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[Web Server广东省网上选车牌号检测程序

Description: 广东省网上选车牌号测试程序,可以一次过测试出所有可用的车牌号供你选择,再不用在网上点得这么累了。 需要安装PHP才可以使用。 php carno.php>xx.txt 将运行结果保存到 xx.txt里 carno.php 测试 1~999 号,不限英文字母 carno1.php 测试 1~999 号,并指定两个英文字母 测试环境是东莞市的,要改为别的市,请将4419改成别的市的编号(身份证上面哪个)
Platform: | Size: 1198 | Author: sz_testsb | Hits:


Description: Matlab车道线检测,用matlab实现道路分割,包含了分割检测等多种算法 ,有效地实现了道路分割
Platform: | Size: 1812045 | Author: lxdjch | Hits:

[Program doc基于GIS_GPS_GSM小型车辆监控系统的通信网关设计

Description: 一篇基于GIS_GPS_GSM小型车辆监控系统的通信网关设计。看看,或许你会用到!-GIS_GPS_GSM based on a small vehicle monitoring system of communication gateway design. Look, perhaps you will use!
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 张少春 | Hits:


Description: 一般的盗密码的软件 都是通过监视键盘来获得密码,这样操作比较方便,但是这样也存在一定问题,密码有的时候不是很准确,因为有的人输入密码并不是从前到后输入,当然这样的人也是少数,盗密码嘛,当然去得到那些比较粗心的人的密码! 通过安装钩子来监视QQ登陆界面就是获得密码的方法,在安装前得先找到登陆窗口的句柄,当钩子安装后,记录键盘,当用户“回车”或是点了“登陆”就可以开始处理密码了!-general stolen passwords of software through surveillance keyboard passwords, this operation more convenient, but there are some such issues, password sometimes is not very accurate, because some people enter the password is not used to input, of course, such a person is a minority, stolen passwords! , of course, to be more careless of those people the password! Install hooks to monitor QQ landing interface is to obtain a password, installed before one can find a window to handle the landing, when the hook after the installation, records keyboard, a user "Enter" or point of the "landing" can begin to deal with the password!
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 陈峰 | Hits:

[OpenGL programGEARS1

Description: 一个很好的3D与OpenGL结合的例子,实现多级齿轮的运动,效果很好,在运行程序时请先把提供的.dll文件拷贝到你的系统的 SYSTEM32目录下,否则不能运行!-a good combination of 3D and OpenGL example, multi-class sports gear, a good effect, and the operational procedures for the provision when the post. Dll files are copied to your system SYSTEM32 directory, they can run!
Platform: | Size: 299008 | Author: 方怡新 | Hits:

[Graph programguidlb

Description: 建立一个对倒立摆动画进行控制的用户界面。一共用到:3-static text, 2-popupmenu, 4-pushbutton和1-axes。 先给定小车起始坐标和终点坐标,按“启动”键开始仿真;按“暂停”后,画面将停止,按任意键(键盘)继续;仿真结束后,按“刷新”清屏;按“退出”键关闭窗口,点“ok“确认。 -creation of an inverted pendulum control animation user interface. A total used 3-static text, 2-popupmenu, 4-Pushbutton and 1-axes. Initially scheduled Trolley initial coordinates and destination coordinates, according to the "start" button and start simulation; According to "suspend" after pictures will stop, according to a random keys (keyboard) continue; After the simulation, according to "refresh" the screen; According to "exit" button and close the window and click "ok" confirmation.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 跃进 | Hits:

[Industry researchcheliangyinyingxiaochu

Description: 包含了10篇运动车辆检测和阴影消除的小论文,对于做智能交通很有帮助,希望可以帮到大家。-includes 10 sports vehicle detection and elimination of the shadow of small papers, for intelligent traffic so helpful, the desire to help everyone.
Platform: | Size: 3984384 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个车辆管理系统的从需求分析到后期维护的软件开发的全过-A vehicle management system from requirements analysis to post-maintenance over the entire software development
Platform: | Size: 1362944 | Author: 罗晶 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopLLHLib_Graphics

Description: 国内的现实是在学习C++的初级阶段主要在学C,至少我们学校是这样。因而初学者要花很长时间由“面向过程”过渡到“面向对象”。有一些专家提出学习C++时应直接学习“面向对象”,但本人认为花一部分精力在“C式的C++”上还是值得的。因为在国内有很多程序员在用编写嵌入式系统中的程序,而用的最多的就是C语言。 编写此图形函数库的目的是为C++初学者提供一个“玩具”和“学步车”,让他们能够早一点儿享受到编程的快乐。编写一个图形方式的而且带声音的游戏比单纯编写一个“冒泡排序”有意思多了,成就感也会“相当的高”。兴趣是最好的老师。希望各位同学能够通过本学期C++课程的学习真正对编程产生兴趣,真正感受到编程的快乐。 本人不保留此函数库的任何版权,源代码都是开放的。您爱怎么用就怎么用,大卸八块都行。如果被您发掘出了商业用途,本人更是感到由衷的高兴!  另外虽然本人自信在CS方面的“内功”已颇具实力,但外功确实不行。所以希望各位的传播范围不要太广,万一哪天被哪位“编程高手”看见了,肯定会贻笑大方的。
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: lintao | Hits:

