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[WEB Codedouban

Description: 模仿豆瓣风格而作的留言本。ASP语言。 -watercress imitate the style for the message. ASP language.
Platform: | Size: 155460 | Author: binder | Hits:

[WEB Codemagik_1.3RC1

Description: 全球第一个高可用性的Web2.0解决方案,十分钟拥有您自己的豆瓣类网站,基于成熟框架开发,安装完成即可应用,完全组件化设计,支持随意Mash up ,Active Build 技术,完美解决需求迭代,Riki 技术,让您像写Blog一样书写网站,无缝整合Discuz!;自带RSS聚合组件-the world one of the hotspots for high availability solutions for ten minutes, with your own website watercress, Based on the framework for the development of mature, the installation will be completed application, complete component design, support free Mash up, Active Build technology, the demand perfect iteration, Riki technology, you like to write blog writing the same site, seamless integration Discuz! ; RSS polymerization, bringing their components
Platform: | Size: 1338195 | Author: okey668 | Hits:


Description: 豆瓣电台桌面版源码
Platform: | Size: 223812 | Author: zyf_edward | Hits:


Description: 精仿豆瓣网整站源代码
Platform: | Size: 17865252 | Author: rianus | Hits:


Description: 豆瓣 android 客户端的实现,内加豆瓣API-douban android client implementation, douban added to API
Platform: | Size: 1241088 | Author: wzs | Hits:


Description: 通过网络请求连接豆瓣网,添加3d动画效果,可联网听歌,添加了手势,可播放可暂停(Through the network request connection watercress network, add 3D animation effect, can be networked songs, added gestures, can play, can be suspended)
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: #墨年 | Hits:


Description: nodejs 爬虫 抓取豆瓣数据,根据给出的种子数据,抓取数据(Nodejs crawler grab watercress data)
Platform: | Size: 9797632 | Author: 梦回故里 | Hits:


Description: 天气预报(静态)+豆瓣电影推荐 微信小程序的开发,是本校与某公司合作进行的实习培训内容(weather+movie WeChat small program development, is my school and a company in cooperation with the training content)
Platform: | Size: 5820416 | Author: zoe-shumin | Hits:


Description: R爬取豆瓣图书资料的简易程序,里面有注释。(R climb douban books)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: brucee | Hits:


Description: 用于抓取豆瓣电影前250位信息,可增加或修改需要抓取的信息(To crawl the information of Top250 movies in www.douban.com, if you need ,you can edit file to add or change the information you need.)
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: oneleven | Hits:


Description: 这个是基于微信小程序研发的豆瓣微信小程序,用于电影评分查询以及最新电影查询等。(This is based on WeChat small program developed watercress WeChat applet, for film scoring query, and the latest movie query.)
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: 医学界程序员 | Hits:


Description: 可以以豆列的方式展示电影、图书、音乐和相册。 图片内容缓存到本地解决豆瓣防盗链。 读取API数据缓存时间为1个月。(You can show movies, books, music and albums in the form of beans. Picture content cache to local solution watercress anti-theft chain. Read API data cache time is 1 months.)
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 特立独行 | Hits:

[Big Dataspider

Description: 豆瓣影评的爬虫,不依赖任何库,一定程度反反爬虫(a spider of douban's film critic,without any releases)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: hzq1992 | Hits:


Description: 爬取豆瓣top250电影资料, ①requests库获取html信息 getHTMLText(url)方法实现 ②通过BeautifuSoup库与re库整理筛除信息 stringTidy(string) parsePage(html)方法实现 ③最后读入文件中 getMovieInfo(movieList,fpath)方法实现(python use request method getHTMLText(url) get html BeautifulSoup and re)
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: Voter Lin | Hits:


Description: 传入账号和密码参数,模拟登陆豆瓣网,里面涉及到验证码的解决方案,方式是先将验证码保存到本地,然后再自动打开,获取用户输入(Incoming account and password parameters, simulated landing Douban, which relates to the verification code solution, the method is to first save the verification code to the local, and then automatically open to obtain user input)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 石小龙 | Hits:


Description: Python爬虫,自动获取豆瓣电影信息,保存到本地文件(You can get movie information in Douban)
Platform: | Size: 6140928 | Author: HowieLi | Hits:


Description: 豆瓣爬虫,爬取豆瓣电影top100评分,电影名,星级(Bean crawler, crawl for Top100, movie name, star)
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: jason325 | Hits:


Description: 通过python语言,利用爬虫、词云等模块,爬取豆瓣电影评分前250(Climbing the top 250 of Douban Movie)
Platform: | Size: 271360 | Author: fv965 | Hits:


Description: 利用爬虫抓取豆瓣电影TOP250榜单的电影以及相关信息,包括排名、图片路径、标题、导演、评分。(Crawling top-250's data of Douban film.)
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 啥啥_ | Hits:


Description: 使用爬虫从豆瓣官网获得影评TOP250的电影,以Excel文件的形式存储在本地。(Use the crawler to get the top 250 movie reviews from Douban official website and store them locally as Excel files.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yyk123 | Hits:
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