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[Windows Developp2p技术软件

Description: 这是一个有关p2p资源共享的软件源代码,包括两部分组成,一是服务器端,另一是客户端.可以下载文本文件和其他格式的文件,不过其他格式有点问题,大家可以自己把它修改过来.-a p2p source code about resource share, consists of two parts: one is server, another is client. you can use it to download txt file and other format file, but there are some bug for the other format file, you can correct it by yourself.
Platform: | Size: 2624399 | Author: sdf | Hits:


Description: 里边又一个可以发邮件的程序,还有几个辅助的程序代码,都是很有用的,把它放在一起便于资源共享给大家,希望大家能用得上.-I put a programme which could send email and some acessary programms in it. I think they are very useful and I d like to shall them with you all.
Platform: | Size: 152836 | Author: 小林 | Hits:

[Web Server资源

Description: 一些常用的网站资源共享-some popular website resource sharing
Platform: | Size: 3649 | Author: 王石 | Hits:


Description: 该平台实现局域网内部的资源共享和IM功能。采用VS 2008 + SQL2000开发。整个平台由主服务器、大厅服务器和客户端组成。 主服务器主要负责处理客户端和大厅服务器的登陆和离开,客户端的注册和客户的信息修改,管理大厅得信息(修改、增加和删除)。 大厅服务器主要负责管理用户在线列表(客户端登陆增加、离去删除),每个列表项包括客户端得账号、签名、IP、各个SOCKET监听端口等,列表采用vector保存,加以映射表和stack辅助使得列表项可以直接存取。 客户端主要负责客户端之间的共享文件列表传输、文件\文件夹传输和发送、聊天。
Platform: | Size: 3186895 | Author: wolf_coder | Hits:

[Windows Develop在VCpp 6.0下利用共享内存、消息实现内部进程通讯 - 副本

Description: 在VCpp 6.0下利用共享内存、消息实现内部进程通讯 ,资源里包含了,客户端和服务器端程序实现源代码。
Platform: | Size: 3271441 | Author: xicheng.cn@163.com | Hits:

[WEB Code资源

Description: 一些常用的网站资源共享-some popular website resource sharing
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王石 | Hits:


Description: 搜索局域网中的共享资源 .rar-search of the local area network to share resources. Rar
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[WEB Code腾翔网络商务办公系统

Description: 系统特点 1、高效的个人信息管理平台; 2、强大的网上审批流程; 3、功能强大的网络会议; 4、全面的资源共享平台; 5、集中统一的内部人事管理平台; 6、多权限的后台管理和智能化扩展升级平台;7、强大的公文发送功能,提高信息传递效率。实现移动办公及异地管理功能,时时处理公司的日常办公管理。 -System Features 1, efficient personal information management platform 2, a powerful online approval process 3, a powerful network meetings 4, a comprehensive resource-sharing platform 5, centralized and unified platform for internal personnel management 6, more than competence background management and intelligent extension of escalation platform 7, a powerful document sent functions, improve the efficiency of information transmission. Mobile office and remote management functions, from time to time to deal with the company s day-to-day office management.
Platform: | Size: 830464 | Author: 陈凯 | Hits:


Description: 中国移动短信平台源代码,C#版,请大家参考一下,资源共享。-China Mobile SMS platform source code, C# version, please refer to, the sharing of resources.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 我是谁 | Hits:

[Windows Developp2p技术软件

Description: 这是一个有关p2p资源共享的软件源代码,包括两部分组成,一是服务器端,另一是客户端.可以下载文本文件和其他格式的文件,不过其他格式有点问题,大家可以自己把它修改过来.-a p2p source code about resource share, consists of two parts: one is server, another is client. you can use it to download txt file and other format file, but there are some bug for the other format file, you can correct it by yourself.
Platform: | Size: 8252416 | Author: | Hits:


