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[WEB Code介绍C++编程语言

Description: 本章将介绍C++编程语言的最基本的元素,以及C++的指针、引用和作用域。在第3章和第4章,将介绍C++的类和面向对象编程。在你使用微软基础类库(Microsoft Foundation Class Library,MFC)进行Windows编程时,你需要所有这些知识。 C++是一种复杂的语言,它的许多元素非常抽象。它也是一个庞大的语言,为专业编程而设计。本书的重点是使用Visual C++语言来利用MFC编写Windows程序,因此没有深入地讨论C++语言。 MFC是构造于原始C++之上的应用程序框架,它提供了一个Windows应用程序工作的基础,一个可以向内添入自己代码的框架。这个框架提供了绝大多数Windows特征——菜单、工具栏、对话框、控件和滚动条。它也提供使开发者能相对容易的将数据写入文件、打印数据等机制。这个框架的部件是C++的类,这些类表示了应用程序的组件,例如应用程序的主窗口、它的对话框、字符串、如矩形和点的图像对象,甚至应用程序本身。因此,为了使用Visual C++编写Windows程序,你需要知道足够的C++知识来利用MFC。 -C programming language, the most basic elements, and C pointers, use and scope. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, will introduce the class C and object-oriented programming. Your use of Microsoft Foundation Class Library (Microsoft Foundation Class Library, MFC) for Windows programming, you need all knowledge. C is a complex language, and many of its elements is very abstract. It is a huge language, as a professional programming and design. The book focuses on the use of language Visual C MFC prepared to use Windows programs, there is no in-depth discussion of C language. MFC is constructed from the original C above the application framework, which provides a Windows application of foundation, one can be inserted inside their own code framework. This framework provides a majority of Windows feat
Platform: | Size: 28838 | Author: 李和平 | Hits:

[Other resource嵌入式c编程语言入门与深入

Description: 嵌入式c编程语言入门与深入.pdf 关于嵌入式开发的入门书籍-embedded programming language entry and depth. Pdf of the entry embedded development books
Platform: | Size: 5925079 | Author: 刘浪者 | Hits:

[Other resourceICCAVR%20C编程语言系统中文说明书

Description: ICCAVR%20C编程语言系统中文说明书.rar,介绍AVR单片机C语言编程资料-ICCAVR C programming language systems brochure. Rar, introduced AVR C programming language information
Platform: | Size: 120930 | Author: lll | Hits:


Description: IDL编程语言的基础,适合初学者
Platform: | Size: 954615 | Author: rihor@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 《C和C++经典著作"C专家编程Expert C Programming Deep C Secrets》撷取了几十个实例,细致、深入地讲解了C的历史、语言特性、声明、数组、指针、链接、运行时、内存以及分析了如何进一步学习C++等问题。《C和C++经典著作"C专家编程Expert C Programming Deep C Secrets》是一本ANSIC编程语言的高级读本。它适用于已经编写过C程序的人,以及那些想迅速获取一些专家观点和技巧的人。   专家级的C编程指南展示优秀C程序员的编程技巧。   即使你读过AndyKoneig的《C*与缺陷》,你还是应该看看PeterVanDerLinden的书。我想,他们两人的书称都应该千方百计的搞到,如获至宝地捧读。
Platform: | Size: 7600539 | Author: amongd | Hits:


Description: C#是一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由C和C++发展而来。C#(发音为“C霎普”)牢固地植根于C和C++语言族谱中,并且会很快被C和C++程序员所熟悉。C#的目标在于把Visual Basic的高生产力和C++本身的能力结合起来。 C#作为Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0的一部分提供给用户。除了C#以外,Visual Studio还支持Visual Basic、Visual C++和描述语言VBScript和Jscript。所有这些语言都提供对Microsoft .NET平台的访问能力,它包括一个通用的执行引擎和一个丰富的类库。Microsoft .NET平台定义了一个“通用语言子集”(CLS),是一种混合语言,它可以增强CLS兼容语言和类库间的无缝协同工作能力。对于C#开发者,这意味着既是C#是一种新的语言,它已经可以对用老牌工具如Visual Basic和Visual C++使用的丰富类库进行完全访问。C#自己并没有包含一个类库。 本章的其余部分描述这种语言的基本特性。以后的章节将会详细描述规则和例外,并且有些时候以数学的方式描述,而这章会致力于对整体的简单而清楚地介绍。这样的目的是给读者一个关于语言的介绍,这样可以使读者可以更容易地开始编写程序和继续阅读后面的章节。-C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming languages, C and C from development. C# (pronounced "C Sharp & P") is firmly rooted in the C and C language genealogy, and will soon be C and C programmers are familiar with. C# aims to put the Visual Basic and C high productivity of its ability to work together. C# as Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 part to the subscriber. In addition to C#, Visual Studio also supports Visual Basic, Visual C and scripting languages VBScript and Jscript. All these languages are available on the Microsoft.NET platform access capability, which includes the implementation of a common engine and a rich class library. Microsoft.NET platform definition of a "common language subset" (CLS), is a hybrid language, it can en
Platform: | Size: 280576 | Author: nala | Hits:


Description: ICCAVR%20C编程语言系统中文说明书.rar,介绍AVR单片机C语言编程资料-ICCAVR C programming language systems brochure. Rar, introduced AVR C programming language information
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: lll | Hits:

[Com Port串口通信编程

Description: 串口通讯编程包括网络流量监控的等程序VC++编程语言与大家共享-serial communications programming, including network traffic monitoring procedures VC programming language and share
Platform: | Size: 1141760 | Author: 大飞 | Hits:


Description: 本章将介绍C++编程语言的最基本的元素,以及C++的指针、引用和作用域。在第3章和第4章,将介绍C++的类和面向对象编程。在你使用微软基础类库(Microsoft Foundation Class Library,MFC)进行Windows编程时,你需要所有这些知识。 C++是一种复杂的语言,它的许多元素非常抽象。它也是一个庞大的语言,为专业编程而设计。本书的重点是使用Visual C++语言来利用MFC编写Windows程序,因此没有深入地讨论C++语言。 MFC是构造于原始C++之上的应用程序框架,它提供了一个Windows应用程序工作的基础,一个可以向内添入自己代码的框架。这个框架提供了绝大多数Windows特征——菜单、工具栏、对话框、控件和滚动条。它也提供使开发者能相对容易的将数据写入文件、打印数据等机制。这个框架的部件是C++的类,这些类表示了应用程序的组件,例如应用程序的主窗口、它的对话框、字符串、如矩形和点的图像对象,甚至应用程序本身。因此,为了使用Visual C++编写Windows程序,你需要知道足够的C++知识来利用MFC。 -C programming language, the most basic elements, and C pointers, use and scope. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, will introduce the class C and object-oriented programming. Your use of Microsoft Foundation Class Library (Microsoft Foundation Class Library, MFC) for Windows programming, you need all knowledge. C is a complex language, and many of its elements is very abstract. It is a huge language, as a professional programming and design. The book focuses on the use of language Visual C MFC prepared to use Windows programs, there is no in-depth discussion of C language. MFC is constructed from the original C above the application framework, which provides a Windows application of foundation, one can be inserted inside their own code framework. This framework provides a majority of Windows feat
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 李和平 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programC语言嵌入式系统编程修炼

Description: 不同于一般形式的软件编程,嵌入式系统编程建立在特定的硬件平台上,势必要求其编程语言具备较强的硬件直接操作能力。无疑,汇编语言具备这样的特质。但是,由于汇编语言开发的复杂性,它并不是嵌入式系统开发的一般选择。而与之相比,C语言--一种"高级的低级"语言,则成为嵌入式系统开发的最佳选择。-Unlike most forms of software programming, embedded systems programming based on the specific hardware platform, is bound to require its programming language with a strong ability to direct hardware. Undoubtedly, the compilation of language with such qualities. However, the assembly language development complexity, it is not embedded systems development in general choice. But compared with C language-- a "senior vulgar" language, embedded systems development as the best option.
Platform: | Size: 324608 | Author: 康康 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopWindows编程基础--窗体篇

