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[Other resource运算符重载

Description: vc运算符重载,能对不同对象进行+,-,*,/等的运算-vc Operator, can be on different subjects such as arithmetic ,-,*,/
Platform: | Size: 1779 | Author: 秦客 | Hits:

[Windows Develop重载运算符

Description: 包含运算符重载的几个算法。很不错哦!-contains Operator several algorithms. Very good!
Platform: | Size: 1299 | Author: 王策 | Hits:


Description: 提取和插入运算符重载。一个有关VC++输入、输出流的程序,比较适合VC++初学者。以后我上传一系列这种类型的源程序供大家学习之用。-extraction and insertion Operator. One of the VC input and output streams procedure more suitable for beginners VC. After I uploaded a series of this type of source for all learning.
Platform: | Size: 7625 | Author: 李李 | Hits:


Description: C++运算符重载源程序,各种符号“+”“-”“=”重载的实例
Platform: | Size: 3624171 | Author: qiaokeligongzhu | Hits:


Description: 源于c++中的运算符重载。
Platform: | Size: 928 | Author: ljsljs2010@163.com | Hits:

[Other resource实现一个complex class.(数学里的复数)运算符的重载

Description: 实现一个complex class.(数学里的复数)运算符的重载
Platform: | Size: 5118 | Author: 596874489@qq.com | Hits:

[source in ebook运算符重载

Description: vc运算符重载,能对不同对象进行+,-,*,/等的运算-vc Operator, can be on different subjects such as arithmetic ,-,*,/
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 秦客 | Hits:

[Windows Develop重载运算符

Description: 包含运算符重载的几个算法。很不错哦!-contains Operator several algorithms. Very good!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王策 | Hits:


Description: 提取和插入运算符重载。一个有关VC++输入、输出流的程序,比较适合VC++初学者。以后我上传一系列这种类型的源程序供大家学习之用。-extraction and insertion Operator. One of the VC input and output streams procedure more suitable for beginners VC. After I uploaded a series of this type of source for all learning.
Platform: | Size: 238592 | Author: 李李 | Hits:


Description: 用C++实现运算符重载的例子,包含所有文件信息。-C achieve Operator example, the document contains all the information.
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: 赵阳 | Hits:


Description: 我自己编写的字符串类,可以实现一些简单的功能,如赋值、加法、字符串比较、下边运算符重载等!-myself prepared by the String class, can achieve some simple functions, such as assignment, Ghaffar, string comparison, Now, as Operator!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hedongty | Hits:


Description: 简单的运算符重载,c++环境下实现的,对于初学者比较有帮助-simple operator overloading, c environment to achieve, and for more help beginners
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 胡波 | Hits:


Description: 原创C++的matrix类,有许多运算符重载,很简单,但是好用,好看-Original C++ The matrix type, there are many operator overloading, it is simple, but easy to use, good-looking
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: junsun | Hits:


Description: 定义学生类Student,包含学生姓名、学号、3门或更多门课程的成绩以及对这些成员的操作; 2. 定义Student的对象数组,然后录入学生信息并显示到屏幕,同时保存到文件; 3. 从文件读取数据并查询、修改和统计学生成绩。 4. 在录入信息前要有提示信息。 5. 屏幕输出和文件存取时可使用>>、<<运算符重载或用I/O流对象引用作参数的成员函数实现。*/-The definition of categories of students Student, includes student name, school number, three or more courses as well as the accomplishments of these members of the operation 2. Definition Student object array, and then admission to student information and display to the screen, while preserving the documents 3. from the document read data and access, modify and statistics student achievement. 4. In the entry of information before the information should have prompted. 5. Screen output and documents may be used to access >>,<< operator overloading or I/O stream object reference for members of function parameters.* /
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王欣怡 | Hits:


Description: 我的实习作业,vc++ 6写的,一些小程序,如运算符重载,每句等等。-My internship operation, vc++ 6 written some small programs, such as operator overloading, and so every.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: cathy | Hits:


Description: 本书是作者在多年讲授C++语言的基础上编写的C++语言教学辅导书,目前为第3版。此次升级,广泛吸取了读者的反馈意见,补充了近年国内多所高校的考研试题。全书共10章,分别阐述了C++语言概要、类和对象、引用、友元、运算符重载、模板、继承和派生、多态性和虚函数、C++的I/O流库、异常处理等内容。每章先以本章的主要概念、使用语法和相应的程序实例入手,然后对与本章内容紧密相关的例题进行分析,包括单项选择题、填空题、简答题和编程题。每题不仅给出了参考答案,而且有较为详细的分析过程。本书可作为大专院校各专业C++语言程序设计课程的教学辅导书,也可以作为该课程的自学指导书,还可作为计算机水平考试和考研者的参考书。
Platform: | Size: 2925568 | Author: lb | Hits:


Description: 能理解C++中运算符重载的需要性,掌握运算符重载的方法,能使用常用几种运算符的重载操作。 -Can understand the C++ Operator overloading of the need to master operator overloaded methods, can use several commonly used to operate heavy-duty operator.
Platform: | Size: 752640 | Author: 徐琦 | Hits:

[Windows Developshijain

Description: 单目运算符“++”重载为成员函数形式。通过重载运算符的方式来计算并显示24小时制时间-Monocular operator "++" heavy-duty as a member function. Through the use of ordinary adder operator overloading approach to calculating and display 24-hour time
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 刘芳 | Hits:


Description: 定义一个向量类,重载运算符,完成向量的运算。(Define a vector class, overloading operator, complete the operation of the vector.)
Platform: | Size: 4704256 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develop运算符重载

Description: 1、设计一个用于人事管理的People(人员)类。考虑到通用性,这里只抽象出所有类型人员都具有的属性:number(编号)、sex(性别)、birthday(出生日期)、id(身份证号)等等。其中“出生日期”定义为一个“日期”类内嵌子对象。用成员函数实现对人员信息的录入和显示。要求包括:构造函数和析构函数、拷贝构造函数、内联成员函数、聚集。 2、对people类重载“==”运算符和“=”运算符,“==”运算符判断两个people类对象的id属性是否相等;“=”运算符实现people类对象的赋值操作。(Design a People (personnel) class for personnel management. In view of generality, only the properties of all types of people are abstracted: number (numbering), sex (sex), birthday (date of birth), ID (ID number) and so on. The "birth date" is defined as a "date" class embedded child object. Member function is used to input and display personnel information. The requirements include: constructor and destructor, copy constructor, inline member function, and aggregate)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sssyyyzzz | Hits:
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