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Platform: | Size: 4765 | Author: zyfriend2004 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个基于UDP协议的网段扫描程序,Vc++开发,希望给予提供大家学习vc的帮助-This is a UDP-based network of scanning procedures, Vc development, giving hope to emulate the help vc
Platform: | Size: 65551 | Author: ccs | Hits:


Description: 一个用vc++编写的基于UDP的网段扫描程序,适合初学者学习-a prepared using vc UDP-based network of scanning procedures for beginners learning
Platform: | Size: 42873 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是一个基于UDP协议的网段扫描程序,Vc++开发,希望给予提供大家学习vc的帮助-This is a UDP-based network of scanning procedures, Vc development, giving hope to emulate the help vc
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: ccs | Hits:


Description: 利用Iphlpapi发送arp请求的小程序,在处理线程结束的地方有bug,还没有解决。如果是局域网ip地址填写你所在网段,最后一位是要扫描的终点。-use Iphlpapi arp request to send a small procedure in handling threaded end of the local bug, is still not resolved. If LAN ip address where you fill in net, the last one is to scan the finish line.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 海深 | Hits:


Description: 最好的局域网搜索软件,支持同时搜索共享文件、FTP、HTTP资源。 1.方便快捷地搜索、浏览局域网资源。多线程搜索局域网上所有的工作组、主机、打印机、共享文件、FTP文件、WEB服务器。 2.可以按照网上邻居、工作组或者按照IP地址段自动搜索所有共享/FTP的mp3、电影或自定义搜索的文件; 3.内置nbtstat,能快速查找某一IP网段内的所有主机,并根据IP地址得到对方主机的主机名、工作组名、用户名、MAC地址,速度极快。能将扫描和搜索的结果保存成文本文件或excel电子表格文件。 4.能对某一地址范围的主机进行ping,端口扫描操作,找出所有的WEB服务器,FTP服务器等。能向某一主机发送消息。 5.局域网机器间拷贝文件时,提供文件和目录的断点续传的功能。同时支持FTP下载的断点续传。 6.采用类似资源管理器的界面,操作十分方便。绿色软件,开放源代码。-best LAN search software, supports simultaneous searches for sharing files, FTP, HTTP resources. 1. Quick and easy to search, browse LAN resources. Multithreading LAN search all of the working group, servers, printers, file sharing, FTP, WEB server. 2. According to neighbors, according to the Working Group or the IP address of automatically search all sharing/FTP mp3, since the definition of a movie or search documents; 3. built nbtstat. it can quickly find a particular IP detecting all the mainframe, according to IP addresses and other mainframe to be the host name, the working group, user name, MAC address, fast. Search can scan and preserve the results into a text file or Excel spreadsheet documents. 4. Able to address a range of mainframe ping, port scanning operation to identify a
Platform: | Size: 534528 | Author: 汤海 | Hits:


Description: 用于扫描某个ip地址,或主机,或网段内,那些主机开启了snmp服务,并可以将报告结果保存。-used to scan a particular ip address, or mainframe, or detecting, who opened the snmp mainframe services, and report the results can be preserved.
Platform: | Size: 3592192 | Author: 花兮酒兮 | Hits:


Description: 一个用vc++编写的基于UDP的网段扫描程序,适合初学者学习-a prepared using vc UDP-based network of scanning procedures for beginners learning
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 扫描本地网段的给定ip,然后获取MAC地址和计算机名(主机名)。适合网管使用。另外还有一个ccolorlistctrl类,能改变item字体颜色。-scanning the local network of a given ip, then MAC address and access to the computer (host). Suitable for network use. There is also a ccolorlistctrl category, change the font color item.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 陈学峰 | Hits:


Description: 跨网段多线程扫描单一端口的程序源码,可以自己控制并发线程。-inter-network of multi-threaded scanning of a single source port procedures can be controlled with thread.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: zhouzhen | Hits:


Description: 扫描网段中所有电脑的IP-MAC信息,双击条目发送一条ARP请求造成IP地址冲突。 如果需要造成IP地址冲突,必须安装WinPcap包。测试成功使用4.1beta。-Network segment to scan all the computers IP-MAC information, double-click the entry send a ARP request for IP address causing the conflict. If you need to cause IP address conflicts, you must install WinPcap packet. Tested successfully using 4.1beta.
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: guoyafeng | Hits:


Description: 基于JAVA的简单扫描器,可以多线程扫描,指定网段的IP,及指定IP的端口。 -JAVA based on a simple scanner, can be multi-threaded scanning, designated segment of the IP, and IP port specified.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: liuyi | Hits:


Description: 一套网络扫描的工具集,包括扫描主机名,扫描当前网段机器。捕捉网卡状态,跟踪路由器,看网站是否在线等等。-A set of network tools for scanning, including scan host name, the current network segment scanning machines. Capture card, and tracking a router, see Web site is online and so on.
Platform: | Size: 660480 | Author: 刘睿智 | Hits:


Description: ARP攻击,网段扫描工具~ 附带源码~给大家做学习用途!-ARP attacks, network segment scanning tools source ~ ~ incidental learning purposes to do for everyone!
Platform: | Size: 339968 | Author: 阿夜 | Hits:


Description: Windows环境下,用高级编程语言编写程序,使用端口扫描对指定IP范围的主机进行扫描,对一个网段进行 IP 扫描,显示出结果( 一个网段内有哪些主机是开机的以及其Mac地址 )。并显示出结果,对结果进行储存。 设计分析 : 利用VB的winsock控件搜集信息,利用TXTT控件输入输出。 实现原理 : -Windows environment, with high-level programming language, the use of port scan on the specified IP range to scan the host of a network segment for IP scanning, showing that the results (a网段内What is the boot of the host as well as its Mac Address ). And shows the results of the results stored. Design Analysis: Using VB of winsock controls to collect information, the use of TXTT input and output controls. Principle:
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 梁智坚 | Hits:


Description: 在linux下,c语言编写,可以根据对方的IP,查看其MAC地址,也可以扫描局域网在线IP的MAC和主机名。原理:建立socket ,构造netbios-ns包,循环sendto()把数据发送给对方并recvfrom()读取返回信息。根据返回的netbios回应包,读取对方的主机名,组名和mac地址。 显示结果如下: IP: Host Name: BRN_8EEE6A/BRN_8EEE6A MAC: 00-80-77-8E-EE-6A IP: Host Name: XIAOXIAO/MSHOME MAC: 00-12-3F-D5-5E-A6 IP: Host Name: NA MAC: NA [time out!] 一个网段扫描MAC,可以建立一个socket,连续向多个不同IP发送NBNS包,然后等待接受,根据返回包就可以扫描一个网段多个IP的MAC啦。 而windows下可以运行命令:nbtstat -A ip-address来查看 windows c 要改改头文件 -C language, based on each other s IP, to see its MAC address, can also scann more online IP-LAN MAC and host name. Principle: To establish a socket, constructed netbios-ns package, cycle to use sendto () function sent the data to the other side , and use recvfrom () to read back-information. Netbios respond in accordance with the return package, read each other s host name, group name and mac address.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: darinwang | Hits:


Description: 落雪无痕网络IP端口扫描器C#源代码,自动扫描指定网段IP以及指定端口是否可用,软件黑色风格,看上去很酷,是款学习网络扫描不错的资料,程序内的IP计算算法很值得一看。-IP network port Seamless C# source code scanner, auto scanner designated IP network segment and the specified port is available, software, black style, looks cool, is a good article to learn the network scan information of the IP process is very worthy of the calculation algorithm have a look.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: Alabama | Hits:


Description: VB局域网扫描IP及域名源程序.VB编程实现扫描同一局域网内的所有电脑的IP地址,并获取该地址所对应的域名。本程序只能用于扫描运行本程序所以局域网内的电脑,可以指定IP的起始段、结束段,但不能更改网段地址,原理大致差不多,大家可以灵活运用.-Scan LAN VB source IP and domain name. VB Programming scan within the same LAN IP address of all computers, and access to the address corresponding to the domain name. This procedure can only be used to run the program scans the computer so the LAN, you can specify the IP of the initial segment, the end of paragraph, but you can not change the network segment address, the principle of more or less similar, we can make flexible use.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 692 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopScanComputer

Description: 创建一个Windows应用程序,使用多线程来扫描一个网段内的计算机,根据计算机的IP地址获取其Dns域名,若计算机不在线,则返回提示信息。要求初始界面如图1-1所示。 当用户输入IP地址范围之后,单击【扫描】按钮,程序能自动在listBoxStatus中显示每个IP地址对应的Dns信息。具体要求如下: (1)对用户选择IP地址范围进行验证,若不是合法的IP地址,给出相应的提示信息。 (2)执行扫描操作时,创建一个线程去扫描一个IP地址。 (3)把每个IP地址对应的Dns信息添加到listBoxStatus中。例如采用“IP地址---Dns域名”形式。 -Create a Windows application that uses multiple threads to scan a computer network segment, according to the computer s IP address for the Dns domain name If the computer is not online, the return message. Requirements of the initial interface is shown in Figure 1-1. When the user enters the IP address range, click】 【scan button, the program can automatically appear in the listBoxStatus IP address corresponding to each Dns Information. Specific requirements are as follows: (1) of the user to select IP address range to verify if the IP address is legitimate, given the appropriate message. (2) perform a scan operation, to create a thread to scan an IP address. (3) corresponding to each IP address information is added to the listBoxStatus in Dns. Such as using "IP address--- Dns domain name " form.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 宋琪 | Hits:


Description: 局域网扫描工具VC2005源代码,局域网扫描,VC实现。支持跨网段扫描。-Source code scanning tools VC2005 LAN, LAN scanning, VC achieve. Support cross-segment scan.
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: 电脑天空 | Hits:
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