[Game ProgramBUS

Description: 以前参考《C游戏编程从入门到精通》这本书时写出来的一个赛车小游戏~~~那本书站里有就不上传了~~~很简单的一个游戏-Previous reference to
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: gaudi | Hits:


Description: 这个是东南大学第二届智能车摄像头组是使用的调试工具,中间的屏幕可以显示图象,采取的点数是10×21,这个程序每行只显示一个黑点,因为实际处理时总要找出代表道路的那个黑点。这个调试程序用到了无线收发模块,也可以直接使用串口来调试。。。经过这次校内比赛,这是我们最终的版本,结果运行得很好。希望能够和大家分享
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: 杨林成 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeqicheshibie

Description: 这是本人的课设的代码和照片,汽车牌照的识别,采用到二值变换,图像字符分割,及模式识别中的数字识别方法。基于MATLAB平台来操作的
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: polly | Hits:


Description: 用matlab编写的车牌识别的源程序,可以准确定位到车牌-Prepared using matlab source license plate recognition, can accurately locate the license plate
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: 明明 | Hits:


Description: 本文详细介绍了我们为首届全国智能车大赛而准备的智能车系统方案。该 系统以Freescale16 位单片机MC9S12DG128 作为系统控制处理器,采用基于的 摄像头的图像采样模块获取赛道图像信息,通过边缘检测方法提取赛道黑线, 求出小车与黑线间的位置偏差,采用PID 方式对舵机转向进行反馈控制。通过 自制的速度传感器实时获取小车速度,采用Bang-Bang 控制策略形成速度闭环 控制。小车还将通过特定算法分析出前方的路况,并根据路况的不同而为小车 分配以不同的速度。文中将介绍赛车机械结构和调整方法,赛车转向模块和驱 动模块的设计、参数和有关测试,图像采样模块的摄像头工作机制以及安装选 型、采样电路设计和采样策略,还将介绍自制的速度传感器的制作、安装方法 和对其可靠性所做的测试。我们将说明本系统的舵机转向策略、速度闭环控制 与速度分配策略。除智能车系统本身的介绍外,我们还将详细叙述该系统开发 过程中所用到的开发工具、软件以及各种调试、测试手段方法。-In this paper we will demonstrate an intelligent vehicle system scheme prepared for the first national intelligent vehicle contest. The vehicle system, with the Freescale16-bit single-chip MC9S12DG128 as its control microprocessor, uses image-sensor module based on camera to obtain lane image information, then abstract the black line on the contest lane by edge-detection method and calculate the position difference between the vehicle and the black line with which we will have a PID feedback control on the steering angle. The vehicle also uses a speed-sensor made by ourselves to obtain the real time speed which will be used in a speed feedback that adopts Bang-Bang control method. Certain algorithm will be employed to analyze the lane styles in front of the vehicle and set different vehicle speed according to the lane style. The mechanical structure and adjustment method of the vehicle, the design, parameters, and relative tests of the vehicle steer module and driving modul
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopEEPROM

Description: 飞思卡尔单片机MC9SDG128B的EEPROM程序,用于智能车竞赛中采集到数据的存取,给需要的人。-MC9SDG128B Freescale' s single-chip EEPROM process, the smart car for the race to access the data collected to the needy.
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: leeki | Hits:


Description: 关于小车的电机驱动,是利用麦宽调制的方法实现的,是双驱动的电机,制作小车時候抖可以用到.-The motor drive on the car, Michael width modulation is the use of the method is double-driven motor, the production of cars can be used when the shaking.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: fly | Hits:


Description: 用AVR单片机编写的汽车测速程序,其中包含了仿真图形,已经调试通过。这是我的毕业设计。希望给大家做个参考吧,采用1602显示,可以精确到小数点后6位,这个程序也可以改为测转速或者测频率。-Prepared using single-chip automotive AVR velocimetry procedures, including graphics simulation, debugging has been through. This is my graduation project. We hope to be a reference to it, using 1602, it can be accurate to six decimal places, this process can also be changed to speed or frequency of measurement.
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: 风飞扬 | Hits:


Description: 浙江师范大学数理与信息工程学院毕业设计,41页,极其完善.题目要求设计一智能小汽车,小车能够准确寻找到光源,并随着光源的引导,能够顺利地进入车库,同时在行程过程中能准确地显示小车的行使路程的总时间。根据要求本设计用两个电机来控制小车的转向,用红外对管传感器来检测障碍物,用光敏电阻来检测光源,用夜晶来显示小车的行使时间和车库拦栅上升的时间、高度以及当前温度等。与此同时通过语音电路来实现人性化的人机互动。作品可以作为高级智能玩具,也可以作为大学生学习嵌入式控制的强有力的应用实例,该系统将会有更广阔的开发前景。-Zhejiang Normal University Mathematics and Information Engineering School of Design graduate, 41, is extremely sound.
Platform: | Size: 418816 | Author: 何兴平 | Hits:


Description: 此源程序为freescale智能车竞赛上位机程序,实现对cmos摄像头采集的数据通过串口传到pc机,然后还原赛道信息,以及这种的曲线显示和数据分析-This source code for the smart car competition freescale PC program to achieve cmos camera on the data collected through the serial port pc spread, and then restore the track, as well as the curve of this display and data analysis
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Description: 一款基于ICM20602的平衡车运用到卡尔曼滤波进行姿态融合(A balance vehicle with Kalman filter for attitude filtering)
Platform: | Size: 11166720 | Author: 小石叩 | Hits:
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