Description: Windows编程基础--窗体篇   现在Windows已经成为世界上使用最广泛的操作系统,这使得学习Windows编程变得十分重要.和学习其他 编程语言一样,我们也从一个最简单的例子开始学习Windows编程.这个例子将建立一个Windows窗体并在窗体中间显示"HELLO"字符串(见图1).      1.程序的开始和结束 和C语言中的main()函数一样,Windows程序是从WinMain()函数开始和结束的.WinMain()函数是在WINBASE.H中定义的,其原形如下:    int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ) 其中第一个参数(HINSTANCE hInstance)是程序的实例句柄,这个实例句柄是程序的唯一标识.第二个参数(HINSTANCE hPrevInstance)是用做检查是否有多个程序实例运行,但由于Windows9X和NT(包括更高版本)是32位操作系统,所以这个参数总是NULL.第三个参数(LPSTR lpCmdLine)是一个指向字符串的指针,用来保存运行程序时的命令行参数.第四个参数(int nShowCmd)用来指
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 地方随 | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式c编程语言入门与深入.pdf 关于嵌入式开发的入门书籍-embedded programming language entry and depth. Pdf of the entry embedded development books
Platform: | Size: 5924864 | Author: 刘浪者 | Hits:


Description: 本书主要介绍CSharp语言规范,提供CSharp编程语言参考。-Notice This documentation is an early release of the final documentation, which may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release. This document is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warranties, either express or implied, in this document. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The entire risk of the use or the results of the use of this document remains with the user. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Wit hout limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any pu rpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter
Platform: | Size: 935936 | Author: jespher72 | Hits:

[Linux-Unix6_Python 语言参考手册 - v1.0(p3.4).pdf

Description: 本书是python 编程语言的权威参考指南,书中详尽解释了python 核心语言和python 库中最重要的部分,涉及类型和对象、操作符和表达式、编程结构和控制流、输入和输出、测试、调试等,也包括一些python官方文档或其他参考资料中未提及的高级主题。   (This book is the definitive reference guide for the python programming language, the book explains the most important core of Python language and python Library in part, involving types and objects, operators and expressions, programming structure and control flow, input and output, testing and debugging, including some Python official documents or not mentioned in other references in the advanced topics.)
Platform: | Size: 1319936 | Author: sz_work | Hits:


Description: 期货编程语言,文华财经麦语言函数手册.pdf 是很好的查询文档(Futures programming language, Mandarin finance, wheat language function manual.Pdf, is a good query document)
Platform: | Size: 441344 | Author: teric | Hits:


Description: 《自制编程语言》相关资料~~~~~!!!!("Homemade programming language" related information!)
Platform: | Size: 1288192 | Author: mikotot | Hits:


Description: C#编程语言详解,对须C#语言很有帮助。(The C programming language is detailed, which is very helpful for the C# language.)
Platform: | Size: 24310784 | Author: 猪大 | Hits:


Description: Linux内核编程教程第三章:内核编程语言和环境。第三章全部内容(Linux kernel programming tutorial third chapter: kernel programming language and environment. The whole content of the third chapter)
Platform: | Size: 866304 | Author: violetta | Hits:


Description: [General Information] 书名=IEC 61131-3编程语言及应用基础 第3章文本类编程语言 3.1文本类编程语言及其公用元素 3.1.1文本类编程语言概述 3.1.2文本类编程语言的公用元素 3.2指令表编程语言 3.2.1指令 3.2.2函数和功能块 3.2.3示例 3.3结构化文本编程语言 3.3.1结构化文本的表示 3.3.2语句 3.3.3示例 第4章图形类编程语言([General Information] Title = IEC 61131-3 programming language and application basis Chapter 3 text programming language 3.1 text programming language and its common elements 3.1.1 overview of text programming language 3.1.2 common elements of text programming languages 3.2 instruction list programming language 3.2.1 instructions 3.2.2 functions and function blocks 3.2.3 example 3.3 structured text programming language 3.3.1 presentation of structured text 3.3.2 statement 3.3.3 example Chapter 4 graphic programming language)
Platform: | Size: 6266880 | Author: carl.wang | Hits:

[OtherIEC 61131-3编程语言及应用基础

Description: 通用的PLC编程语言,主要用于ST编程语言的规范等。(The general PLC programming language is mainly used for the specification of St programming language.)
Platform: | Size: 49182720 | Author: 付笙13 | Hits:
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