 业务类,文件编码的spring dao,用于公司的文件编码规则生成(Business class, the spring Dao for file encoding, is used for the generation of the company's file encoding rules)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: terry1140 | Hits:
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