Description: have a look Spring+Hibernate+Struts资源共享系统-have a look Spring+ Hibernate+ Struts resource sharing system
Platform: | Size: 4601856 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 系统功能: 1、增加AspUpload进度条,支持大文件上传. 2、增加自定义提取码,方便用户提取资源 3、多用户,每个用户可以分配不同的用户组,实现不同的权限。 4、多用户组,可以设置会员拥有空间大小、上传文件类型、上传文件大小等。 5、文件资源共享,可以查看其他会员的共享资源及提取到该资源。 6、多文件同时上传,可以设置文件存放分类、邮件提示、是否共享、文件简介等。 7、会员开设管理自己的文件存放分类。 -System functions: one, an increase AspUpload progress bar, file upload support. 2, increased extraction of custom code, user-friendly resource extraction 3, multi-user, each user can be assigned different user groups different permissions. 4, multi-user groups, can set the member has a space the size of file type, upload file size. 5, file sharing, you can view other members to share resources and extraction of the resources. 6, multi-file upload at the same time, you can set documents classification, e-mail tips, whether or not sharing, file the brief. 7, members set up to manage their own storage of classified documents.
Platform: | Size: 463872 | Author: 怎么没 | Hits:


Description: 校园计算机网络已成为学校办学的基础设施和必备条件.公众信息电脑公司立足中国,服务教育.以开发教育软件和网络集成为主,推进教育教学信息化和现代化为主要经营方向的综合型企业. 经过广泛的市场调研,针对中等学校办学特点和应用需求,我公司开发出"中等学校千兆校园网整体解决方案".该方案以千兆主干网络为基础平台,以校园网应用为主线,以实现广泛的教育资源共享,提高教育教学的现代化水平为目的,为建设信息化学校提供了一个完整的解决方案. 校园网的信息点覆盖整个校园,教室、办公室和宿舍等地方都是十分开放的,很多人都可以自由出入这些地方,任何一个人都可以利用这些地方的信息点,通过便携连接到学校办公内部网,这将对校园网造成巨大安全隐患。全网接入采用统一认证技术,保证了只有合法授权的用户才能使用内部或外部网络,而且还能对网络的使用情况进行了审计 。-err
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 付琪鸣 | Hits:

[Windows Develop04

Description: 在局域网的单位中,如果能将一些资源共享,就可提高工作效率,还可节省资源,下面的例子来介绍如何获得网上共享资源-LAN at the unit, if can share some resources, we can improve work efficiency, but also save resources, the following examples to introduce how to obtain the online sharing of resources
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: 王正 | Hits:

[WEB Codexinwen

Description: 志宁新闻网站,新闻分类,交友交谈,上传文件,asp后台,Access数据库,操作简单明了。用于分类新闻发布资源共享。-Zhining news websites, news classification, friends chat, upload files, asp background, Access database, the operation simple and straightforward. The sharing of resources used to classify press release.
Platform: | Size: 1395712 | Author: 王林 | Hits:

[WEB Codewwwroot(1)

Description: 我做的一个学校的资源共享平台,树形分类,可根据需要无限分类,有文件上传功能。-I did a school resource sharing platform, tree classification, can be classified according to the need unlimited, there is the file upload feature.
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: 白门楼 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsTeachRes

Description: 教学资源网包括教师上传,学生下载,资源共享,在线学习-From teaching resource network, including teachers and students to download, resource sharing, online learning
Platform: | Size: 4164608 | Author: 杜良全 | Hits:


Description: 互联网的发展催生了人们效率交流的信息时代,那么手机互联则更开启了分享经济时代。而现在更是一个以综合信息与经济的共享时代。共享思维将闲置的资源给别人使用,充分提高资源的使用率。这种经济模式在交通、金融、物流、游戏、旅游、教育和餐饮等行业都得到了积极的探索和体现(Shared umbrella solution)
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: 夏日1 | Hits:

[Windows Develop共享内存

Description: 简单的共享内存实例,可以由计算机自动调节以提高资源利用率。(Simple shared memory instance can be automatically adjusted by the computer to improve resource utilization.)
Platform: | Size: 324608 | Author: 大圣3号 | Hits:


Description: 谷秋精品资源共享课软件采用Asp.Net 2.0(c#),提供了人性化的UI界面和用户体验。软件采用分层开发,拥有更强的安全性 、稳定性、易用性。(The software of Qiu Qiu boutique resource sharing course is Asp.Net 2 (c#), which provides humanized UI interface and user experience. The software is developed by layer, and has stronger security, stability and ease of use.)
Platform: | Size: 6820864 | Author: y35u6jy | Hits:
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