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Description: 贪心算法球园排列问题,算法设计与分析课程的作业。-greedy algorithm with the ball park, algorithm design and analysis programs work.
Platform: | Size: 120823 | Author: 老七 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms生成最短路径贪心算法

Description: 《计算机算法基础》(华工版)关于单源点最短路径生成最短路径贪心算法;-"computer algorithms" (laborers version) on the single-source shortest path generation Shortest Path greedy algorithm;
Platform: | Size: 62042 | Author: 郑章孝 | Hits:

[Other resource单源点最短路径贪心算法

Description: 单源点最短路径贪心算法:用到Dijkstra算法,-single source shortest path greedy algorithm : use Dijkstra algorithm,
Platform: | Size: 971 | Author: 刘兰英 | Hits:


Description: 模式识别中的贪心算法,是根据分配篮球队员的简单条件做的-pattern recognition of greedy algorithm is based on the distribution of basketball players do the simple conditions
Platform: | Size: 38024 | Author: 李枚 | Hits:


Description: 这个小程序,是我作为C#初学者的省份写出来,主要是练手的。主要是在算中的一种思想。环境VS2010,传于2010-10-31,地点安徽马鞍山某高校
Platform: | Size: 51235 | Author: zzhjhu@yeah.net | Hits:


Description: 背包问题的贪心算法
Platform: | Size: 1937756 | Author: wangboya@yeah.net | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms生成最短路径贪心算法

Description: 《计算机算法基础》(华工版)关于单源点最短路径生成最短路径贪心算法;-"computer algorithms" (laborers version) on the single-source shortest path generation Shortest Path greedy algorithm;
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 郑章孝 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms装载问题的算法

Description: 一个用贪心算法做的-with a greedy algorithm to do
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms算法设计与分析 报告 一

Description: 贪心算法解最优装载问题-greedy algorithm for optimal solutions loading problem
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李文涛 | Hits:

[Windows Develop最小生成树(Kuskal算法)

Description: 该程序用贪心算法来求解最小生成树问题 采用贪婪准则:每次选择边权值最小边。如果该边加入后不构成环,则加入。-procedures with the greedy algorithm to solve the problem using the minimum spanning tree greedy guidelines : each side the right to choose the minimum value side. If the edge after the entry does not constitute a part, while accession.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 杨晨 | Hits:


Description: 单源点最短路径贪心算法:用到Dijkstra算法,-single source shortest path greedy algorithm : use Dijkstra algorithm,
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘兰英 | Hits:


Description: 模式识别中的贪心算法,是根据分配篮球队员的简单条件做的-pattern recognition of greedy algorithm is based on the distribution of basketball players do the simple conditions
Platform: | Size: 1029120 | Author: 李枚 | Hits:


Description: 贪心算法球园排列问题,算法设计与分析课程的作业。-greedy algorithm with the ball park, algorithm design and analysis programs work.
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 老七 | Hits:


Description: 哈夫曼编码。排序问题,利用贪心算法的思想实现哈夫曼编码算法程序 -Huffman coding. Scheduling problems, the greedy algorithm achieving Huffman coding algorithm
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 无有 | Hits:

[Windows Develop贪心算法

Description: 贪心算法(又称贪婪算法)是指,在对问题求解时,总是做出在当前看来是最好的选择。也就是说,不从整体最优上加以考虑,他所做出的是在某种意义上的局部最优解。(The greedy algorithm (called greedy algorithm) refers to, in problem solving, always seems to be made in the best choice. That is to say, do not be optimal from an overall consideration, he made the local optimum in the sense of the solution.)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: fa-ge | Hits:


Description: 一个简单贪心算法的研究,背包问题,供大家浏览参考。(A simple greedy algorithm research, knapsack problem, reference for browsing.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: CJPYXS | Hits:

[Other贪心算法 简单问题研究

Description: 关于贪心算法的最优安排和稍微复杂的研究,文中给出两个小例子。(About the greedy algorithm is the optimal arrangement and study a little more complicated, two small example is given in the paper.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: CJPYXS | Hits:


Description: 通过贪心算法实现装进背包物品价值最大化,具体步骤是依次选择价值密度最大的物品放入背包(Through greedy algorithm to maximize the value of goods loaded into backpacks.)
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: caoya104 | Hits:


Description: 贪心算法(又称贪婪算法)是指,在对问题求解时,总是做出在当前看来是最好的选择。也就是说,不从整体最优上加以考虑,他所做出的是在某种意义上的局部最优解。(Greedy algorithm (also called greedy algorithm) means that when solving a problem, it always makes the best choice at present. That is to say, not considering the overall optimization, what he has made is the local optimal solution in some sense.)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 我不吃零食 | Hits:

[Windows Develop贪心算法4.8宿营地

Description: 贪心算法宿营地问题 /*考察路线有n个地点作为宿营地,宿营地到出发点的距离依次为x1,x2,...xn,且满足 x1<x2<x3<x4,每天只能前进30千米,任意两个宿营地相距不超过30,每个宿营地只住 一天,求宿营天数最少*/(Greedy The expedition route has N locations as camps, and the distance from the campsite to the starting point is X1, X2, in turn. .. .. xn, and satisfied X1)
Platform: | Size: 6959104 | Author: 小白zz | Hits:
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